• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Displaced · 7:13am Aug 14th, 2019

I can enjoy all the Displaced stories going around, but I kind of wonder how long it'll take for people to branch out more. Like, a displaced where someone arrives as a Pokemon in the Equestrian Wasteland from the Fallout: Equestria world. Or perhaps the world where humans are mindless animals and used as pets. Your Human and You, I think it was? Been quite a while since I've found any of those.

Report Draskos · 192 views ·
Comments ( 60 )
  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60

Hope you enjoyed the newest chapter, welcome to my readers on this story :twilightsmile:♡

Thanks for enjoying Black Feather!

Thanks for adding Those Forty Years to your bookshelf! Hope you enjoy~!

Thank you for the addition!

Thanks for the favorite on A Pup Named Fenrir!

  • Viewing 56 - 60 of 60
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