For some ponies, a party is the highlight of the week.
For Wonderbolts, it's their downtime.
Very slice-of-life. Like, seriously, nothing happens, it's just nice hanging out.
The Golden Crane flies for Tarmon Gai'don.
Found 24 stories in 51ms
Total Words: 202,736
Estimated Reading: 13 hours
For some ponies, a party is the highlight of the week.
For Wonderbolts, it's their downtime.
Very slice-of-life. Like, seriously, nothing happens, it's just nice hanging out.
We're going Hearth's Warming shopping.
Written for RedHoodie21 for Jinglemas 2024. Happy Hearth's Warming!
Two strangers wake up in bed together and it’s all downhill from there.
Written for the dialogue-only contest several months after it finished.
With thanks to NaiadSagaIotaOar and Amber Dread for prereading.
Cover art by imdrunkontea.
Cinder Glow builds a guitar.
One little detail of canon altered, making this very slightly AU.
Written for Admiral Biscuit for Jinglemas 2022.
Some ponies ruin Hearth's Warming by burning dinner or spilling cocoa on the carpet.
Sunset Shimmer ruins it by getting you both banished to the Saddle Arabian desert.
Preread by NaiadSagaIotaOar.
Written for herfaithfulstudent for Jinglemas 2021.
Trixie needs to learn how to command the stage and dazzle her audience if she’s to front her own travelling magic show after finishing school. The Wonderbolts, who sell out whole stadiums with their spectacular shows, offer work experience placements to schoolfillies Trixie’s age. There is exactly one problem with this plan.
Proofread at the very last minute by NaiadSagaIotaOar.
This was written for DrakeyC as a part of Jinglemas 2020.
That said, it's not massively focused on Hearth's Warming, so can hopefully be enjoyed all year round.
Everyone told Sweetie Belle that Adagio was manipulative, dangerous, and willing to make others suffer to further her own agenda. But they also all agreed her voice had been magnificent.
Sweetie Belle has lots of great friendship role models already. What she really needs is a singing teacher.
Written for the May Pairing Contest.
Artwork by sumin6301.
Proofread by NaiadSagaIotaOar.
Somepony asks Pinkie Pie a stupid question about mental health. So she gives them a stupid answer.
A crossover with Neon Genesis Evangelion, for which it contains very large spoilers. Probably more wholesome than you'd guess from the tags or the title.
Artwork, as you already guessed, by uotapo. Proofread by NaiadSagaIotaOar.
Applejack is writing student report cards. The guidelines say to be positive. Her heart says to be honest. One or the other would be simple enough. But both at once...?
This was written in an hour for GaPJaxie's Quills & Sofas Speedwriting Competition, for the prompt 'Technically not terrible.'
Thanks to NaiadSagaIotaOar for reading this through and to horizon for pointing out some issues with it.
The original submission was 817 words, so I spent another 20 minutes today adding a bit more to it to bring it up to publishable length and address some of horizon's concerns.