• Member Since 28th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen April 6th

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Just a brony trying to trot on by...I suggest you move out the way.


When a spell goes wrong, the most controversial politician in recent history is taken away from his inauguration, to a world beyond reality. Angered that he lost his chance to lead the people that are with him %100, who are in fact the people, he vows he will lead the beings of this world. And he will do it the only way he knows how...
...Being himself.

(If anyone wants to submit a cover, that would be terrific. and I will pay the legal fees, believe me. No one gets cover art better then me, that I will tell you.)

(April 2019, I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this, but I lost the drive to write fairly quickly. I really don't think I'll ever pick up this story, but I hope to use what is written as something to look back on. I want to one day look back on this story, and hope to have many others to compare it to, see how far I've come.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

Being British, I have no idea how the Trump phenomenon started, and reading about his demeanor and campaign promises doesn't shed any light on the matter, either.

But I like the premise you've set, and barring a few grammar errors, I'll follow this story for now. :scootangel:

To be frank, (As an Hispanic-American myself) I'm not even sure how everyone here expected him to be President. Nor will I actually see him as President until he stops acting like his previous demeanor and starts being a leader.

7835985 Who was it who said "You'll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator?" Plato? Socrates? Lisa Simpson?

Whatever. All I know is, if reports are to believed, soon you'll have a wall to rival Hadrian's... and I'm not in the least bit jealous. :twistnerd: I mean, sometimes the Scots get on our nerves, but even we wouldn't classify them as all criminals and try to shut them out.

Okay, they can be a bit rowdy and frugal with their money, but THAT'S IT. Don't mention kilts... don't mention kilts :twilightblush:

Considering we as a country will go broke trying to build the wall by ourselves (No, Mexico will never fund the wall, despite what he said). I don't actually think it will ever become a reality simply due to the fact that a river (I'm not really good on geography so the name slips me) is too close to the Mexican border and the law specifically states the US cannot build an structure near a river. And thats not even counting the amount of problems that can go into building that. Besides, I would much rather have all that money go into something more believable than that.

It's not that I directly oppose it, it's just a waste of money to protect people from a nonexistent threat where people can simply come in by plane or boat. This is the modern era after all.

7835966 Being American let me try and explain the Trump phenomenon to you.

The trump phenomenon begins with the election of President Obama. While not the only factor at play a large part of the population viewed the election of a black man as the end of racism in America, when instead the tone of media became one of Obama overcoming endless discrimination in everything he did. Many on the right which criticized Obama's policies were met with accusations of being a secret racist.

The Obama administration is also blamed largely by the right for allowing ISIS to exist and become a multination organization. The right wing saw the leftist policies as conceding on everything all the time so as not to be seen as mean or insensitive. Obama administration's failings were seen as a result of political correctness. Obama was seen as going easy on the Islamic world and abandoning Israel to avoid offending Islam, for example. Obama avoids using the words terror and Islam in the same sentence.

So when the Republican primaries came up the right viewed many of the problem as a result of political correctness, both not letting them critic the administration and not allow us to identify our enemies. Nor were we allowed to talk about problems like illegal immigration because it might offend an illegal alien to be called illegal. So when Trump bombastically tossed political correctness to the side he gained a lot of instant support from the right. Because trump competed in the primary with a ridiculous number of other republican candidates he stood out and gain the momentum he needed to win the primary. His platforms are not that crazy for the Republicans (except for trade). He just did not state his policies like a politician. So the right initially resistant to the his approach came around and accepted his for his promises.

On the democratic side Clinton was chosen to be the nominee. The selection of Clinton was viewed as rigged among the democratic party, because despite the vote totals being close Clinton received about twice as many delegates as Sanders because of their parties super delegate system. This means Sanders needed to win ~70% of the vote to win the primary election.

By the time the election came around the the nation was numb to claims that trump was a racist or criticism for him not being politically correct. The left had been calling the right those names for the last 8 years. In fact not being politically correct was a good thing to the right which felt political correctness was a good thing. This means that Clintons attacks on Trumps character did very little to deter his base.

However, the democratic party mistrusted their own party because of the super delegates in the primary. So when Clinton scandals began pouring out of the woodworks, she was very vulnerable to attacks. Many moderates flipped to the trump side being numb to the narrative about Trump, but highly outraged about Clinton scandals. This highly fueled trumps anti-politician appeal.

To make the problems worse for Clinton, the media constantly stated that she could not loose. Clinton underestimated Trump because the far left was not immune to the crazy man rhetoric. Trump held about 8 times more rally than Clinton. All together this lead to a Trump win.

