This is the year... · 6:37am Oct 22nd, 2022
November is fast approaching. And lots of stuff happens in November. Thanksgiving and election day are the noteworthy American events. (My fellow Americans, don't forget to vote!) But another event happens in November, one I'm sure some of you will recognize.
National Novel Writing Month. A self-imposed challenge where writers try to write 50,000 words of a novel during November. Writing any words of the novel ahead of time is not allowed, but notes/prep—including detailed character biographies, plot outlines, and setting details—are encouraged.
This is the year. I may not succeed. Indeed, I'm not expecting to. But I will try, and that's the entire point.
I've never done NaNoWriMo before. I always told myself it didn't fit my writing style, that it was pointless to try. But if I haven't finished a novel after all this time, then perhaps something in my style needs to change/adjust?
I'm telling this to all of you, not just to make it real by speaking it aloud. I also want to give anyone else who may be on the fence, the final push to try it. There's nothing to lose, except perhaps a bit of pride. And there's quite a bit to discover and learn.
To others who may be trying it this year (or future years), good luck And wish me the same!
Best of luck!
I think I was kind of ginning up the wherewithal to try Nano again, but I'm also trying to move and November is a solid target :C
Good luck!
5693848 A daunting, Herculean task of a different stripe. I've had to move only three times in my life, and it's been a tremendous pain every time. Best of luck.
5693836 5693860 Thanks!
I'll need every ounce of luck I can get.