This story is a sequel to Brighter Horizons
Adopted from infancy, there are few things Flash Skies wouldn't sacrifice for Equestria and the ponies who love and raised him. But when a pony is brutally murdered and all evidence points to Equestria's adopted son, unshakeable loyalties are questioned, friendships are strained, and a mysterious enemy more deadly than anything Flash has ever faced will manifest their dark designs against Equestria itself. Can friendship truly prevail where there is uncertainty of who is truly a friend?
Friends are close, but enemies draw closer in this thrilling sequel to Brighter Horizons!
Edited by Venerable Ro.
(Cover Art: Shimmering Sunset by Kirk Crane)
Ha-ha! The journey of Flash Skies has continued!
It's certainly awesome to see this story finally uploaded, especially since it's been some time since the first epic was completed. And begins with quite a bang! Showcasing Flash and his team on a raid against a terror cell, kicking butt and performing magic and physics boggling stunts to perfect it all, with his merry band providing their own awesomeness to go along with it. I specifically liked the inclusion of airships and wireless technology to be included, giving it almost a steampunk feel to go along with all the magic-ness. And of course, he and his team duking it out with the enemies of Equestria.
Once again, Flash continues to stick out as an awesome human character, perhaps the best I've come across on this site. His solid, well rounded persona with an unshaken loyalty to his service and adopted homeland. Soft spoken and kind, but not afraid to crack some eggs. This opening defiantly gave off some James Bond feels. Not the typical all powerful snarky, comic/anime characakture cosplayer, nor the hard bitten, also snarky, angsty-boi anti hero that populates all other HiE stories by the thousands. He's an everyman, his own person. One well built with a solid foundation and character.
I suppose if there was something that didn't quite stick out with me, it was Flash's rivalry with General Iron Shod. While I understand why its done and how it fits for stories like this, the whole trope of a maverick youngster beefing with the stern 'set-in-their-ways' old timer is something I feel has been done countless times. And think it would be cool to break this stereotype. But this is a nitpick, really.
Regardless, I'm happy to see this up and am eager to continue through it!
Goodness, what a generous, well-crafted comment!
Yes, I've wanted to write this for the longest time but kept getting delayed. I certainly have a lot of fun writing Flash and the other characters I've built around him, and it is my goal to continue to shatter HiE stereotypes with him! Don't worry, Iron Shod won't be completely predictable haha.
I'm so glad you are enjoying it and I look forward to hearing from you more. Thanks a mil!
I hope nothing bad happens to cozy glow I do hope she gets reformed in this and that she's in this for that I do love cozy glow Reformation stories I just worry about cozy glow getting hurt but I do think maybe this mysterious centaur is the bad guy but I do like the stories so far and good job
We shall see, Cozy will appear in the next chapter, thanks for the comment!
It was and is a pleasure to help out with the storyboarding for this, I'm glad to have contributed.
And it is a joy and a privilege to have you along!
11861224 your welcome
Timelines are funny things aren't they, an empath in the right place at the right time and things just up and happen. The best plotlines will always flow naturally in a cascade of consequences.
I completely agree!
😡Cozy Glow..... Don't hospitals have 'Wanted Fugitive' lists on hand!?!?

Haha, whatever is she up to?
Ah, the classic scene of Garfield(?) when the puppy barks him awake and he's clawed tight to the ceiling.
I wasn’t thinking of Garfield, but that works! Lol
Yes, Flash was quite aware of the danger that existed having those two together.
I'm coming. Not today, but I'll be there.
I'll be there.
Easy there.
I saw a few other errors, here and there, but overall, good job.
Well, in a way, all of those are at least half-true.
I remember reading someone comment somewhere that Pinkie's family could basically be thought of running the equivalent of a quarry. Why wasn't that blatantly obvious to me?
Huh. Nice job there.
It's safe to say I actually like Lumen now. Whats up with the Japonese and the SHINE!, though?
I like telegram pony.
That was a great start to the threequel to Brighter Horizons. On the Isle deserves better than "side-story".
It was nice to see the criminal aspects of the Equestrian world in the universe, as we only got to really experience any of that on earth.
Onward I go!
Ro, your dialogue was nice to see. I'll have to get to your own story at some point.
Ahh, there's the Destiny Chaser we know and love.
I guess the myth of sucking out poison actually works when you have both a spell to keep the poison confined to a certain part of the body, and a batpony there to bite you and suck the poison out.
Good ideas be good from good writer man.
Well, the interactions between lil' Miss Terror and Ella are certainly interesting.
Cozy Glow is equal parts cute and evil. Cutevil? Nah, doesn't sound as right as adorafying. I'll just use that one again.
Can't say I can guess what her plans are in this point in time,
I can
(They Might Be Giants- No One Knows My Plan)
Calvin and Hobbes reference, right? Surely it must be.
Ferra continues to be best tiger pony.
Someone needs to make fanart of all of your characters. Sadly, that can't be me.
Fixed errors, thank you!
The Shine and Japonese was an easter egg reference to Bakugo from My Hero Academia.
So glad you're liking it!
He has good writing.

