• Member Since 10th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 41 minutes ago


Once I was on FanFiction writing stories. Now I'm on FIMfiction writing stories. So much has changed... (Ko-fi)


Small Delay for Next Chapter. Sorry! · 6:16am Last Sunday

Hey people who might see this! This is my first time trying to use a blog post on an update for a story. I almost never make blog posts, but I figured I'd try it now since there's a small update.

Unfortunately, I'm gonna delay the next chapter until next Saturday. I was originally gonna post here and then have a two week hiatus, but my family pulled a fast one on me. My birthday's at the end of the month, but they planned an earlier thing for today since it lined up for more family.

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Report 4428Gamer · 57 views · Story: Canterlot High's D&D Club ·

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Comments ( 54 )
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54

wow. you're cool

Sure, I don't have a problem with it! Good luck on finding another player. I've been there when there's not enough players.

Also, you might wanna try putting out a post on Reddit. I think there's a couple forums there where people put out LFP posts.

Hey, Can I post a LFP on your MLP/D&D story for a MLP Tabletop campaign? I'm DMing my first game in a week and I'm a little light on players due to one dropping out.

Ah, excellent. Nico's a pretty good choice for watching Danganronpa on Youtube. :twilightsmile:

I think I will! I'm a huge fan of Danganronpa ever since I watched Nico B (YouTuber) play it.

  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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