
Viewing 1 - 20 of 605 results

Weird Dreams... · 2:13am Jul 12th, 2016

Seems recently my dreams are getting more and more weird and my last one takes the cake. Bacisly to put it short everyone was spiders, big creepy ass spiders and if you didn't know i'm fucking terrified of spiders and seeing spiders the size of me, gah is was horrible also what made it worse is i was freaking out and these spiders spoke to me trying to calm me down, but they have 8 eyes and a pitch black, ahhhhhh it was worst thing ever. Woke up sweating buckets grrrr I hate spiders.

Report The Derpy Division · 397 views · #dreams

Any dreams? · 8:19am Jan 28th, 2019

Has anyone here actually had a dream about Equestria? I've had some before, but they weren't always so good...

Report Shimmer_Bolt · 258 views · #Dreams

Dream Journal 18.7.2021 · 3:17pm Jul 18th, 2021

A lot of goo last night. I puked up a bunch of goo, I washed my hands with goo. Not the same goo. Then I tore open a tube of Aquafresh and played with the big ball of goo. What does it mean?

Report Mr Absorption · 126 views · #Dreams

Singular pony dream · 4:03am Feb 28th, 2017

Or rather a multiplicious. I saw a yellow-coated mare whose mane seemed translucent, wandering in an apparent daze, or perhaps just upset over what transpired. There were many of herself, all over the place. She went to each and when touched absorbed into her. Each one was a separate aspect of own personality. Every time she absorbed one back into herself that part of her personality reintegrated with her psyche as it was. There were something like 150 hers or possibly more. It became more and

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Report Windrunner · 324 views · #Pony #Dream #Ponies #Dreams

Lucid Dream · 10:00am Jul 25th, 2015

I dreamt that I was sleeping... Then I suddenly became paralyzed. I got scared out of my mind so I woke up. I went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and realized I now had blue eyes, also that one pupil was bigger than the other. I left the bathroom and after walking around for awhile I realized that I wasn't in my real house. I saw my mom and she lunged at me, I now knew it was another dream so I used my super strength to take her down, then I imagined her exploding. I imagined a tiger and

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I just had the weirdest dream ever. · 7:29am Apr 20th, 2020

Alright, so, I was for some reason laying in the grass with the sun rays showering my body and the clouds peacefully floating in the sky, when suddenly a pony comes into view and stomps my head. And I was thinking “Oh God, I just got my head stomped”, and I was really scared, but I notice that I’m not dead, so I get upset at the pony, get up, and turn around to look at it. Except that I have no head or eyeballs to look with! But I can still somehow look at it, since I could see. And in

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Report Knight_of_hope · 199 views · #Dream

Brony Dreams · 5:39pm Jul 30th, 2015

I rarely have pony dreams. I've had like, two over the course of my 3 years in the fandom and one of them was humanized. I do, however, have dreams concerning BRONIES in them with alarming regularity.

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Report Regidar · 617 views · #dreams

I need a dream translation please. · 2:34pm Nov 29th, 2016

Do you guys have really random dreams?

Last night I dreamed that my sister and I were in this old farmhouse, and once a year a tornado forms in the middle of the house. The only way to stop it, is by feeding our pet vending machine white marbles (After we chase it down. It looks like a puppy). You never know how many it will take, but if you add too many, the tornado comes back stronger.

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Report Moonlit Path · 368 views · #Dreams

Various dreams that I had throughout my life · 1:06pm May 19th, 2021

1. My teeth falling out or being pulled out by a strong force
2. A cockroach flying to/crawling on my face
3. Getting injured/killed in a car accident
4. Being back to school where I see people who used to be my classmates
5. Arguing with my mom
6. Finding out the titles of debut albums of emerging artists
7. Finding out about the deaths of celebrities in their Wikipedia pages
8. Falling from a great height until I twitch when I hit the ground

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Report Anthro Fanatic · 154 views · #dreams

A weird dream I had · 8:28pm May 31st, 2023

I had a dream that FiM randomly dropped a new episode without warning.

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Report NightFlame389 · 99 views · #dream

More Dreams... · 6:20am Jul 21st, 2015

Pure and simple this dream was about me being in the place of the main character of a fanfic again.

This time it was the story of Hunted by Harms Way. Let me tell you being in the shoes of... well... Anon running from the Dazzlings that are full of desire to have some "fun" with him... or me... is pretty frightening and yet exciting for some reason. (I'm not athletic btw)

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Report Flarefeather · 279 views · #Dreams

My Ponysona · 12:16am Jun 22nd, 2018

Hello every pony my name is Rainbow Shell. I am looking for an artist to draw my pony sona. I don't know the color of my mane or fur but my cutie mark is a rainbow shell like a clam with white sea foam on the outer edges. It came to me in a dream so if you can't tell I believe Luna gave me that dream and I was working on sweet apple acres. Though I have a different dream where I was a Pegasus yet, I prefer to be a unicorn though I cannot go against my dream. I don't know how to use pay pal so

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Report RiverHornetRS · 252 views · #Dream

The School That Never Was With Friends That Never Were · 5:13pm Sep 1st, 2019

Dreams are something I've never really given a second thought to. Generally, I can't really remember what I've dreamed about. On the occasions that I can, it's generally a lucid dream that involves me flying, in paradise, or involves insects that constitutes as a nightmare. No matter what the case though, it's always a place that I've been to, discussed in great length with friends or family, or read about and wish to visit. Whether it be Japan or Greenland.

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Report Vertigo22 · 273 views · #Dream

Best dream ever! · 8:24am Jul 27th, 2015

Pure and simple, in this dream me and Sunset Shimmer are a couple. Ever since Rainbow Rocks she has been my favorite mlp character in the series. Just how she redeemed herself during the movie made me start liking her. Plus her design is probably the best in equestria girls and her new outfit is awesome! (Though the Friendship Games might change that. I try really hard to not read spoilers)

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Report Flarefeather · 311 views · #Dreams

Dream · 7:27pm Feb 23rd, 2017

And some music:

Report Scootaloo96 · 324 views · #Dream

Weird Dream I used to have · 5:52am Jan 19th, 2023

Back when I was kid I had a lot of dreams about a situation where I would have to drive a car. There's a specific road I would always wind up at, lined with restaurants that don't exist and a Long John Silver's.

Report Mr Absorption · 79 views · #dreams

Just Had The WORST Dream Ever... · 11:10am Nov 22nd, 2015

So umm... I just woke up like 6 minutes ago from a hellish nightmare about the infamous story of "Cupcakes". :applejackconfused: Yea you know that it wasn't good. What makes it worse is that I was in the POV of Pinkie Pie... Though I was in my own body, and the pony that I was torturing wasn't Rainbow Dash... IT WAS SUNSET SHIMMER!!! LIKE WHAT?! WHY WOULD I DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO HER?! :fluttercry: Since Sunset is my waifu it made me go nuts in my mind. I wanted it to stop but for some

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Report Flarefeather · 298 views · #Dreams

Good night, my fellow dreamers! · 1:09am Apr 9th, 2016

I hope you like Owl City, 'cuz I'm going to sleep.

Report Sky Blue CMC · 244 views · #dreams

Dream Journal 23.12.2020 · 8:33pm Dec 23rd, 2020

Just awoke from fucking Twilight Sparkle in a bathroom stall. Sublime.

Report Mr Absorption · 158 views · #Dreams

Twilight Smart Assistant · 2:32pm Jan 31st, 2021

Viewing 1 - 20 of 605 results