• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous


 Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.
Cover art by: Hioshiru
Edited and preread by: Not Enough Coffee and Makuta
Flash Request: 2

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

That's so bloody cute :rainbowkiss: Thank you for writing it!

this lacks unicorn supremacist tig ol' crotch bitties?:ajbemused:

This story is as amusing to me as the author’s name

“I’ll give you fifteen seconds,” Celestia said as Anon bit into the donut.

Uh huh. You say that now.:ajsmug:

Fifteen minutes later…

Yup. Called it.:raritywink:

"I didn't say stop," Celestia replied quickly, her ears twitching in response.

Anon needs to cut her off before it becomes an addiction.:pinkiecrazy:

All in all cuteness abound. Then again, we're talking about fluffy ponies. Not just ponies. Fluffy ponies. Fluffy. Ponies. The very idea is adorabetes incarnate.:rainbowkiss:

It was indeed fun to write, thanks for requesting it!


Why is this complete if the only chapter is titled "Step 1"?


Why is this complete if the only chapter is titled "Step 1"?



I could be persuaded to write the next steps. :duck:

How much do I owe ya?

Edit: the sequel would have to involve Luna, or perhaps escalate till Anon scritches all the royal pony ears.

Molest them ears!

you didnt even mark this as mature, you filth

I am pretty sure I sold that ages ago. Kek.

Oh this is a femanon story, would’ve been a nice heads up in the description


Being stuck in Equestria isn’t as bad as you would think. The creatures are friendly, the atmosphere is great, and even the rulers of the Equestria themselves are very welcoming. Naturally some people feel the need to test just how welcoming certain rulers are, and very fluffy ears are such a tempting target…
Oh, before I forget, Anon is indeed a woman in this fic.

I mean, it was clearly in the description. :ajsmug:

LOL XD, I missed it too until just now

My eyes stopped reading after the triple periods and I just dived into the story without a parachute

Looking great , only wish it were continued.

Step 2: Profit


Expecting bronies to thoroughly read the description before the story? Do you know where you are?

This story is adorable. I might change one or two bits, but it's still adorable.

Wow, I mean I'm used to reading your clop, but ear scritches? Really? I had no idea even you could delve into such lewdness.

"If it's easier for you, you can lean your head against my chest so I can really scritch behind your ears."

"Are you sure that's wise?" Celestia asked.

"Don't worry, we are both grown women," Anon replied as she cupped her hands against Celestia's cheeks, before pulling her face into her bosom.

person lady boobs?


Also bat floof is best

Wholesome ♡ More petting and cuddels and this chapter would be a perfect lullyby to fall asleep to :rainbowkiss:

The cuteness is indeed up there in this story. I love how anon describes the world she is in. Also anyone who has animals should go give their ears a good rub... they deserve it and so do you

Now where have I seen this before? Oh wait, I remember!


Expecting bronies people to thoroughly read the description before the story? Do you know where you are?

Oddly enough the requester specifically asked me to write this story as a ponified version of that. It's mainly why I took the request in the first place.

Ear scritches are best things.

I would scritch Twilight’s ears until my fingers can’t move. :rainbowkiss:


Scratching Celestia's ears? Goddamn it... I want to do that! Life is unfair :raritycry:

... nice story though :raritywink:

Itchie ears, their the worst, hooves just cannot reach places where fingers clearly can...

Certainly a cute story, I must admit.

Never really focus much on the ears except as an expressive tool; to see Our Supreme Sunbutt get the royal treatment here was a joy to read.

Here's to many more cute ships like this.

Took me a few days to come down off the sugar high this much sweet wholesomeness gave me to properly comment something other than incoherent babbling. 9/10, would reccomend, needs a batpony for maxmum floofage.

I see someone was inspired by a certain Hazbin Hotel comic...

This was adorable I love it! You should totally do a sequel...:raritystarry: perhaps Luna will get jealous enough that...nightmare Moon demands ear scritches!!!!!!:trollestia:

Fluffy ears are the best. My parents got a puppy last year, and her ears are just the softest white fluff I have ever seen. Just thinking about her gives me warm shivers.

Okay this right here was extremely adorable. My cheeks started hurting from the Pinkie level smiling it had me doing. Thank you for this wholesome goodness.

Luna will fall in time. They all will...

Oh, a Celestia and anon fic? Love these. I shall read this when I get the time to.

Thank you, author. Hope you are doing well. :moustache:


Huzzah! The ear rubs have been doubled!

Most ponies don't realize this but hands are human magic. A frightfully powerful thing that nopony will suspect until those spindly digits are placed upon them. Of course, it's too late then, their siren-call of bliss washing away thoughts of anything but more scritches and heavenly strokes. Rendering even the most powerful of alicorns weak in the knees and only wanting continued attention. However, the most devastating human skill would be the dreaded... belly rubs. Those who have witnessed such only speak of it in heated hushed breaths.

Comment posted by Perpetually Confused deleted Aug 4th, 2020


Most ponies don't realize this but hands are human magic

They'll make you blow yourself all over the place:rainbowwild:

Hes either sleeping or dead but either way I don’t have the heart to move him

Adorable story!

Anyone else remember back in Season 1 episode 11 where Spike told the audience that Unicorn's controlled the weather in Canterlot? I thought I would give it a subtle nod in this story.

Yep! That's exactly what I thought of as soon as you mentioned "by unicorns". Thank you for the reminder of better times.

Luna's reaction was priceless, and Anon's shameless response was perfect.

I love it, but now I am disappointed that there is not more to this.

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