• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Everyone's* Favorite Author | 2019 Hugo Award Winner** | Iced Ko-Fi, scalding glances


Good relationships are all about compromise. For example: Rarity likes massages, and Spike likes adventuring up giant magical beanstalks to fight giants.

This is gonna be one heck of a compromise.

Written for LtMajorDude for Jinglemas 2022!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Blessed are we who receive the works and words from the greatness of Bandy...

:pinkiehappy: Grease!

:facehoof: Mortgage again?

:moustache: We have a plushy...

:duck: We have a book...

:rainbowlaugh: You two can move in the Crystal Castle

:twilightoops: What about the tourists?

:moustache::raritywink: The Cloudsdale Plushy Museum?

For a second, when I first got the story, I thought Bendy was the one who did the story, lol.

But regardless, this was an interesting and funny read! Didn't expect a Jack and the Beanstalk scenario but I still liked it.

Thank you for the story~ :heart:
And glad that I made you write a Sparity story, hahahaha

And bonus points for using a Doorpapu image. Especially one from that canned comic he did.

lol beans! That's a very great picture!

You're a proper writer. Your characters are believable and enjoyable. Your dialogue and prose are the right types of compact. And it's a wonder when you'll breach beyond fanfiction.

You should write a 'behind the scenes' to your process.

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