It is 2058, years after millions of humans on Earth were transformed into ponies, and contact with Equestria via an extra-dimensional portal was established. An entire generation has grown up with humans and ponies sharing the world and magic being as ordinary as technology.
Turnip Jones was born on a small farm on Earth but has always dreamed of being more than a farmer. Now, he is getting his opportunity to prove that he can be a great mage by attending Celestia's School of Magic in Canterlot. However, the school may not be what he expected it to be.
Part of the Pandemic Universe
Cover art by Little Tigress
I think there should be more slice of life in The Pandemic universe
More Of the average newly transformed ponies just going about and adapting to life
Ehhhh...i dont like this guy already
I see a lot of potential in everyone already
Yeah sure
But honestly that was just rude what that person did to you
But hey! Who knows what is gonna happen
im gonna make sure that headmaster either calms down or else
Oh they do
It's just subtle
And im not talking just the ones that you can see
Everyone has magic
Its called imagination magic
Its Harmonic magic
Um, Shouldnt this be Psychic Calm? Physic is medical alchemist, hedge witch, chirgeon type occupation?
Why do I have this feeling that Headmaster is Discord enjoying himself as a cross between Gandalf/Dumbledore, and Sir Alan Sugar?
Enter, The Dragons Den.
Especially given the unique item from The Dragons Hoard.
As for just how high a level human magical imagination can go?
Heeeeers Pinkie.
Oh i like headmaster he is going to shake things up a hole lot.
it is going to be interesting to see how this story forms up and plays out.
Fixed, thanks for catch.
a interesting chapter. i would say this is a good story builder.
Very intresting behaviour on the part of the Headmaster.
Ahh, the dichotomy of leadership. Hear Everything, Know Nothing.
It keeps them guessing, and the paranoia makes them make mistakes more easily and often.
As for Turnip wanting to do Magic as an Earth Pony? Looks like hes going to need Advanced lessons from Professor Zecora. Oh boy, is there weird stuff down in self assembling biphasic mixtures even bfore you add in energetics and particulates. I mean, Microwave stripline Runes are bad enough, but when youre using ruby dust to mix and match optical, microwave runes,a nd organic conductors in a three dimentional structure or even time dependant, youre mixing with the big powers. And thats just the stuff Ive heard of on Earth.
Shouldn't the story teaser say "...years after [cataclysmic event], X, Y, and Z are now normal", instead of saying "before", like it is currently?
There was a typo, but it was that there should have been a comma after before. Still, I'll just change it to after for better clarity.
He seems...worrying
Lets keep an eye on him
do hope the storytellers can help
Wait, how would adding a comma change that it says "[date], years before a cataclysm, ..." into meaning 'after the cataclysm, X happened'? Whatever, I'm glad I helped you slightly.
"Years before, millions of people..." Years before in this case is a phrase used as a time adverb. It is saying that what is happening in the following clause happened "years before". Just like someone might say "previously" only "years before" is slightly more descriptive. The comma is essential, as without it, the entire meaning is reversed.
Ah, right, thanks
Kirin are awesome!
True i mean I've read words of power
Kirin gone angry arent fun
You know?
I think she could use other worlds to help her
Lets see here dj? No, Nyx? No
We'll see in a bit
He forgot the flat lens glasses that reflect the light when he pushes them back when speaking?
You'd be suprised Bright
Also yes summer and YES some people aren't happy with it at times
But i also agree that We need to work on making sure the food we eat is killed humanely
It makes it taste better anyways!
Reaaaally dont like this guy
He's like blaming EVERYONE for something they have no control over
Was celestia REALLY that angry?
That is Sneaky.
This like starting first year on a Phd course at university and they expect you to remember ALL 4 pages of calculus formula cheatsheets. And youre not even taking maths.
rules this is going to be a interesting year.
okay this story is growing on me.
puts on bracelet
Oh cool
a small supernova like light can be seen from orbit
I honestly suspect that Professor Newmans job back on Earth, was Bomb Disposal.
a vary interesting chapter.
