• Member Since 12th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I can't think of a good bullshit quote that doesn't sound like a 12 year old wrote it. Have a Fluttershy as an apology. :yay:

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The Rain has been read! · 11:31pm Feb 12th, 2020

My newest oneshot, The Rain, has received a cover reading! Made by Quinch/Poniverse, it is a fantastic reading and I am so proud of it! Go show him some love and listen to it, it's a great addition to the fic and his voice really brings out that smooth lull that The Rain is intended to evoke! It is amazing that I've

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Report Armyidiot · 234 views · Story: The Rain ·
Comments ( 53 )
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It's good to know what I'm reading about.
And look, I have some double shelves.
... I think I have enough reading material to last two lifetimes.

Thank you for enjoying Breaking A Flutterbat. If there are any ships you want to see more of, don't hesitate to ask.

Why yes, not you?
it has. You're welcome

I always felt TCB had potential, but it was lost in the "evil but incompetent alien invaders verses the flawed but totally badass humans" shuffle. Which I felt a shame since there's PLENTY of room for drama and tragedy WITHOUT making the ponies all be out of character invaders! I'll admit some stories I wrote were better than others.

Not a problem. A very interesting take on the Conversion Bureau, and one I found highly entertaining and illuminating.

  • Viewing 49 - 53 of 53
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