• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen March 19th



Who Atrolux Really Is · 7:31pm Sep 6th, 2021

Dead account is dead

Some of you might remember that a few years ago I collabed with well known snake artist Atrolux focused on his incestual OC's. I've been putting this off, but I've finally decided to be honest about what actually happened between us and why he and I aren't working together anymore. You can read the detailed version here:

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New Comic: Bare Naked Science Exhibition · 1:13pm May 29th, 2021

Since this is all but a dead account at this point, I'll keep it short.
Moon Pearl and I have released another comic, this time focusing on EQG Celestia and Luna caught up in a wardrobe malfunction situation. Fans of ENF, public nudity, exhibitionism might be interested in this.
We're releasing one page per day for free, censored and low resolution. But you can buy the higher quality and uncensored pages here.

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Final Fantasy ENF Collab is finally up for sale. · 5:51pm Jan 12th, 2021

It's been several months in the making, but it's finally out.
Me and Moon Pearl have been collaborating since June of last year on this comic. It's a huge step for us, working on something that involves a somewhat new kink, and new territory outside of MLP.
For those who are fans of Embarrassed Nude Females, be sure to check this out. We really appreciate your support in this new venture of ours.

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Got a comic coming out in a few weeks · 1:32am Dec 20th, 2020

This is pretty much a dead account by this point. If anyone wants to see where I'm more active, check me out on Twitter, I retweet stuff every few days or so.

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I hope you like furry/scaly incest- Shedding Inhibitions Chapter 2 is available for purchase · 2:20am Jan 22nd, 2020

I think it's almost been a year since the last one came out. So, yeah, go ahead and recap what happened with the last chapter, and dive right into some mother-son snake incest. Well, buildup actually, no actual boinking just yet.
This is a comic series I've co-produced with furry artist atrolux-- he's done all the art, I wrote the script from beginning to end. Hope y'all like it.

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I guess I should say something about the ending of the show? · 11:44pm Oct 12th, 2019

Don't really have the energy to type anything long-winded out, so here's something short.

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Story preview, anyone? · 8:18pm Sep 28th, 2019

This story is something I originally wanted to do a number of years ago, a little bit after Rainbow Rocks came out, and it was all the rage to show Sunset with that lovely looking horse in that music video. I kept telling myself I'd do it, but believe I was working on something else at the time, and eventually became so busy that the fad passed and I figured nobody would want to read it anymore.

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Advertisement · 3:58pm Sep 25th, 2019

I mentioned in my last blog I'd have an announcement. This is it I guess.

Thanks to succubisamus for the wonderful advertisement and all the support she's given me as of late.

More details on derpibooru

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Here We Go Again · 3:49am Sep 25th, 2019

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve done this before, and at this point, I’m too exhausted to go find out. I make a story, I say I’m going to put more time into making more stuff, something in my life happens for better or for worse, and I go another several months before suddenly making another story again. You’re tired of it, I’m tired of it, I’m kind of surprised anyone still follows me at this point seeing how inactive I tend to be most of the time.

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Shedding Inhibitions: Big HUGE Project Collab Between Me And Atrolux · 12:07am Feb 25th, 2019

I have no idea how many of you still following me know me well enough to remember that I'm a huge fan of Atrolux's art, back when he was still drawing MLP stuff but even more so after he came up with his two snake OC's that are pretty much his poster children now.

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