I'm an irritating fangirl who also writes. A lot of my stuff is sad. I am sometimes overly sex-positive, so if you are sex-negative, I might have called you an elitist taint jockey. Sorry about that.
Found 11 stories in 17ms
Total Words: 42,843
Estimated Reading: 2 hours
They call it the Starlight Rose. Roseluck sells them at her shop, although she only has one a day.
Everypony has at least heard the rumors about what happens to those who buy the rose and sleep alone. Could one simple blossom truly bring secret fantasies to life, if only for a night?
Only Roseluck knows for sure.
(A collaboration between myself and Einhander.)
Life isn't fair when you're a teenage pony. Your sister forces you to host a sleepover for your most hated enemy. Your father browbeats you into trying to 'make friends' with the bully that makes your life hell.
At least Diamond Tiara has Silver Spoon, for support. And Sweetie Belle has friends like Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They bring support, both moral and alcoholic.
The punch is spiked. Tongues are being held. Ponies are on edge. All this sleepover needs is a spark to break the fragile truce between two fillies who will never, ever be friends.
Never ever . . .
(notes and minor spoilers further down)
(Written and developed in the same 'Universe' as Einhander's story, Royals. Story takes place after the events of Royals. Reading previous story recommended, not required. Original idea developed from FrostMane.
Marked sex for teenage sexual content. Marked teen for teenage content. Teen teen teenage teen. It's a coming-of-age story with a first kiss and some underage alcohol. Diamond is from this picture, with some small alterations. The whole pic is a composite of Google images, so I didn't add all the source URLs. If I used your art, and you want a credit, I'll add one.)
Ooooooh, I know how I should start the story! I do I do! It should start with 'once upon a time'! Right?
Awwww, I guess you're right, Cola. Everyone likes it the way it is now!
(Oh, and it's a story about when I was a little filly and my friends were all colored rocks! She said it needs that or else nobody'll know what it's about when they click it -- whatever that means! Cola also wants me to tell you it placed second in the TWG Contest and got on Equestria Daily!
Oh, oh, oh, oh! It even won this! I didn't even know Twilight kept a library of stories about all of us!
"Do you know what a mayfly is, Twilight?"
It's been six years since Spike met Rarity, and nothing's changed.
Nothing he knows about, anyway.
(Notes under the 'more')
This is a story in which I just don't even bother with passing the Bechdel Test.
(I know, I wrote another story with a character crying in the cover image. Someday I'll write something happy! I promise. Someday.
Also, I'm pretty sure I read a story like this once. If it turns out I accidentally rewrote a near copy, I'm sure someone will point it out to me, and I'll wipe this mess. I can't really go looking for what I read, though, it was from months back.)
During the war, many small villages were simply not worth fighting over. What would the ponies want with a small village of pottery makers, like Zoco?
The greatest threat to Zoco came not from the ponies but from their own kind, a pair of corrupt ex-spies looking to extort them. The former frumentarii killed the town's only defender and promised they would return for whatever they wanted.
But will a member of the new order of spies -- the agentes in rebus -- turn out to be any less corrupt?
An old doctor, a mare and her filly, and the secret project to create obedient cloned monsters -- just another day in the life of Stable 23.
Except it's the last day.