• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Sharman Pierce


The trip was supposed to be simple: a few weeks sailing to deliver family spices to a new buyer, a quick vacation, and back to the plantation. One mysterious, and coveted, box turned Cold Snap's chance to prove himself into a desperate struggle to survive on the wild seas at the mercy of a captain that sailors feared to whisper of, if they even believed he existed.

Others want that box, and the only thing keeping Snap and his friend alive is a ship so unnatural it had to be created by demons. Everything he thought he knew about the world's past is shattered in a game of cat and mouse to see who cracks the box's mystery first.

Unable to back out, and finding himself not eager to do so anyway, Snap throws his lot in with the peculiar Captain Gideon, who harbors more than a few secrets about his ship and himself.

Chapters (24)
Comments ( 82 )

Just a couple paragraphs and I'm already hooked.

A beast of iron. One who dreads nought that which the sea or sailor alike can bring to bare upon her...

Very well, you have my attention.

This leaves me with but one question... do you see torpedo boats?

Hmmm, the picture that you used... It's the Borodino-class Pre-Drednought Battleship of the Imperial Russian Navy.

Huh. Didn't know that. For some reason, I assumed it was of Roosevelt's Great White Fleet ships.

This gets better with every chapter, and it was already good

More important question, did we manage to lose the Kamchatka?

The Author only shrugged in response. "Are you saying the world doesn't need properly dimensioned CAD files of obsolete heavy machine guns?"

A valid point. :ajsmug:

Also, I fully know it's wordplay...but I gotta be pedantic still and point out that "carpet diem" would literally translate to "carpet day." Which, amusingly, still seems to fit, so how about that. :rainbowlaugh:

A mystery indeed, though darn if I have any good theories for it currently.

"What?" the Author said. "What am I supposed to appreciate about this stupid holiday? Diabetic gluttony? Celebrating an event so far removed from its original purpose that they have nothing in common?"

I mean...you're admittedly not wrong. :rainbowlaugh:

Is the only reason why this has a human tag cuz of the 1800s ship?

I'm gonna assume it has something to do with the Bermuda triangle. They found a human ship in the area and now are searching for other human artifacts.

Does this fic, only have the human tag because the characters within have access to a ship made by humans?

Currently, I'm assuming that answering that question now would spoil a key element of the story...but I'm not its writer.

I'm assuming some or all of the Rose's command/engine crew are isekai'd humans, but that's admittedly just that: an assumption.

I don't see descriptions of humans?

So I take it Captain Gideon is a pirate ghost?

I see the cover art and am intrigued. What ship is it?

I'm told by those more knowledgeable than I that it is an Imperial Russian Borodino-class Pre-Dreadnought. I just thought it looked cool.

Hmm, as a naval history enthusiast, I'll have to investigate.

The mystery continues to deepen. It doesn't help that one does feel like the answers are right there in front of you, but because we're seeing them through Cold Snap's eyes, who's not knowledgeable enough to recognize everything he sees on this ship for what it is, those answers remain just out of grasp.

"Typically at one AM when I should be sleeping."

You're a true writer then. :trollestia:

I really need to comment more often on the story than these author notes, because the story's seriously great too and it needs the attention...but darn it, you also make these author notes so much fun on top of it all. :rainbowlaugh:

... the accent is pretty accurate, all things considered.

He definitely had no reason trying to give himself a crash course on burglarizing.

Particularly as, if the chapter title suggests anything, it's not going to be a very good crash course.

“Tell me, Cold Snap, are you familiar with a creature called ‘Man’?”

Aaaaaaaand that's where THAT particular tag fits into all of this. :ajsmug:

(And if this author’s note looks deranged in any way. I was up again at 1AM writing this.)

Well, no more than usual. :trollestia:

Why didn't you respond to my comment?

All will be revealed in time, young grasshopper.

I do wonder how he had a rather large island? That will be interesting to explore later

Perhaps there was enough room for Mans to exist too.

I know Cold Snap doesn't know better...but I'm having to hold back the little grammarian in me that wants to correct that little bit of unknowing bad grammar. :rainbowlaugh:

...their sciences (composed entirely of euphoric drugs and flammables, probably not a good mix with the trees)...

Well, they got that part right. :trollestia:

"Though I can promise you that she will never fall in battle.”

Not unless someone in their world discovers the novelty that is air superiority, but that's another topic.

The smaller of the two looked exactly like a board with a barrel stuck on top. It was crude, but he could recognize the inspiration of the Yellow Rose’s turrets. The other… well, it was vaguely ship-like if he could look past all the angles. It had a smoke stack just like Captain Gideon’s vessel, and it floated. Truthfully, it floated better than its adversary. It didn’t change the fact that it looked like a lumbering beast in the water.

