• Member Since 29th Dec, 2020


No matter who, where, what, or why you are, live life, respect others, show compassion, and stay positive. (He/They)

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This story is a sequel to Hinterlands

Two years ago, bounty hunter Bitterroot turned a lich and her necromancer apprentice over to the authorities. Now, that apprentice, Amanita, has been released on good behavior. She has no more interest in necromancy. In fact, she asked Bitterroot to turn her in all those moons ago and helped capture her master. With nowhere for Amanita to go, Bitterroot takes her in until she can get her hooves under herself.

But all isn’t well in Canterlot. A killer is stalking the streets, striking with impunity and leaving no trace. The Royal Guard is befuddled. Bitterroot’s investigations have yielded nothing. And night is turning into a time of dread. Something needs to be done. If only the dead could speak. If only there was a moral necromancer around.

Amanita doesn’t want to admit it, but the part of her past she hates the most might be the most useful part right now. Just because ponies are dying doesn’t mean they need to stay that way. What she buried needs to be dug up again.

Her demons are rearing their ugly heads. It’s time to face them.

Now with a TV Tropes page. Reading the preceding story will provide some context for this, but isn't required. Cover art is modified from this image. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Urban Wilds

Amanita. Quiet. Awkwardly self-conscious. Necromancer. Reformed. Newly hired by the Royal Guard and the apple of its eye. How could she not be? She’s a peerless expert when it comes to necromancy. But only because she’s the only pony with any knowledge of necromancy beyond the basics, she tells herself. She needs to be more than just a static source of knowledge; she also needs to apply that knowledge, to expand her mind. She can’t live her whole life in a lab. She needs experience out in the field.

Which is how she finds herself assigned to a ley purification team. There’s something wrong with a ley line. It’s not immediately dangerous, but if left alone, it could corrupt the land, killing crops and creating monsters. Amanita is part of a small crew that will head to the line’s source, the small mining town of Tratonmane, to identify and correct the problem. Fortunately, ley purification is a well-known science. It’ll be easy.

At least, that’s the idea. Far to the north, swathed in frost and snow, walled in by vertiginous mountains, Tratonmane is as isolated as can be. Miners and subsistence farmers eke out a living in what little land they have. Ravenous wolves stalk the forest at its border. Whispers abound at the team’s arrival. Tratonmane has existed outside the Crown’s influence for centuries and many of the townsfolk don’t appreciate it sticking its nose in now. Especially since no town lasts for that long without getting a few skeletons in its closets. Amanita and her team will have to navigate hostile environments — personal and terrestrial alike — if they want to get to the bottom of this.

For if they don’t, heads will roll. Perhaps literally.

Nothing a necromancer can’t fix.

Now with a TV Tropes page. Reading earlier stories will provide some context for this, but isn't required. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (43)

Beyond Equestria, the lands to the north are hostile and unforgiving. Ponies eke out a subsistence in uncontrollable weather, separated by mile after frigid mile of snow and mountains. A land where only the hardiest survive is no place for civilization.

Yet civilization encroaches from time to time. When a colossal bounty is placed on the head of a unicorn deep in the arts of necromancy, a motley crew of bounty hunters assembles and gives chase. It’s too good a chance to pass up. They’ll bring her to justice, no matter what stands in their way. Not her dark magic. Not the inhospitable environment.

And certainly not each other.

Now with a TV Tropes page. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (17)

Troy is a Gryphon who moved to Equestria to pursue a new life; however, his seclusion has left him feeling unsatisfied with how his life was going. All of that changes when he becomes involved in a storm prepping job outside of Ponyville for Princess Twilight Sparkle. Before the storm, Troy finds Canvas, a badly injured Earth pony, lying on the ground near death. As time goes on and wounds start to heal, how will the Gryphon's life change as he helps the stallion struggling to regain control of his life?

I want to give a big thanks to Bad_Seed_72 for her assistance in editing and proofreading. Also, major props to JackAnarchy for the cover art.

Chapters (54)

Mark Wells was a klutz, but even he could not imagine stumbling into a mirror that he had just bought at an antique store and ending up in a world of colorful equines, not to mention gaining hooves and wings at the same time. And whoever heard of green fur on a horse? Perhaps the great and powerful Princess that the guard was taking him to would have some answers because he sure didn't!

