
Viewing 1 - 20 of 242 results

"The Digital Coyote" Is Out! · 3:53am Jul 27th, 2016

My novel "The Digital Coyote" is finally available on Amazon! It actually has ponies, as seen in "A Matter Of Taste". It's about a man who uses uploading not to be immortal, but to become more moral.

Report KrisSnow · 354 views · #novel

Novel "Thousand Tales" Is Out! · 6:52am Jun 7th, 2015 -- Print edition -- Kindle edition

We Found Paradise -- Now What?

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Report KrisSnow · 524 views · #novel

The Road to Lichdom · 3:09pm Oct 17th, 2017

Hello everyone!

I want to take a moment to announce this publicly and officially announce my novel now that it is fully planned and it has an expected finish by date. I am hoping to get the novel finished by the end of January to early February 2018.

So what is The Road to Lichdom?

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Youtube reading of Wanna Play? · 1:23am Oct 18th, 2016

Dusky Novel did a great reading of Wanna Play I suggest you read and like his channel. :pinkiehappy:
Link can be found here Wanna Play?

Report Opium4TmassS · 281 views · #Dusky Novel

Character Concept Art for Original Novel · 10:07pm Nov 30th, 2017

While I'm waiting for my second manuscript submission to go through, I thought I'd share some of the art I've had commissioned of the main character Katrina so far.

The first one is the original design done by my close friend Ambris. Due to elements of Katrina's backstory and heritage, I asked for a Conquistador theme for the overall appearance of the armor.

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Report Quillery · 513 views · #original novel

Off The Mark - The Novel · 1:46pm Apr 4th, 2019

Have you been enjoying the adventures (and misadventures) of Mark Wells? Why not read it again it again, but this time on a device guaranteed not to lose your data and is completely DRM-free! Consisting of hundreds of sheets of pulped wood with the words rendered with a black medium, it's sure to catch on. I wanted to call it a "woodpage", but someone else thought "paperback" was catchier. I dunno. What do you think?

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Report Goldfur · 1,038 views · #paperback #novel

"Learning To Fly" Draft 2 Complete! · 3:21am Mar 10th, 2017

105.4K words, and the second draft of "Learning To Fly" is complete! The next steps are some mix of taking a break from it for a few days, and fixing up the proposed new opening (which will make this even longer), and doing a spellcheck (done!). After those, I need to do a proper edit because this is 2/3 new material and bits of it are probably stupid. Would anyone like to beta-read?

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Report KrisSnow · 342 views · #book #novel

Further Off The Mark - The Novel · 3:07pm Feb 28th, 2020

Book Two of "Off The Mark" is now available in paperback –

Cover art is by Batonya

Report Goldfur · 788 views · #paperback #novel

Another weekend, another published chapter · 3:53pm Oct 21st, 2018

The saga continues.

TSweetie Belle Gains a Soul
In her darkest hour, Sweetie Belle finds salvation, but it comes with a terrible curse.
Bad Dragon · 132k words  ·  182  45 · 6.9k views
Report Bad Dragon · 273 views · #chapter #novel

Want a Book? · 3:22pm Nov 16th, 2015

How many of you prefer reading from a good old-fashioned paperback book? Despite the amount that I read online, actual books are still my preferred format, and it's the same for many other people. That's why A Different Perspective is now available in paperback format! It even includes all the illustrations, although sadly only in greyscale.

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Report Goldfur · 793 views · #paperback #novel

First Original Manuscript Sent to Publisher. Fingers Crossed · 2:41am Sep 3rd, 2017

As the title suggests, I have recently sent a portion of a fully complete manuscript to a local publisher for my first original novel. The wait is approximately three months to hear a response. Hopefully in that time they'll request the full manuscript and offer a deal, since thats the dream, right?

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Report Quillery · 482 views · #original novel

Status Lately · 2:25am Oct 9th, 2017

Hello Everypony-

So yeah, I've already seen the movie twice :twilightblush: I'll spare the spoiler discussion despite my sharable thoughts, but I will say that it was a lovely experience to share with my fillies, both times :pinkiehappy:

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Report WishyWish · 355 views · #status #novel

Training. · 6:11am Jan 22nd, 2022

I am training.

But not my muscles, but my skill. I'm currently studying how novels work. I've been on the site for too long and it's time I learn from a credible teacher. And that is an actual novel, and what do you know, it has superpower and heroes in it. Here it is.

Let's do this shit.


"Learning To Fly" Update · 3:48am Apr 6th, 2017

Book's ready to publish. Unfortunately, the artist who delivered character line-art and encouraging background sketches has fallen off the face of Equestria for the last three weeks, so the book is indefinitely delayed for lack of cover art. I've started asking around about alternatives and so far I've got a "no, thanks" and a "I could do this for $100-150 (vs. the original $50) but could go lower since the work's largely done". I'm antsy. Hopefully this'll all get resolved real soon now

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Report KrisSnow · 320 views · #art #novel #book #optimalverse

Pay Little Forward to Novel Idea (and his Family) · 6:53am Apr 3rd, 2019

Yo all. I rarely do this, but a writer and mutual friend I greatly respect, Novel Idea, on top of having a buttload of mental issues that hit him with a hammer... now has to move.

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Report vren55 · 378 views · #Charity #Novel Idea

NaNo - Challenge Completed! · 11:55pm Nov 16th, 2020

Amidst school and several other challenges, I have completed the challenge of National Novel Writing Month in just 16 days! Over 50,000 words in a brand new novel. I have not decided how the story will end, but the novel is nearing completion. It will take at least one more book to finish the story. I have a lot of school piling up, so we shall see how much further past 50,000 I will get!

Link to my NaNoWiMo Profile.

Report Mindrop · 141 views · #NaNo #50000 Words #Novel

My original fantasy novel, Breakers, is at last ready for the public spotlight! · 12:05am Jul 7th, 2022


History, in any world, is shaped by those precious few bearing great influence, be it from wealth, charisma, or strength. But not all those with such power ever expected to wield any, much less a kind which could be described as magic.

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Present Perfect vs. Fluttershy and the Fine Furry Friends Fair · 1:53am Aug 31st, 2015

Yeah, so I wanted to read a book written for little kids today, you got a problem with that? <.< Actually, what I got a problem with is I screwed up and didn’t post the rec journal first today. D: I’m a sham!

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Timeless pop art and ephemeral classics · 9:49pm May 9th, 2017

Texts worth reading--worth reading now, and worth reading two hundred years from now--coordinate the personal with the national and the international; they embed the instant in the instant's full context and long history. It's what the Odyssey does and what Middlemarch does and what Invisible Man does and what Jonathan Franzen and Marilynne Robinson's recent novels try to do.
--Eric Bennett, "The Pyramid Scheme", in (Harbach 2014), p. 71-72:

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Retrospective on How far I've come · 4:26pm Apr 22nd, 2017

I did kind of do a reflection of sorts on the end of Chapter 29 of ECQ&tAE, but I think I'll do a more general one for my blog.

Well... my second long story on this site is completed. ECQ&tAE, done, finished, with perhaps one lazy slice of life for Alternia and the gang down the pipe.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 242 results