I don't know if it was the intended inspiration, but I immediately thought of this historical picture, the battle between the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia:

"Unfortunately, this publishing house is a business venture."

"It is? Then why ain't I getting paid?"

"You are our tax deduction."

That made the Author loose focus for a few precious seconds. "Fair enough."


Bloody amazing. Also, I hope this project isn’t being too stressful for you. Make sure to take care of yourself! Hope you’re having a great day.

It seemed awfully peculiar that he would begin an undertaking like the Rose on a whim.

It does, actually. It doesn't help that Gideon has this Captain Nemo kind of vibe to him, and Nemo most certainly had an underlying motive and agenda to doing what he did with his own creations, so...

“So it begins."

Indeed. :trixieshiftright:

"The flames consumed nothing, yet were everywhere."
Sounds like a metaphor for radiation, but why would a simple plantation-pony dream of something he's never heard of?

“You’ve studied the mechanical arts? Because in every tribe, tongue, and nation, there’s a common flaw regarding revolutionary innovations: magic. So many incredible possibilities are lost simply because magic can do more and faster. Take steam. It’s infinitely flexible and can power almost anything.

This actually happened in human history, the Roman empire discovered steam power, but did not pursue it because they had slaves that did everything steam power did.

His other claw opened up that silver disk. Snap could see a thin rod tracing a circular path across angular symbols that looked like they had been carved in gold.

You know, pocketwatches do canonically exist in Equestria (for that matter so do wristwatches, but they're less common), so Snap should know full well what that is.

Nebula grimaced, then cocked his head. “Hey, when did you burn your mane?”


Never saw the point of doing more than one draft. Seemed like a ridiculous waste of time if you planned correctly.

It depends entirely on the personal style of the writer in question, as some have more use for them as a means of refining their writing. It can also depend on how you define "draft"--technically speaking, writing it out then going back and correcting any missed errors can be termed as a "second" draft, as it's arguably not the same as the initial "draft" you originally wrote.

Well, in fairness too, the Roman Empire's steam power was still very infant and unrefined, and thus limited in capability. Their empire fell before they had the chance to really advance any further beyond that and the political turmoil that followed ensured such advancement didn't continue until much later.

Had the Roman Empire not fallen when it did, it may have embraced steam power eventually, changing the playing field centuries earlier than it did.

True. Though this story is supposed to be set prior to the Equestrian Diarchy. It is feasible for pocketwatches to be an aristocratic rarity. Also, its hinted, though never quite said, that Snap comes from a region that is slightly backwards from Equestria proper. Not unbelievable that he doesn't recognize it. Of course, this is a blatant cover up of me missing details.

So Snap accidentally bound himself to a..... phylactery? matrix upload beacon? Claymore Roomba control unit? Nu-age health fad crystal that somehow actually does something?

And whatever it is, it's inducing dreams of apocalypse while pulsing in time with his heart. Clearly this can only end unambiguously happily with all major characters alive and hearty!

See? Now you're thinking like an author!

After all, only the best of friends would attempt to drown you with such noble intentions behind it. :trollestia:

Oh no! The Whorse of Babylon!

What, are they going to put the knowledge back in the fruit? This is why ponies don't care about nudity! It was planned since 2010 I tell you!

Her eyes widened. “You mean to say you’re trying to deny what I’ve rightfully stolen?”

“Possession is nine-tenths of the law.”

He's gotcha there! :ajsmug:

Don’t get hung up that you were late. Take as long as you need besides, who are we to take away from your fun?

“Buddy, what am I supposed to figure? We’ve got a couple of crazies that are obsessed with a myth, and they’re going to drag everyone else into their obsession.”

Yeah, that does kinda sum it up, doesn't it?

Really, probably the thing that's holding back Snap the most here is that both he and all other sides are too busy keeping secrets from each other, and being generally reluctant to trust each other. If he can break that trend with just one of them, though...

"Don't think I missed anything. I got the two footlongs for $9.11 deal today. So I don't see the issue."

Got his priorities straight, I see. :ajsmug:

Hooray, the captain's a decent sort and Lilith is a craven harlot. That's why books have covers: to judge them!

He shuddered. “Heaven help us all if someone were to weaponize that.”

Um, yeah, about that... :trollestia:

All of a sudden, Cold Snap felt that he had made a terrible mistake.

Well, I could've told you that several paragraphs back, Snap. But, as you said, you're already committed now, so...we'll just have to hope it all still works out somehow.

"Oh no...."

Oh yes!

Few would consider a ship unseen, for what they cannot see plying atop the waves... merely lurks beneath them.

Cold Snap turned to leave before the captain returned to his lair. His eyes swept out over the vast sea.

And the fleet of sails and minotaurian flags bearing down fast on them.

Ah! Plot complication! We were nearly overdue for another one of those. :trollestia:

Now I'm imagining Lilith surfacing in a nuclear submarine

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