Everybody wants to put their hands on me <3
40 users follow Newt
Newt follows 50 users
The Places I Visit When I'm Bored85
Le tops
Friends have Issues Just because you're friends doesn't mean everything works out all fine and dandy. Soarin is going to learn that being a little more than friends brings new issues... many new issues. by Killbles 23,951 words · 247 · 14
I Loathe Having to Make My Literary Work Meet the Public's Taste Just how hard can it be to get your own story pubished? by McDronePone 4,966 words · 57 · 3
Desert Storm Soarin' and Braeburn look for something different in their lives by Some Person 31,728 words · 136 · 20
2136243 Ohh, don't mention it. I tend to follow random people when I'm bored xD
2136232 not much, just comin' round to say thanks for the follow. Wondering what I did to earn it.
2136230 Wazzup?
Ayee, don't mention it :3