• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday


A new starting writer, always looking for ideas for my stories.

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Blog Posts

  • 79 weeks
    Love Interest? Maybe?

    For anyone that has been keeping up with the (as of posting this blog) two chapters of Infernal Tyrant King, I wanted to ask you all something.

    Should Yharim have a love interest in the story (present time, that is. I've got a character to be used as a previous L.I. for backstory in regards to some events)?

    A simple Yes or No is fine for me, but should you reply with 'Yes', I'd like to hear on who you'd like to see and why.

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    9 comments · 326 views
  • 83 weeks
    Back, I guess

    Sooooo, yeah. I guess I'm back for anyone that remotely cared still.

    Needless to say, I can understand why you'd be angry at me since I just up and stopped updating my stories. But good news (I hope)! I've a new story out to mark my return to updating on the site.

    Now let's hope I don't vanish abruptly again, yeah?

    The new story: The Infernal Tyrant King

    0 comments · 62 views
  • 173 weeks
    My unholy return to life

    Welp, here it is. The explanation as to my absence for the last 2 bloody years.

    2 years ago when my stories here first started, I suddenly found myself lacking any interest in MLP and thus put my stories off to the side. Sadly, I never put this out there for people to see at all so you were all left in the dark, which I deeply apologise for.

    Lately, my interest was sparked once more and I thought 'Why not? Its something to do.' and have thus returned.

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    0 comments · 203 views

Love Interest? Maybe? · 11:48am Jan 15th, 2023

For anyone that has been keeping up with the (as of posting this blog) two chapters of Infernal Tyrant King, I wanted to ask you all something.

Should Yharim have a love interest in the story (present time, that is. I've got a character to be used as a previous L.I. for backstory in regards to some events)?

A simple Yes or No is fine for me, but should you reply with 'Yes', I'd like to hear on who you'd like to see and why.

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Comments ( 9 )
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Thank you for the favourite

Comment posted by Redsummer09 deleted Mar 31st, 2021

Thank you for Favoriting Skeletor, Master of The Empire.

"What? Get that script out of my face!" (Incoherent speaking) "Fuck you! I'm doing this my way! HEY! Akai natsu. You ever need someone blown up just let me know, capiche?"


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