
Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results

Take your Pick · 4:30am Aug 13th, 2019

Okay so I have two ideas I'd like to write, but I can't pick which one. So, I'm going to let you guys pick it. Here they are.

Snow on Sandbar
Sandbar wants to spend more time with Yona, but he can't figure out what they should do together. When they hear about the hike in Yakyakistan, Sandbar decides to join his yak friend in the hike. However, even Pinkie Pie keeping charge things start going wrong.

Silver and Smokey

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Important notice! (Short Hiatus ahead!) And a cool stuff at the end! · 4:02am Feb 19th, 2018

What's that on the horizon?

It's real-life! It wants to remind me that it likes to fuck me up!

Yay! :yay:


I'm having some troubles with my university that really need my complete attention. I'll be putting all my stories on hold until I figure things out (which should be around March 8th) :applejackunsure:


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Report AniMun · 323 views · #Choices to Make!

I need other opinions · 8:37pm Jun 14th, 2021

I have worked on my fanfictions for years now. It's been a long and arduous journey. I've written a lot.

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Report BradyBunch · 353 views · #tough #choice

Last day to vote on which part goes first · 11:26am Apr 8th, 2017

Two simultaneous events, both needing to be seen, both getting two chapters apiece. Given your "druthers," as m' in-laws like to say, which one do you want to go first?

Would you rather see Rarity and Rapidash look for a way to break out of the Daycare and make a run for it?
Or would you rather Twilight and Starlight roam Sinnoh's Underground, in tracking down Trixie to her Secret Base?

Granted the other will follow, but what do you find more pressing to see resolved first?

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Report lord_steak · 266 views · #reader's choice

Where should Twilight go next? · 11:11pm Oct 15th, 2020

Below is a straw poll containing possible choices.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Report neokiva · 380 views · #World choice

A Question For Aftermath Fans · 11:20am Aug 30th, 2015

The next chapter, Shining Armor's, is at the halfway point. Now I can complete the other half and make it one chapter, but might take two to three days to finish. If you guys want, I can split it into a two part chapter and try to get this posted tomorrow

Choice is yours.

Edit: Alright, everybody says full chapter so full chapter it is.


I don't want to be a brony, daddy! · 6:40am Jun 25th, 2015


Updates · 8:44pm Nov 22nd, 2018

I should have explained this earlier. Choices is not only going to be the focus of my efforts to complete my entire backlog but is also getting rewritten. Which I just finished this week. Honestly, I was at a wedding down in South Carolina so was out of touch for a bit. I only managed to make progress on Choices because I was dealing with some insomnia issues. The wedding was as about as much fun as I expected it to be. Which is to say that at least I:

1. Did not end up in jail.

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Report Jaycren · 266 views · #Dream #universe #choices #updates

News!!!!! · 4:47pm Nov 7th, 2018

As of right now I am finished with Monster's Sacrifice. The next story I am moving too is Choices. After Choices though I am going to be shifting to Everyone Needs A Monster Sometimes, which is my Gravity Falls Fic over on

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M2B reviews Choices by Fret · 7:26am Oct 31st, 2015

Spoilers... (Well Duh)
Read Story Here

To start off let’s look at the title; Choice.
Choices are something we all make, whether the choice we make is good or bad time will tell. The word by itself can literally mean a lot of things.

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What would you like to read? · 6:25am May 27th, 2020

Here we go again. We’re going to try voting on StrawPoll again. Just pick between these stories and after we reach the voting deadline, I’ll start working on the winning story. Any story that comes in second or third place, I’ll work on those next, though not exactly immediately.

The Perfect Ballance

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Report PonyPixel · 406 views · #Stories #ideas #vote #choice

The Integration of Traditional and Modern Healing Practices · 3:46am Dec 10th, 2023

For millennia, diverse civilizations have relied upon time-honored remedies, passed down through generations, to address a myriad of ailments and promote overall well-being. From the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture to the revered Ayurvedic system of India, traditional medicine has woven an intricate tapestry of knowledge, rooted in nature's bounty and cultural heritage.

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Hearts of Tears on YouTube? · 5:06pm Jul 12th, 2016

Ok, so after I got a YouTube account I've been trying to figure out what to post on there. All I have right now is my audition for the Singing Heart (Sorry Toonsgirl about not doing my lines in time, I had and still have a lot of stuff on my plate right now, and I'm really sorry!:fluttershysad:) and yesterday I remembered how many views that Hearts of Tears was getting so I'm wondering if any of you who like Hearts of Tears wants me to read it and post it on YouTube! :pinkiehappy: Let me know

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I think I figured out "what I want to be when I grow up." · 4:04am Sep 2nd, 2015

This is a continuation of the blog post: I probably should have figured out ‘"what I want to be when I grow up" by now.

This week — the first week of school — I commenced operation: “Figure out what I’m going to do with my life.”

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After My Fanfilm of Vader is Done... · 9:42am Dec 19th, 2018

I'm not sure of what I am able to do afterwards. I'll definitely have a long way before my life is over. Since I am an animation amateur, it'll take most likely seven years to animate my Star Wars fanfilm fully.

So, to that extend, I have something to ask of you. These are the few options that I have in order to move on with my life:

1. Writing a book series

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Report Dawn Darkness · 219 views · #Life #Adult #Choice.

Alright all you lucky Chuckle heads! · 5:09am May 19th, 2019

Well Choices is done. It only took me way to long because about a third of the way in I began to hate what I was writing. But I managed to get through it. However, Choices was always meant to be a start of a whole series of stories detailing of the failure of the Sunless to walk away from what they are, monsters. The idea was that the world itself would not let them be anything else. Afterwards there was going to be stories featuring them rising to power and how they came to terms with

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A hard decision. · 11:05am Mar 6th, 2020

So I've been noticing something a lot lately. I haven't been making much major progress with chapters. I've gotten them out, yes, and they've been satisfactory. I actually really love what's come out, even with my slowed pace.
But I'm hitting a lot of walls lately. I get half a sentence in at most on some days, and I second-guess even that much every single time.
And I think it's some kind of burnout.
So, I decided to do something... really difficult.

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Milestone within sight! · 2:06pm Feb 8th, 2019

I almost have 100 followers. So remember this blog? Yeah, nothing decisive has come to fruition yet. Not to worry! Voting is still open! Just a quick reminder, though. Only one vote per person. Nobody that voted previously may vote again. Here are the gist of the categories, just as a reminder:

Option 1- "Within Reason" Crackship fic
Option 2- Q&A Blog with my OCs
Option 3- "Within Reason" Crossover fic

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Task List Update #1 · 1:40am Apr 3rd, 2017

Hey folks, your input on what I work on next is valued! You tell me what story, blog, or whatever you want next, and I'll do it.

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Report Cadiefly · 299 views · #Update #Task #List #Choice

POLL: Who do you want to see in "The Sun Sets At Twilight?" · 6:45pm Sep 18th, 2015

Hello everyone/pony! Just a quick little poll here!

Who would you like to see enter Twilight and Sunset's story? It could be a character from the show, it could be a character of your creation, or it could even be a pony version of some other person (ex: Sherlock Holmes, Katniss Everdeen, etc) [btw... kina creepy how "Katniss" somehow auto-corrects to "satanist" for whatever reason...]

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Report ModMCdl · 262 views · #modmcdl #choice #poll
Viewing 1 - 20 of 116 results