• Member Since 28th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen April 6th

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Just a brony trying to trot on by...I suggest you move out the way.

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Probably Useless Info · 2:58am May 14th, 2017

I know I said I would get into this more, but I under estimated the pressure of writing with set deadlines.
When I give myself a deadline, and miss it, I get bummed out and forget about the writting entirely.

After that happening constantly, I became distant from this fandom for a few months.

However, with my Brony-versary passing, I feel that it's time I rejuvenate my love for the ponies and get back to this.

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  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41

*HeHe, Anti-Material Rifle go shoot-shoot.*

2923114 Far less range than my radioactive railgun! CHAKOOM, THROOM! * Railgun shot whizzes by and plucks of yer ear*

Sounds like a plan! By the way....what's the range on a Fat Man?

I don't know that one. Can we do it in Red Rock Canyon outside of New Vegas?

  • Viewing 37 - 41 of 41
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