• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012


Somewhere in the USA. Probably older than you. And something about MLP:FIM makes me want to write stories. Unfortunately, being gainfully employed cuts into my writing time.

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Total Words: 45,083,041
Estimated Reading: 17 weeks



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Princess Luna returned to Equestria, and with her return, the isolated night tribes, the batponies, have journeyed to rejoin their princess. Luna's first task is to settle a dispute: what will be their sacred fruit?

Set during Season 1.

Chapters (1)

With the opening of the Equestrian embassy in Kansas City comes a new age of interspecies cooperation. Naturally, the first pony tourists want to explore the most exciting of all places in the US Midwest: Wamego Kansas on the Fourth of July

Editing assistance by Tek and Admiral Biscuit

Picture schleped together out of some public domain clip art and scribbles

Chapters (2)

Shining and Cadence knew that raising a princess would present challenges above and beyond those of raising a born alicorn. As one might expect of Twilight Sparkle's brother and sister-in-law, they prepared as best they could for many of the problems they might encounter along the way.

Of course, that doesn't mean anypony told Flurry, who feels like this is a bit of an overreaction to her wanting a cookie that happened to belong to somepony else.

Flurry in the cover image courtesy of AleximusPrime, used with permission. Source link to the image can be found by mousing over it.

Chapters (3)

They may have rallied everycreature to the defense of Equestria and saved the world, but the Student Six still has classes to finish. And Gallus and Smolder need extra credit if they’re going to keep up with their friends. Fortunately, Fluttershy offers to have them help her at her animal sanctuary, but they will never guess what she wants them to do.

This was written for Wanderer D as a part of Jinglemas 2020! For more information about Jinglemas, check out our group!

Chapters (1)

Dragon Lord Ember refuses to let her dragons be the only creatures in the world to go unreformed. So she orders her three worst dragons: Go to Equestria and make nice with the ponies.

Now Spike is stuck trying to help three belligerent and hypercompetitive dragons, with no idea how to keep them under control. Fortunately, there’s one activity everypony he knows enjoys....

Set after Season Eight.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If Wishes were Ponies . . . .

Harry Potter and the CMC have somehow managed to survive their first year at Hogwarts. Equestria has met Earth, and both are astonished at what they've discovered. The Muggles think Equus is a planet from another galaxy, or dimension. The Wizards all think that Equestria is Atlantis. The evidence for both groups appears conclusive. The changelings haven't been idle, though. And neither has been Tom Riddle and his supporters.

Wow, hit Featured on the first day, 12/08/20, and lasted until the 12th! Yeah, Ch. 1-4! Looks like Ch. 5 put it back for a short time. Ch. 6 lasted an hour on Featured. Ch.s 7-present lasted at least 2, and as many as 5 hours! (Except Ch 29, on Memorial Day -- no show)

Art work by: Mix-up. You can find him at DeviantArt, or his Youtube Channel.

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Magic School Days

The Crusaders are returning for their second semester at Hogwarts. You can look forward to a nice quiet and relatively uneventful experience. Well as uneventful as magic allows, anyway.

Their presence has not already caused a wave of chaos that shook the magical world to it's core. You can't prove anything, so it never happen.

Rich-Online has taken the time to augment this story so please visit his blog HERE

Chapters (44)

Tracy Maxwell is in a desperate situation: find somewhere to live, or lose the internship he needs to survive. After exhausting every property in the city, one last option appears the day before his deadline. Sure the agent selling the place is a little weird, and more than a little overeager to get the property signed off. At the worst, maybe there's a little mold in the bathroom somewhere, and he has to make do until the lease is up.

But then he steps inside and discovers things can be much worse. The property is in another universe, and while he's there he'll have to play by its rules. He's free to continue working his dream job, so long as he keeps to the contract. Even worse, he's got a roommate who has no intention of leaving him alone.

If he ever wants to escape, he'll have to read the Fine Print.

This story now has a hardcover! If you'd like one of your own, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story is a commission by _Kenzu_!

Chapters (68)

This story is a sequel to Story Shuffle

There's a story behind every Magic card, and when you smash them together, you get even more ponies than you can normally find. Set throughout Equestrian probability space, each of these stories was inspired by two cards chosen through Gatherer's Random Card function. Characters and genres will vary as a result. Knowledge of card games isn't necessary for most chapters; the table of contents will call out the full crossovers.

Chapters (31)

No motocross, no Principal Cinch, no Equestrian magic. The new Friendship Games are bound to be an improvement over the original. But where did these new students come from, and why is that new coach determined to win?

Written for the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)