And just like vampire bats, thestral saliva acts as a blood thinner and numbing agent, so pain relief for the human as well; Rose knows what she's doing.
Yes, keep an eye on Cozy...
Ella knows what she is which is why Cozy can take off her mask off around her.
Wow, been a long while since I've heard a They Might be Giants song, nice!
Telson's back. All is right with the world.
Heartland Picker stole my thunder.
of an opportunity to pass up.
But still, thank goodness you had Ferra and Pinkie actually meet, even if that wasn't the first time. That is too
Hey! I'm finally caught up with your other readers! That's awesome!
But now I have to wait for more.
Oh well, at least I can now participate live in one of my favorite Fics.
Ferra is best tiger pony.
Got to finally have her on screen with Pinkie, the world hasn't ended...yet.
Oh no. You're trying to get me into anime, aren't you.
(I kid.)
Glad to be of service.
Yes, best bug horse is back.
Wow, you are one dedicated reader, I'm impressed at how fast you read everything! I'm working on the next chapter right now, I hope to have it out in a timely manner, glad to have you along for the ride!
Second fic I've seen reference one of the best newspaper comics of all time within two weeks.
I can now be proud of society.
Not at all haha, it was just something that came to me in the moment, was feeling a little silly I guess haha.
Yes indeed the master infiltrator is most definitely active in the world. With a definite goal in mind no less. I actually came across a fairly obscure song that captures his perspective perfectly.
Music is a wonderful resource for evocative impressions, no?
I find I have a knack for writing officers and bureaucrats, precisely formal language and all. The more acerbic the better.
As to my own story, I'm quite looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
I like that. I like that a lot.
And I can most definitely second your statement about music.
It's practically my self-imposed job here sometimes, after all, to link appropriate songs in my comments on fics.
(And yes, practically everyone does it from time to time, but I enjoy sharing my perspective on music at least, as well as listening to other people's tastes.)
And I'll add a relevant piece myself.
(The Misty Mountains Cold from The Hobbit.)
Huh, I never knew what it was actually called.
Only 254 views. You can't even see how many likes it has?

Why, people?
Why aren't you here reading this great story?
Why must you cause Destiny Chaser to not receive as much attention as he deserves?
I must find you
, and drag you here by ANY means necessary.11877743
Dang, how do you find these things?! This is practically perfect!
Another good choice!

I appreciate the support haha, but no need to go maniacal on folks.
Why, I found it in the same place I did last time ya old coot, this is one of the foundation pieces that went into Telson's denunciation of Thorax back in the first story. I guess we're both rather tired lately.
I'm getting old.
Old like Johnnie Walker black label? That's just 'fine aging'.
I’ll take that. Thankee kindly.
Yay! It's back.
I'll be here later.
Sorry, but here's a bunch of editing suggestions.
That "from" there seems a bit misplaced. "Including" would work better. And you might want a comma right after the They.
And you have a few of these instances in that chapter so far. XXX said/other word, then a line break, and then the dialogue. I might be wrong, and this formatting might be perfectly acceptable, but it just looks weird to me.
Don't turn accidentaly turn Celestia into Daybreaker, Flash.
Huh. I was wondering if that would ever be addressed.
I looked it up, and do you mean a secondary meaning to eagle-like?
Ah, little Cozy Glow, adorafying as usual. Enraging one second, and almost loveable the next. No spoilers, please, but if Cozy Glow truly redeems herself in this story, I know you'll do a great job with it.
And I know you do have other readers, but even if you didn't, you are making this one guy right here very, very happy with this series of fics.
Fixed, thanks!
I believe these are called bridging actions and they are a common literary tool as far as I know.
It was a misuse of a pronoun, I was thinking of something else. I got rid of it.
We shall see, though I appreciate the vote of confidence! I had a lot of fun with her in this chapter.
Glad to hear it. And your great feedback makes me happy!