• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

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Found 14 stories in 21ms

Total Words: 30,552
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There were many things Shining Armor was expecting when he got home from visiting Twilight. Seeing his daughter getting thrown out his bedroom wasn't one of them.
Things only escalate from there.

Preread by: Skeeter The Lurker
Cover art by: Glacierclear

Chapters (1)

Twilight goes over an incident report involving Trixie and a stallion.

Chapters (1)

 Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.
Cover art by: Hioshiru
Edited and preread by: Not Enough Coffee and Makuta
Flash Request: 2

Chapters (1)

When travelling around Equestria, it’s smart to not wander off from your human friend.

Edited by: Shakespearicles and Skeeter The Lurker
Short Request: 1

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight Sparkle takes in her new student.
It doesn't get awkward at all.

Edited by: SolidFire, mikemeiers and Shakespearicles
Preread by: Skeeter The Lurker
Cover art by: Toroitimu

Request Number: 002

Chapters (1)

When a snowstorm ends the fun of three kids, they all decide to head home and bundle up for the evening. Of course for Sweetie Belle, she doesn't want her time to end with her boyfriend Rumble and she promptly invites him over to her place. He agrees and they end up both sharing a tender moment by the fireplace.

Edited by: The Abyss, SolidFire, Mikemeiers, and Shadowflash

Gift for Shadowflash

Why is there no cute tag on this site?

Chapters (1)

Artists suffer from many things, one of which is a mental block that disrupts and makes them second guess their work. For Octavia, she starts developing such music blocks that causes her to quickly fall into depression and turn to cigarettes and wine to ease her pain. Sometimes though, all it really takes is a friend to hear out ones problems. Thankfully, Octavia is fortunate to have such a friend and when her housemate, Vinyl checks up on her, she happily listens to Octavia's frustrations.

Edited and preread by: SolidFire, The Abyss, and Skeeter The Lurker

Chapters (1)

Octavia loves being the center of attention when it comes to large crowds. Though her day started out innocently enough, she tries to earn the stare of a stallion passing by but quickly finds her efforts being watched by others. One would be surprised to what a simple tootsie pop and an adventurous tongue can do and wanting to give her audience a proper show, she makes it one to remember.

Edited and preread by: Shadowflash and SolidFire

Chapters (1)

Disgraced. Dethroned. Unwanted by her own parents. These are just the few things that describe the former queen of the changelings. For Chrysalis, the only thing she can properly call herself is desperate, hungry, and lonely. Fortunately for her, she isn’t fully alone. Fortunately for her, she carries the unwanted offspring from a pony that sent her hurling across Equestria with a blinding light. Though she has nothing left to live for, she reluctantly chooses to raise the child once it’s born. The only question is, does she have enough strength to deliver it?

Edited by: Sorren, SolidFire, and Mikemeiers

Chapters (1)