• Member Since 31st Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Winter Fever

Let us make beautiful ruins.

Comments ( 16 )
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Both lovely movies, and TLU is a lovely book as well.

Quite right! Patches of the Dark Souls series, a shady, slimy, but strangely charming fellow with a propensity for tricking adventurers to their doom.

Started as a joke fic concept between myself and a friend way back when human-in-equestria was amidst a huge boom, the idea being that Patches was solely responsible for tricking into Equestria that constant stream of waifu-warriors, ill-thought-out-crossovers, and cosplayers-turned-supersoldiers towards the end of some scheme or other. It stuck mostly just out of fondness for the times I shared with said friend.

Well, that, and that it represents well my oververbose clownishness.

Thanks. It was either that or someone from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. I googled the phrase in yours and I guess it's from a video game? Don't know much about that, I'm afraid.

Lovely TLU avatar, by the way!

That's what got me into her work as well. Many stories I've read lean toward going out of character in order to get the "action" to happen, but by exploring the psychology of each character within the context of their observed behaviors, you end up with the relationships involved feeling real and natural.

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