An alternative version of canon events with humorous twists. Written in collaboration with Airy Words.

Cover art by Mix-up and their DeviantArt account is Amalgamzaku.

Book One: Chapters 1–33
Book Two: "Further Off The Mark": Chapters 34–69
Book Three: "On The Mark": Chapters 70–100

Sex tag added as of chapter 32 but it's mostly due to talk. Actual sex takes place "off camera".

Chapters (100)

This story is a sequel to Brighter Horizons

Adopted from infancy, there are few things Flash Skies wouldn't sacrifice for Equestria and the ponies who love and raised him. But when a pony is brutally murdered and all evidence points to Equestria's adopted son, unshakeable loyalties are questioned, friendships are strained, and a mysterious enemy more deadly than anything Flash has ever faced will manifest their dark designs against Equestria itself. Can friendship truly prevail where there is uncertainty of who is truly a friend?

Friends are close, but enemies draw closer in this thrilling sequel to Brighter Horizons!

Edited by Venerable Ro.

(Cover Art: Shimmering Sunset by Kirk Crane)

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Celestia Goes West

Sunset needs a job, and Princess Twilight Sparkle has the perfect one. All she has to do is find a magical crystal in the middle of the frozen north and return without freezing solid or being crushed by strange golems under the command of a deranged mage caught up in the thrill of discovery.

And there's Flash to deal with too.

Chapters (26)

Just under a week before Hearth's Warming, a young mother finds a lone changeling child at the mercy of the elements. Will this nymph become her family's salvation? Or its damnation?

A spirital successsor to Raugos' Integration. (Familiarity not required)

All artwork done by Jowyb

Proofreading by The Fan Without a Face

Chapters (14)

(Death, Violence, & Gore Tags are for some D&D Scenes. i.e. fighting monsters and the like)

After the events of Friendship Games, though before Legend of Everfree, news about Canterlot High becoming "superior" to Crystal Prep has reached other schools and new students have transferred. So, when a new student comes to Canterlot, the girls discover that he's started a Dungeons & Dragons Club. In order to help him feel welcome, they join in. However, magic seeps into the game and soon begins reflecting the events across town. How do you try dealing with magic when everything is left to dice and chance?

Every time dice would be rolled in the game; I simulate those rolls in real life. That way, even I don't know what exactly is going to happen next.

(Chapters 1-4 edited by Circuit Breaker)
(4/30/2019) First time being featured! So cool and thank you to everyone who helped get it back there the many times since!

Since I'm rolling and more or less 'playing' a game of D&D along with this story, I need notes and character sheets to play it. And since I have all of these things I figured "why not share them with anyone who wants to check them out?"

The link above is a Google Docs folder with character sheets of all the Mane Seven's characters, plus a few other character sheets for later in the story. It also has some bonus documents I've thrown in as well.

As time goes on I'll be adding to it. Maybe cut chapters I have stashed away or other things. I'm trying to add some music playlists too for each of the Mane Seven's characters. It's something my friends do for their characters in our games and I've always wanted to test that.

Check out the Welcome Document before wandering through it. It tells you how to avoid looking at documents before they become relevant to the story. That is if you want to avoid spoilers. Hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (52)

Mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

[Currently attempting a revival of this story after five years. I'd like to issue a personal apology for taking so bloody long.]

[Currently attempting another revival of this story after ten years. Hopefully this time it'll actually take.]

Official MLD Soundtrack available on Spotify.

On the other side of the universe, the crew of the Ancient starship Destiny is awakening from stasis, to discover they've been asleep for much longer than they expected. Cut off from earth, and alone in a new galaxy, they carry on carrying on, wanting nothing more than to return to the home they left so long ago.

In the land of Equestria, the Warriors of Harmony have fragmented, and as old friends are lost, new friends and lovers are found. Meanwhile a great discovery is made regarding ancient pony history.

It won't be long before these two groups encounter their greatest challenge. A challenge they will need to face together.

A crossover with Stargate Universe.

The setting, as well as most of the characters and original concepts, are the property of either MGM or Hasbro.

[CC BY-NC-SA] My Little Destiny is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (17)