• Member Since 13th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I've been writing and selling stories for longer than a lot of folks reading this have been alive. Check Baal Bunny for more!


Five days ago, according to the letter Sandbar just got from Princess Twilight, Silverstream burst into Canterlot Tower, threw herself through some magic mirror she shouldn't even have known existed, and didn't come back.

Four days ago, Gallus went in looking for her. He hasn't returned either.

Even more worrisome? The letter asks if Sandbar could please report to the palace...

This story is an entry in the Verbal Exchange contest.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash has only ever been in love once. So when that love's threatened, she'll smash her way through the entire universe if she has to in order to set things right.

An entry in the Poetry Group's 2024 Pony Poetry Contest, this story gained an Honorable Mention.

On a technical note, the rhythm here is supposed to be iambic pentameter from stem to stern. The rhyme scheme traces its roots back to the terza rima Dante Alighieri first used five hundred years ago in the Divine Comedy, but I'm using the English-language variation that Percy Shelley came up with a little over two hundred years ago for his "Ode to the West Wind." This variation inserts couplets after four stanzas of terza rima to break the narrative into something kind of like a series of Shakespearean sonnets.

Because, I mean, why wouldn't a person do that? :twilightblush:


Chapters (11)

Does Discord want? Does Discord need? He likes to think that he doesn't, but then he likes to think a lot of things. All of them at the same time, usually...

An entry in the Thousand Words Contest III in the Experimental and Comedy categories, this story wound up with a pewter medal among the Experimental stories.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance has a problem only Agent Sweetie Drops can solve. But Agent Sweetie Drops—now known to almost everypony as Bon-Bon—would rather tear her own legs off than work for a princess again.

This was originally going to be my entry in the 2024 May Pairings Contest, but I didn't get it finished in time.

Chapters (1)

Fluorescence's mom helps run the pony side of the portal between Equestria and Earth. Taylor's mom does a similar job on the human side. So Fluor has known Taylor for, like, ever, and they share a fascination with the portal and how it works. This fascination only occasionally leads to interdimensional disasters.

A magical universe and a science-based universe may sit uneasily side by side, but friendship knows no boundaries.

An entry in the Science Fiction Contest III, this story tied for 7th place and was named "Best Upbeat Story."

Chapters (1)

Snails has a secret: a secret power only he can wield, a secret batch of knowledge only he can grasp, a whole secret world over which he rules as an absolute monarch.

Secret except, y'know, it's right there on his flanks. And I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it making that bean-brain act like a complete and total jackass!

No offense to any donkeys reading this...

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, using the prompt Snails/Knowledge (Or Lack Thereof), this story received an Honorable Mention!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chiaroscuro

Cozy Glow can't remember the last time she'd felt the need—or had the ability—to blink. But with Stygian, a pony she vaguely recalls, standing in front of her and saying that she's Equestria's only hope? That definitely deserves a blink or two...

An entry in the 2023 May Pairings Contest, this story received one of the five "Judge's Prizes" in the final results.

Chapters (1)

Spike's a young man who works at the local library. Twilight's the parrot-sized dragon who lives on top of the bookcase in his apartment.

Twilight's made it quite clear that she'd rather not talk about where she came from, so Spike doesn't ask anymore. But when five dimes from Twilight's hoard disappear, Spike and Twilight will have to confront her past in order to save their present and the whole world's future.

This is not an entry in Choices: A Species Swap Contest. It's actually an original short story I had published in a couple places nearly 30 years ago. But since I've been taking some of my pony stories, changing the pony stuff into non-pony stuff, and submitting them to the various SF magazines, I got to thinking: would it be possible to turn a non-pony story into a pony story?

Then I saw some entries for the abovementioned contest being posted and realized that the idea of a "species swap" was just what I was looking for. So let's see if it works!

And now it's got a reading on YouTube by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

Desperation can make a pony do a lot of crazy things. Lie. Cheat. Steal. Pay a call on two ponies who were trying to kill her the last time she saw them.

Of course, she was trying to kill them, too, back then.

But that's all in the past! And now that their daughter Rarity is on Princess Twilight's new ruling council, set to become a leader in the Equestrian government once Princess Celestia and Princess Luna actually step down, well, everything'll be totally different and so much better, right?

As long as the truth doesn't come out, of course...

An entry in the Ancestral Tribute contest, this story was awarded 3rd place, and its title comes from David Mallett's song "Ambition."

Chapters (1)

Theorizing that one could travel to parallel tooniverses where one's own species was sapient, Dr. Horace Horsecollar stepped into the Quantum Schlep accelerator...and vanished.

He woke to find himself trapped in one cartoon realm after another, facing equine mirror images that were not his own, and driven by an unknown force to change the overall cosmos for the better. His only guide on this journey is Mickey, an observer from his own tooniverse, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Horace can see and hear.

And so Dr. Horsecollar finds himself schleping from life to life, striving to put right what could go wrong, and hoping each time that his next schlep will be the schlep home.

This one isn't, though. This one has him schlepping into Big Mac's body just before "Applebuck Season."

And while this is definitely an entry in Estee's "Who Crossed Over My Little Pony?" contest in which it gained an Honorable Mention, it also might have something to do with this little TV series from the early 1990s called Quantum Leap...

Chapters (1)