• Member Since 5th Feb, 2012
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ACAB | ♠️ | A teacher, student, writer, and opinionated reader. Responsible for cleverpun's Critique Corner. | Donate via Ko-fi


If You Came to Conquer to be Physically Printed · 11:23pm July 9th

I am excited to announce that If You Came to Conquer will be featured in a physical book, printed by Avonder.

Equestrian Stories 2024 will feature 18 different stories by 18 different authors. It will be printed when it reaches it's funding goal. Copies start at 129 USD each, shipping included.

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Happy International Asexuality Day! · 7:52pm Apr 6th, 2023

I discovered/realized/admitted I was asexual back in 2021. Here's to another year of understanding oneself, to finding the words that were always there.

I first encountered the concept of asexuality years ago, back when I watched season 3 of Bojack Horseman in 2016. But I never stopped to think if the label might apply to me. "That's not normal. I'm normal. Therefore there's no need to examine the idea in further detail."

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Dramatic Reading of "If You Came to Conquer" by ObabScribbler · 8:16am Dec 13th, 2022

Some users may remember that one story I wrote about Nightmare Moon. You know, the one with the melodrama. Well, I'm happy to announce that there is now a new dramatic reading of it by ObabScribbler! Find it over here.

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This is the year... · 6:37am Oct 22nd, 2022

November is fast approaching. And lots of stuff happens in November. Thanksgiving and election day are the noteworthy American events. (My fellow Americans, don't forget to vote!) But another event happens in November, one I'm sure some of you will recognize.

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Abortion is a Human Right · 6:28am Jun 26th, 2022

Hey, how's it going?

Just stopping by to point out that abortion is a human right. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.

For anyone who needs transportation to another state for...reasons, https://elevatedaccess.org/ provides free airplane rides to people in need.

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cleverpun's reading journal: Mistborn: The Final Empire · 6:38am Apr 19th, 2022

Long time no blog. Been writing a lot, been busy with work. But I've still found time to read. And what better thing to blog about?

I recently finished Mistborn: The Final Empire, the first of Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy. I avoided it for a long time: as a fan of Sanderson's writing, and because of the sheer number of book in the series, I knew it would take up a lot of my time.

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So I Watched My Little Pony: A New Generation · 7:22am Sep 25th, 2021

So I watched that new small horse movie. It was pretty good. I'd give it a solid 7/10. I don't feel my time was wasted, I enjoyed it. But I would probably not watch it again. (And those of you who follow my reviews, know that a 7 from me is still earned.)

The Good:

  • The pacing. There's some time for characters to have quiet moments, and things move at a fair clip. Neither rushed nor plodding.

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Does Anyone Know of Recently Published Medical/Science Thrillers? · 7:23pm May 3rd, 2021

Alright, here's an odd request for y'all.

A friend of mine is working on a query letter for her book. Industry standards means she needs to compare her book to other books on the market. None of my writing group could think of appropriate comparisons, so I thought I'd ask here.

She's writing a medical/science thriller. The comparative book can be a little loose, but ideally not that dissimilar. The comparison can not be;

  • Self-published
  • Published a long time ago

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Happy International Asexuality Day! · 9:48pm Apr 6th, 2021

I discovered/realized/admitted I was asexual this year. I've always been asexual, it's just that now I have a word for it.

Asexuality is a complicated topic, and I'm hardly an expert. But feel to ask any questions you feel like in the comment section. I won't be offended.

And to start you off, here's some questions I've fielded in real life so far (mostly from my family).

  • What is asexuality?

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Got My First Dose of the Vaccine! · 5:40am Apr 6th, 2021

For every American who says your vote doesn’t matter, and that politics has no direct impact on your life...

gestures broadly