What would be intresting if Equestria didnt have imaginary numbers as such, because they culd see and use them just like the Apple Numbers, that which were discovered first by picking up, and so they extended the number space by doing things like 3!14159 might be the equivalen of what we would call Pi i? And the inverse exclamation mark would be the negated space the same way we use a base full stop decimal point to seperate the integers from the kess than ine decimal representation?
which would result in a cleaner and more compact version of the complex and quaternion representations I tried working on many years ago for a 4 bit calculator. Something about e,i,j,l generalised real octoniion space needing 4 extention symbols, maybe in quarter float to bypass explicit point and negation representaitons?
I really shouldnt try thinking maths when half asleep. I keep breaking things.
Very nice chapter.
People immune to ets?
This could use research!
Currently, unless and until stated explicitly otherwise, Im going to consider the Headmaster as a certain Equestrian super powerful entity who doesnt want to cause death, destruction or trauma.
If you consider such a list of available entities, he would be pretty much at the head of the queue?
To build structures capable of handling a tiny fraction of that kind of power without melting its surroundings means not just placing atoms correctly, which humans have heavy engineering specilising in, but nudged patterns of atoms which is so ficcult to do reliably its only used in critical parts of CPU construction. And maybe some other extremely esoteric particle research and high energy physics.
i see Neighsay is still sticking his nose were it does not belong.
but he is a raging asshole with a bigger dick attached.
really liking this story .
...that aint good
Well then
Discord would be very likely but who knows?
Humans wouldve been all 6th Day with that level of Magic, if only to duplicate the effects in tech to avoid magical contamination?
Neighsay is poking at a vary large bee-nest, this is going to be good when the bee's get pissed and smack him down hard.
Very nice chapter, loving this story.
Well then
Sorry to hear that wild
So shimmerists huh?
...i am a shimmerist as well
Sometimes a pony is better because they cuter!
The biggest problem tyranical dictatorships have, is when they actually succeed at getting the totality of peaceful quiet and hardworking civilians they claimm they want.
Theres noone they can get off torturing for breaking the law, so they have to constantly increase teh peculiarities of the laws so they get broken.
Eventually theyre foaming at teh mouth demanding the peasants revolt so they can gleefully slaughter them, then complain when the abused army turns round, supports the peasants, and the leadership gets executed. Then to miss out on the resulting conflict.
What actually happens is this: dictators must be constantly wary of any potential rival emerging, specially from the military. So they promote their ministers favoring loyalty over competence and playing power games with them, enforcing rivalry over cooperation. And of course said ministers do the same with their own subordinates.
Unsurprisingly the resulting system is a mess with several agencies undercutting each other; officers backstab their equals, kick down their inferiors and try to look good before their superiors.
Meanwhile, the commoners are abused and often have to endure the result of incompetent policies from a government they are not allowed to criticize in any way. So they must be constantly monitored and repressed to avoid protests and uprisings. And the only way for the dictator to keep plebs down is to point fingers at an enemy, real or imagined, to justify any measure under the guise of protecting the country.
Meaning? unending conflict.
I wonder how much of an understatement the prior unpleasantness was.
I wonder just how good the samping fields, structures and spells are on Canterlot city to prevent vibrational stresses building up from increasing Earth Pony activity and other such repetative heavy industry?
Torch or equivalent is someone you really dont want dropping in unannounced.
you shimmerists?
Well you'd be surprised!
Welcome to earth rocky
Population before the Pandemic Event?: 7.8 BILLION
thats BILLION with a "B"
And given the ages of the CMC, the last bit wasnt ominous given Dashs age at all, never mind why would such a magic effect have such consequences?
Oooh, a puzzle!
The Headmaster is now played by Richard Picardo?
I dont think the quote is Road Best Traveled Least?
I think his cutie mark stand for read between the lines