• Member Since 8th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Milo Brennan

"Just your regular Archaeovist in Equestria. Huh? No, I didn't steal Celestia's crown. I'm preserving it!" - Milo after being caught climbing out of Celestia's bedroom window.

Comments ( 4 )
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I certainly do plan to read Paul's works in the future. I've read Twilight's Inferno years ago (which I need to go favorite now that I remembered) and really liked it. I also plan to look at the rest of your works once I get through the stuff I'm currently reading. :twilightsmile:

I noticed Paul in your follows and agreed thought "Ah! Someone with discerning taste I see." Hope you gave Paul a few reads as well. Audience of One: The Gentle Nights is still my favorite fic on the site. Glad to know you found me through him. If you intend on going through the whole Silent-verse (the stuff spun out of Forbidden Melodies, Electro Swing is also going through a final edit for probably the next month or so. Luckily, it's much cleaner than Forbidden Melodies as the latter fic had all the problems that arise from writing and publishing a fic in the span of 48 hours.

Thanks again for giving my corner of FimFic a lookie-loo.


Why, that is some amusing timing right there! :rainbowlaugh: What are the odds of that.

But no worries, I'm more than happy to go back and re-read it! It's a nice story to reread.

I found your fic through PaulAsaran's review blog. The very first in the series in fact. I recently (aka in the last day) came back to the fandom to commit to reading pone fics again. But I didn't know where to start. So I decided to go through PaulAsaran's blogs as they help me direct to promising stories to take a look at. The rest is history. :twilightsmile:

And thanks! I wanted to decorate this page a bit (Still am). How else can I shamelessly express to the world that I'm a Celestia stan.

Hey! No one has posted here yet so I get to be first!

Thanks for adding Forbidden Melodies to your bookshelf! I also apologize that you didn't read it thirty minutes ago. The editor of my other fics just did me a solid and gave the old fic a once-over and I updated it on the site. Sorry you didn't get the cleaner read!

Also, I like your PFP and art on the sidebar. Solid choices.

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