• Member Since 7th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Jake Shadow Wings


Chapter 3 of Twilight Dusk Sparkle · 12:03am Jul 4th, 2017

So for those of you reading the story, I have to say I'm surprised at the positive reviews it's received. That said I have to say that the fact that I have chapter 3 started is surprising for me. I just have so many ideas for this. You'd think it'd be the opposite with how I normally don't work on futa stories. That said I'm going to have a poll from now on starting this chapter. It'll be for who Twilight gets with next, mind you the choices will change from chapter to chapter but if the

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Comments ( 21 )
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Thanks for adding Another Chance Beyond the Door to your favorites!! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the favorites on my Alien Series!!

Thanks for favouriting Long Live the Princess.

Thanks for adding my ugly duckling "From The Heart of Darkness" to your favorites :twilightsmile:

Thanks so much for the fav on Herding Instincts and remember that comments are greatly appreciated!

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