So in summary:
-Mistrust in existing political parties
-Backlash against political correctness
-8 years of repeating the same anti-right rhetoric made many immune to it.

I hope that answers you question.

7836098 also didnt help Clinton when she decided to insult 50% of the american public. calling a majority of Trump supporters as deplorable, which that is a fairly strong insult, was a huge nail in the coffin. they also had to figure out, thou they failed, how to assure the public that she wasnt simply a continuation of failed Bill Clinton and Barack Obama policies. she appeared as nothing more than a puppet that was easily manipulated and had no actual thought of her own. finally her and her parties out right hypocrisy during the entire election process. with Trump it was a "i dont care what you believe im going to tell you what i think and you are going to like it" vs Clinton "i am going to say one thing and act completely opposite to what i said" people are more adverse to hypocrites than flamboyancy

I kinda figured you weren't trying to place your political stance in this fanfic. :rainbowwild:

7836041 While I doubt Trump will do this, this is one way the wall can be built, and Mexico will pay for it all.

Legalize everything, then impose a 30% tariff on all narcotics.

A decent wall should only cost around 10 billion USD. The amount of income we'd make off the tariff would pay for the walls construction in just the first year alone.

Besides as long as drugs are illegal in the U.S. the wall will never work because there will be way to much profit incentive to get around it. If its cheaper for the cartels to move the drugs in legally they would pay a tax, rather then spending tens of millions of dollars on tunnels and submarines.

Also we can build next to rivers, that rule is for insurance reasons to keep from the government having to pay flood insurance :p I think we can make a wall water proof. Also Rio Grande isn't what it used to be, its barely even a stream in most places, and doesn't reach the ocean anymore. Due to the water shortages out west.

I'm looking forward to this!


Legalize everything

pulls out improvised explosive device with the nearest public schools name on it


7836190 Flamboyancy 9.999999999 times /10 ends in hilarity.

7836337 Thanks for the reminder to watch my wording :p

I hope it was at least well implied that I didn't mean everything, everything. Meant victim less crimes and such.

7836365 When I see an opportunity at something I find comical, I take it. Or build a wall around it. Either works.

This is quite a Surprise...(Not the political discussions/debate, that was expected before I even typed this story's up)...I honestly didn't expect the immediate attention, but am glad that so many people still find that humor can be a good way to approach issues.

I thank you for reading my half-assed story and hope you stick around.

Also, if anyone wants to help...I cant do a Pinkie Pie impression and would like some help writing her accurately.

7836098 Great read, and very incisive too. Cheers!

Who'd have thought bronies, e.g, you and others on this thread, would be so politically aware? That's the great thing about the fanbase... it never ceases to astound you. :twilightsmile:

7835985 To be frank (as an American who's mother's side came from Mexico) his election was neither a surprise nor unwelcome. Get out of the coastal cities and his support jumps. Even here in California, the ag areas where people actually have to work, it's not uncommon to see a MAGA hat on a field worker or to hear bakers tear apart the TPP. Good luck with finding coverage on that though.

7836003 Is that a shot at the working class?

7836876 Nah... just a bad attempt at humour. I apologise if you were offended. If there's one thing I don't want to get involved in a flame war over, it's politics. :twilightoops:

7836884 Not offended, it sounded like the opening to a joke about the media I heard.

7836906 I don't think the media needs any more jokes told about it, everyone sees how much they misjudged the mood of the nation (both in the US election, and Brexit). Let's see if this flow of right wing populism extends into 2017. Can't wait... :twistnerd:

7836342 You forgot to dig a moat around the ocean to keep the sirens at bay...

This can only end poorly. Sunbutt isn't decisive enough to banish him to the sun on contact.

7836915 Gonna have to disagree with you on that one. The media (in the U.S.) is unique in that it is quite possibly the only field that has zero accountability. Bakers, doctors, plumbers, lawyers, babysitters, accountants, ag workers, you name it. If you mess up at your job in America (maliciously or not), there's an oversight organization there to make sure you pay for it, and for everyone to know you paid for it.
Unless of course your career is in the media.

7836931 But she couldn't figure out how to get Luna a therapist before she went Nightmare Moon. Or how to be helpful. Or how to do anything but eat cake and be a troll. Besides she can't send Trump to the sun, he already built a wall no one can banish over around it.


He came to be a phenomenon because the media wouldn't shut up about him. If he as so much passed gas at a funeral, the media would blow it up "TRUMP SEVERELY DISRESPECTS ALL DECEASED FAMILY MEMBERS OF THE LIVING, TEABAG FARTING ON THEIR GRAVES!!!! HE IS LITERALLY HITLER!!!!"

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