I'm an irritating fangirl who also writes. A lot of my stuff is sad. I am sometimes overly sex-positive, so if you are sex-negative, I might have called you an elitist taint jockey. Sorry about that.
I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon
Twilight floated a second fritter up to her mouth when she realized the first was gone. “What is in these things?” “Mostly love. Love ‘n about three sticks of butter.”
And so, in your despair, you come, at last, to me...
27, Female, Iowan, College Graduate. Favorite Pony: Celestia. Favorite Not Pony: Discord. Yeah, I like Equestria's Gods, so that's what most my fics are going to be about!
Just another writer that aims to entertain. Nothing to see here, move along. Though yes, I am very feminist. Don't like it? That's nice.
I'm actually a slab of beef jerky with a top hat and a cool microphone.
Brony(eeds) a coffee... http://ko-fi.com/crystalmoose
A female brony with a love for FlutterDash and a passion for writing.
Be excellent to each other, and PARTY ON, DUDES! ~ Abraham Lincoln
"Violence for violence is the rule of beasts" - Barack Obama
ACAB | ♠️ | A teacher, student, writer, and opinionated reader. Responsible for cleverpun's Critique Corner. | Donate via Ko-fi
Nothing says I miss you quite like war poetry carved in your door with a stanley knife.
I write mostly serious adventure stories and maybe a random feelsy fic now and again. Interested in dark stuff more than anything.
Everytime you hit the like button on a story, Lumina smiles.
I've been writing and selling stories for longer than a lot of folks reading this have been alive. Check Baal Bunny for more!
Just an old school hybrid spaceship/pony writing some stories.
The sexiest man you've ever met.
Put the cart before the horse, mix things up, and look at them in a different way.
Hate is more lasting than dislike. Or, People like the Führer more than Fegelein. I do things by stealing others ideas. Sometimes.
Hey man, wheres that horse mayonnaise I ordered from the dark web you fucking swindlers.