• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen January 20th


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Found 7 stories in 20ms

Total Words: 87,743
Estimated Reading: 5 hours

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A season one story. In the wake of a nasty storm, Pinkie stumbles across an injured changeling who is struggling with his own nature. But the Hive is not so eager to let strays run loose.

An entry in the My Little Pony Renaissance Contest. Cover by KurogeWaPony.

Chapters (1)

"Las Pegasus? We've never been anywhere near it. Why do ponies keep asking? Friendship University? Well, Eyepatch could use some polish but I've never had any problems in that area, let me assure you! Why, just the other day we were in Hoofport, and we met a siren and got along just fine! Look, do you have a job for us? We are a versatile, no-bling-no-bother crew of two, capable of solving your troubles for a strictly reasonable fee. Oh. Never mind then. You want to hear about the siren? Well, I suppose I could share the tale...."

An entry for Jake the Army Guy's 2nd Horse Words Extravaganza.

Cover art by Demonfox and Wubcakeva.

Chapters (1)

Hair magic is a fraught and dangerous field. Many a pony has gone mad seeking to understand its complexities.

But there is one book, one terrible arcane tome, which may hold all the answers.

And if you're a pony going bald, well, what are you gonna do?

Chapters (1)

Caballeron's sources had led him to believe Daring Do would be found at this convention, but he was scarcely prepared for the outright celebration of his rival!

Not just the costumes, or the goods, but entire discussion panels devoted to those wretched Daring Do books.

Although... it seemed there was one panel devoted to him!

[Set during the events of Stranger than Fan Fiction, if it isn't already obvious.]

Chapters (1)

Vesperquines—batponies—have faithfully guarded Equestria's night for a thousand years. Apart from Celestia, they alone have kept the memory of Princess Luna alive in their hearts. And they alone know of their failure, of how they were not the friends she needed when jealousy and despair gnawed at her.

They pray for a second chance. They vow to do better.

And then, one night, miraculously, she returns.

But the princess whose memory they cherish is still lost to her mad fury. And for a young recruit of the Night Guard, the nightmare has just begun.

A selection of the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (7)

Octavia has a musical history and a side to herself she'd rather not have to explain outside of Ponyville. Inside Ponyville... well, everything was fine until she spotted Vinyl Scratch. What was she doing here?

Don't panic, Octavia! Don't freak out, don't lose your mind, don't....
Oh well.
(And check out Goombasa's excellent dramatic reading!)
Cover by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Shocking, how Celestia never taught Cadance the Royal Canterlot Voice. And Twilight will need to learn it as well. What can a Princess of the Night do but hold a class to teach this essential art for princesses? Hopefully she knows how to maintain classroom discipline....

Cover by Guardian Core.

Chapters (1)