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I am still around · 4:51am Sep 28th, 2018

For those that fallow me yes im still around just been busy with goggle and some other things.

I do enjoy reading tho so ya i do read stores.

Im oki all just been busy

Report tsunsu · 267 views · #Discussion

Story Discussion: The Story of the Stars · 8:15pm Feb 24th, 2018

Greetings, all!

I want to thank everyone who asked questions in the first round of the character discussion. There were some wonderful questions and quite a few of them, so I feel that it was a rousing success! And since it has been a while, I think it's time to start a new round of discussion!

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A question I believe is worth discussing. · 9:02pm Nov 11th, 2019

So what do any of you think happens to Luna and Celestia after they retire? Are they still immortal? Will they try to live normal lives? Find love and start families? Okay maybe several questions but the first one is still the most important one. I feel like the possibilities are endless and discussing them could be a lot of fun. Who knows maybe any of what we say will be confirmed later either in G5 or in the season 10 comics.

Report Alrazvick · 203 views · #Discussions

Reflections · 7:51am Apr 17th, 2016

This is not so much an idea as it is a conversation piece.

The idea of Celestia meeting herself is not unknown in canon – the entire Reflections storyline in the comics is kind of about Celestia meeting a mirror universe (in the Star Trek sense) version of herself.

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Report Oliver · 729 views · #discuss

Pros and Cons · 11:32pm Jun 13th, 2023

Hey, Dashed here.

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Report Dashed · 153 views · #Discussion

DEBATE: Who's your favourite?! Let's talk about who's best pony! · 1:58pm Feb 25th, 2020

Come at me any day, spears, pitchforks and torches in hand, I will always tell you that Fluttershy is best pony! Shy characters will always be the most adorable fan favourite!

So, your turn: who's your favourite character, and what draws you to them more than anyone else?


Military school! · 5:35am Sep 14th, 2015

Hello everypony, I'm back!

Back from Military school. As a few of thou knew I was going to 'MS' this weekend or rather last weekend, but I'm finally back! I'll try to get back to writing as soon as I see Episode 14! (Please don't spoil the episode)

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Statistics · 3:21am Apr 20th, 2016

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics. I’m about to engage in the third one.

That is, I remembered about the Great FimFiction Dump and decided to finally do something interesting with it.

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Report Oliver · 811 views · #discuss #statistics

Losing my nerve · 2:20am Feb 4th, 2019

Got myself into another debate about the movie. I know, probably not a good idea, as those who have seen the movie seem to be in any number of camps. I personally think that there were a lot of issues with the plot, but I haven't yet gotten the sense that there are many people out there that share that sentiment. And getting into arguments about it I'm afraid may bring negative attention to what I've written. It all kind of reminds one of politics these days, in some ways a bit too much. How do

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The Rise of "Anon" · 2:17pm Jan 21st, 2019

I've been trying to keep an eye on some of the new stories coming on to the site recently. It's great to see that interest in our favorite story line hasn't diminished, but there is one thing that I find a bit odd, the widespread use of anonymous characters. I've always felt that naming a character is quite important (in fact, I've made it a habit of using the names of famous race horses for my original characters. Hopefully it doesn't get me in trouble) O.K., maybe I just answered my own

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Discussion: What Aspect(s) of Writing Do You Wish You Were Better At? · 2:48am Sep 30th, 2019

I'll go first: I have no clue how to characterize any of the characters beyond their broadest strokes. Except Pinkie Pie because I'm basically her. Anytime I want to write a serious story, I feel paralyzed by that.

Also, I just suck at doing pretty much anything that doesn't involve immediate dopamine release--I'm very good at browsing Facebook or masturbating for hours, but sitting down and hammering out some serious words that aren't going to be easy to write? I suck so fucking hard at.

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Episode 14 and the Military + Extra · 3:52pm Sep 6th, 2015

I just realized, I'll be at the Continuing Military course when episode 14 airs. Damn thou Universe!
And if anyone is interested, yes I do in fact go to military courses, I'm part of the air force. It's quiet fun i have to say, but it's darn like the Universe to have it the exact same weekend as the first episode since the hiatus... :fluttershbad:

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Curiouser and curiouser · 3:55pm Sep 30th, 2018

I've been pursuing in my spare time the questions regarding the movie that I asked in my previous blog post, and it raises so many other questions, like what is the structure of the Royal Guard; and what level of technology exists in Equestria? It seems that the answer to the first question is only barely hinted at, and the answer to the second seems to be dependent on what the writer needs for the story. There are lights and cameras, but what powers them? There are newspapers, but how do they

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Disappointed · 3:53am Sep 25th, 2017

No one wants to be lectured on morality, so I'm not going to. But I read a story tonight that got me thinking. All I'm going to say is that if I ever get that cynical in my writing, I only hope that someone out there gets on my case, and better yet, tells me where to stick it. Yes, you can consider that permission from me.


Timeline of Equestria. · 8:43pm Jul 9th, 2015

Ok, I know I'm not the first person to attempt this and I'll probably not be the last, but here's what I've managed to work out so far going by what we've seen from both the Episodes & Comic Series.

The Beginning.
Creation of The World.
Birth of the Three Pony Tribes.

Paleo-Pony Period
First recorded Outbreak of Cutie-Pox

Age of the Three Tribes.

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Dislikes: Why they're necessary, but should be renamed. · 2:27am May 18th, 2020

So, obviously, the pace at which people are putting new content onto the site has stagnated lately, for obvious reasons. Experimentally, I tried checking out Wattpad, to find more stories to read. And yet, most of what was rated highly and showcased on the site seemed mediocre at best. It was mainly stories from years ago that had many years to accumulate votes. I've encountered similar problems trying to find good reading material on Ao3 and the eponymous fanfiction dot net. That's one of the

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Parley: Dread and Loathing on Fimfiction · 12:31pm Mar 6th, 2016

Firstly, if you haven’t heard, Season 6 premieres on the 26th. Huzzah!

Now for the meat of this blog. Given my username, I’m sometimes asked what I’m not a fan of. Well, this week, I’m going to explore that. Since this is a Parley blog, I’m inviting all of you to do the same.

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On Deleting a Blog Post · 2:15pm Dec 24th, 2019

Today I did something that seems wrong, but necessary. I deleted my most recent blog post. Now I know that in theory at least blogs are supposed to me one's thoughts in real time, unvarnished and true. So why does one do such a thing?

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Clop: A Sensory Experience (New Fic/Discussion) · 11:24pm Jan 7th, 2021

I haven't written clop in YEARS until last month, when I was commissioned by friend of the program superfun to write some FFM. Not only did I have a blast, I had a neat realization about why I write, and what writing does for me.

Three Views of a Secret

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Report Bandy · 294 views · #discussion #newfic

New Chapter, Folks! · 9:15am Nov 28th, 2021

Hey Folks!

New Chapter’s out! Hurra! Finally ay? I did mention this in a different post, but this wasn't supposed to come out until, like, my next oneshot got out, but like... eh! If I want it out now, its gonna be out now, dammit!:flutterrage:

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 270 results