• Member Since 17th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


I write a variety of stories in different styles.My Patreon Page


It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology.

Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be.

Part of the Pandemic Universe

Cover art by Little Tigress

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Pandemic: Monsters We Make

Hi, I'm Jess, or you can call me Doctor Middleton (not a medical doctor, but a doctor of math and physics). When I was a newborn baby, I was changed from a human to a pony, which likely saved my life. When I was six years old, I was changed back to a human, which also likely saved my life. I'm nothing but grateful for both of those changes.

However, when they changed me back to human, it wasn't completely thorough, and now people stare at my ears, furry legs, and tail, and it's all they can talk about. They whisper behind my back about 'The Partial'. I'm literally one of the most intelligent people on the planet, but instead of talking about my accomplishments, they want to know things like do I eat hay, do I have a human period or a pony period, and if I'm attracted to ponies or humans. I could probably cure cancer, end world hunger, or invent light-speed travel, and they'd still be asking about my biology before anything else (no, I've done none of those things yet, but I have high hopes I'll accomplish something!).

So, yeah, here is my life as an anthropomorphic whatever. Where I can spend time detailing the effect of dark energy on gravitational forces, and people will still be more concerned that I ate oatmeal for breakfast instead of bacon.

Now, life is getting even more complicated, as I'm trying to balance dealing with dream gods, ancient alien civilizations, strange artifacts haunted dolls, and, worst of all, relationships.

Rated teen for mild language, discussion of child neglect, mention of narcotic use, and sexually suggestive language.

Part of the Pandemic Universe.

Tags: Profanity for cussing, sex for sexually suggestive content and situations but there are no sex scenes. Narcotics for smoking and alcohol.

Cover art by CrimsonRose97

Chapters (49)

Before there was Queen Haven, there was Princess Haven, and the young princess, like many coming into adulthood, questioned the brightness and justice of the decisions of their elders. When Princess Haven learns that the history her teachers taught her might not be entirely accurate, she goes seeking answers for herself.

Every pony has an origin. This is Queen Haven's.

Chapters (12)

The Portsmith family is a regular American family living in Denver in 1986. Life is hard, but it is about to get harder when they find themselves hunted by something that is not of this Earth.

Tag explanation: A few scenes of extreme violence. One of the characters is a smoker, so tagging narcotics—some occasional swearing, but nothing too heavy.

Chapters (44)

Hitch and Sunny look at an old window and contemplate the legacy of Twilight Sparkle.

Warning: Movie Spoilers!

Note: I have a cover art piece for this but didn't include it because I felt it was spoilers.

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow is a unicorn who has pride in her work, friends that care for her, and every reason to be happy. There are a few factors in her life that keep her wondering if she is doing what she should. No longer content to allow those things to control her life, she seeks an audience with Celestia, so she can finally find freedom.

The story is part of the Pandemic AU, but does not require prior knowledge of that universe.

Editors: flutterJackdash, Lawra

Chapters (1)

For many long years, Twilight Sparkle worked to try to reform Cozy Glow. She'd be released from her stone prison periodically for a new reformation attempt, and she'd inevitably end up trying to conquer Equestria again. Being turned into a statue became a regular habit for her over the years. There were always more chances to conquer Equestria, always another attempt to reform her, and she wasn't aware of the passage of time each period she was committed to her prison.

Until one day, she was released again—only to find no one was there.

Cover Art by Shaslan

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Quantum Leap Forward

Silver Spoon never expected her life to go this way as a filly, but she was happy with how it turned out. She had a good career, a loving wife, and good friends. Teaching at Ponyville Elementary was a job she loved, and like all good teachers, she cared deeply for the needs of all her students. But sometimes that attachment can grow to something more, and for one student, she is willing to do whatever it takes to see he has a loving home, even if that means bringing him into hers.

Cover art by Mix-up
Logo by Cosmic Eclipse

editors: Javarod, Lawra

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Pandemic: Monsters We Make

Sunset Blessing was a mare with a dark history. She had risen to great power and prominence, and it had all come falling down. She wanted nothing else but to withdraw from the world, sure that she had only done it harm.

It was a shock to get a call saying she had been appointed guardian of five foals she had never met before. In doing so, she might help them build a new life, and they might bring life back to her.

This story takes place on a near-future Earth, where over five-hundred million people have been transformed into ponies by a magical pandemic.

Tags: Death and Sad because of deaths that happened before the story, leaving the foals orphans and the main character a widow, not because of any deaths in the story. There is some infrequent cussing.

Short universe background information is provided in the author's notes of the first chapter.

Part of the Pandemic Universe. Note, this AU existed under this title before the actual current pandemic happened.

Cover art by: Mix-up

editors: Javarod, Lawra

Chapters (91)

This story is a sequel to Pandemic: Starting Over

I'm Rebecca, Rebecca Riddle, though some people teasingly call me the Marshmallow-- because I'm kind of pleasantly plump. If you met me on the street, you wouldn't think too much about it. I'm just your ordinary college freshman human-turned-pegasus, in a world of both humans and ponies. I dance to music, love to draw, write stories, and play my kazoo, nothing out of the ordinary at all.

But I lead a double life that only a few know about. It is hard trying to keep the two parts of my life separated. By day I'm Rebecca Riddle, but when I sleep at night, I'm something much more, something beyond comprehension; but awake or asleep, I always try to keep smiling-- even when it is tough to smile.

Short universe background information is provided in the author's notes of the first chapter.

A solo title in Pandemic Series. Note, this AU existed before the actual real-life pandemic happened.

Art done by friend who has no art page to link.

Chapters (128)