A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)
There is nothing as liberating, or terrifying, as a blank page.
TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous
I enjoy memes and hating myself to the point where people in my vicinity get concerned.
Just an aspiring writer. Not really anything special.
Watched the show. Joined the herd. Ponies on the mind. Veteran fanfic writer. ProfileArt provided by CoutnessMRose: https://www.deviantart.com/countessmrose/art/The-Well-859294420
“It’s terribly dangerous for an artist to fulfill other peoples’ expectations. They produce their worst work when they do that.” - David Bowie
A paragon of virtue, role model, professional writer and a liar.
"A story is not a machine that does what you tell it. A story is a beast with a life of its own" - Alan Wake
Because "fantasy erotica" sounds better than "cartoon horse porn."
Where you come from can say a lot more about you than where you are...
Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"
a home-grown australian who embraced being a member of the fandom 2 days before joining. Willingly delved into the fandom whole-heartedly and has never looked back
Really, don't have much to say, I'm not a professional far from, I just like writing and the MLP universe is a good place to base stories around
Convention vendor, compulsive writer. I have a Patreon for monthly bills and a KoFi for tips.
I've been writing for about 15 years now, and if there's one thing I want, it's to whisk my readers away into another world, where they can lose themselves in the fantasy.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, take my advice. Pull down your pants and slide on the ice." ~ Dr. Sidney Freedman, M*A*S*H S3 Ep5
We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.
Author and Antique Restorer! https://ko-fi.com/elbowdeepinahorse
The Young Six are a blessing to this very earth
I like to write bizarre and cloppy things on a whim. Forgive me.
Writer of RariTwi crossovers, RariTwi almost crossovers, and weird one-shots.
Somedays, I sit, looking at the stars. I muse and wonder. I meditate and reflect. And I find the miracle in a new day of life. Especially since I swallowed so much glass the day before.
"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever
Having fun by taking silly cartoon ponies way too seriously.
Pineapple Love. Beloved Mare. Follow me on Discord: Godfrog#4197 Support me on: My patreon https://ko-fi.com/nailah