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Shunned, yelled at, isolated, reputations ruined the CMC leave behind everything that they've lost thanks to that dreaded newspaper gossip column Gabby Gums. A whole year has passed since they've ran away from everyone they once called family and friends, and now the entire town including the main 6 are clouded with guilt over their harsh treatment towards the three girls and not hearing them out first. But when an old threat returns with a vengeance. The main 6 find themselves and their town of ponyville face to face with not only an upcoming takeover but by some familiar faces that they've long been searching for.

A standalone remake of Dictator's of Ponyville

with permission by the original creator : https://www.fimfiction.net/user/382498/Dragon-In-Black

Chapters (16)

An alternate version of "Ponyville Confidential", but unlike my first two stories, this one actually begins towards the end of the episode, and will also be published in four parts. Inspired by Splash Surfer 216's "Ponyville Runaways", this is a concept that I think would've made a great two-part (or even three-part) story arc for the series. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, feeling no longer welcome in Ponyville after being exposed as Gabby Gums, decide that the only thing left for them is to run away from home. How will their friends, and family react when they realize what's happened? And what will happen with Diamond Tiara?

I mean no disrespect to the people responsible for the show, nor do I claim ownership of My Little Pony. I also DO NOT claim credit for Splash Surfer 216's work. I just loved his idea, and wanted to do my own version. This fanfic is purely for fun, and is simply my opinion.

Note from author: Some of you may remember my botched first attempt at this story, and again, I apologize for that, especially to Splash Surfer 216. I honestly didn't mean for that to happen. The truth is, I jumped the gun when I published it the first time, and didn't realize how much I'd messed up until after I did so. I sincerely hope that this time will be different.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: The Greatest Showman

The Mane Six and Spike have thrown down with some of the meanest and most nasty villains of all time in Equestria. They have toppled Chrysalis, laid the smackdown and Cozy Glow, trampled Lord Tirek, and many other a foe. This time, however, the ones they will be throwing down with are professionally trained fighters from the worlds most popular professional wrestling company in the world: World Wrestling Entertainment.

Follow them as they reconnect with the Mystery Inc group in this animated smackdown extravaganza. When Shaggy and Scooby Doo win tickets to Wrestlemania after defeating the highest level on a video game, the group make their way to WWE City. While here, they meet some of the biggest superstars in wrestling history such as John Cena, Triple H, The Miz, and so many more. However, they also have a big problem to deal with as a massive ghost bear threatens the main event as well as the very future of WWE City.

How will our heroes possibly deal with this new found threat?

Chapters (12)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

On the night of Christmas Eve, the CMCs are having a sleepover, talking about what to post next as "Anon-a-Miss". Sweetie Belle is getting worried about Sunset, but Apple Bloom and Scootaloo ignored her worries and told her that Sunset will be fine.

But later that night, they were shocked when they were visited by the ghosts of Apple Bloom's parents, who express their disappointment in them and wanting Apple Bloom to confess to being Anon-a-Miss and make things right. When Apple Bloom refuses to do so, her parents then warned the girls that they will be visited by three ghosts later tonight. Apple Bloom brushes this off, thinking her parents were just joking, only to find that they weren't the next time they woke up.

Based on a classic Charles Dickens' story, "A Christmas Carol".

Story Idea by SweetTeaFiend. Thanks again for granting me permission to post this story! :pinkiesmile:

Special thanks to MLPSolarDash1907 for proofreading this story! :twilightsmile:

Cover art designed by me.

Note: This story is already planned and written. New chapters will be posted between the 20th - 24th of December.

FEATURED: 12/20 - 12/22/21 - Thank you all so much! :twilightsmile:

This story now has a Tv Tropes page! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (7)

Parody of Hamtaro Please Come Home, but my own twist.
Sunset Shimmer ran away from home after accused for being Anon-A-Miss and posting everyone's secret, her decision led her on an adventure. Meanwhile Anon-A-Miss reveal them self, and the main 5 along with the rest of the school are on the quest to find their friend and bring her home.
P.S: This is one of my earliest stories

Chapters (13)

Right before Christmas, in the Equestria Girls world, Anon-a-Miss was cyberbullying the students of Canterlot High. Everyone accused Sunset Shimmer of bring the perpetrator. It hurt her so badly that she decided she wanted to take her own life. However, she is saved by hearing a certain holiday song on the radio. This inspires to stay strong during the holidays. Takes place during the Equestria Girls Holiday Comic.

WARNING: Contains spoilers for the comic.

Rated T for swearing and a suicide attempt.

I do not own the song.

Chapters (8)

Carrie "Carrietta" White is a normal, shy unicorn who is constantly picked on and misunderstood by most of the students at the School of Gifted Unicorns. What's worse is that her mother is a religious fanatic who abuses Carrie after her father abandoned her. After hearing about the latest incident at the School, Princess Celestia turns Carrie over to Princess Twilight Sparkle to help her overcome her fears and her humiliation. What no pony knows, other than Twilight, is that Carrie possesses a secretly powerful magic that may bring utter chaos and destruction if not controlled properly due to her emotions.

Can Princess Twilight successfully give Carrie the self-confidence she needs to overcome her fears from her classmates and to control her newly founded powers or will Carrie succumb to the vengeful madness and fury that is secretly building up from within her very soul?

*Carrie belongs to the Stephen King novels and films*

*MLP belongs to Hasbro*

*All Characters from the Carrie Movie and Film will be described as pony versions of themselves*

Chapters (12)

Thanks to Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is overwhelmed with grief, believing she is destined to be alone. Even when the culprits confess, she refuses to forgive her friends after they accused her earlier. When the new substitute teacher gives her a book to help her with her grief, she is visited by characters who tell her only by these visits can she forgive her friends.

Author's Note: (PLEASE READ FIRST!) Around the time the pandemic hit us, I have been reading other fictions involving the Equestria Girls Holiday story from the comic book series, also known as the Anon-a-miss story. Long story short, it takes place between Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, the CMCs make a MyStable account called Anon-a-miss and exposes students secrets and everyone blames Sunset. Things get resolved, of course, but people criticize it for characters being out of character. My gripe is that I feel in Equestria Girls is that every time the girls turn away from Sunset and things get resolved, they don't learn from it or show signs of regret. just one apology and everything's okay.

To me, Sunset should have just left the group, feeling betrayed when they should have been helping her understand friendship. Relax, after a bit, she would return. On Fimfiction, I've read alternate stories where Sunset doesn't forgive the Rainbooms, returns to Equestria, or dare I say it commit suicide. I had decided to do my own version and I'm using elements from one of my favorite stories, A Christmas Carol.

Those are just my words. Also, there may be some repeated dialogue.

I'm rating this T for Teen because there's a chapter with an attempt at suicide.

Enjoy my fiction and Merry Christmas!
Be safe.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: The Phantom Of The Opera

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all want to be biggest and best adventurers that Equestria has ever seen. The only problem is that everypony thinks that they are only children who aren't cable of big things. They want to prove to everypony that they can do anything and in order to do that, they accompany the Mane Six on their latest adventure to the underwater city of Bikini Bottom. It is here they meet Spongebob Squarepants and accompany him on a mission to retrieve King Neptunes stolen crown.

Chapters (13)

During a cool and calm snowy night in the last week of February, Sunset Shimmer meets a heartbroken 4 year old boy lost in the alley neighborhood. It’s up to her to find out what sisterhood means to her and find a way to help the poor little child. A child who was suffering from the loss of his parents and the unappreciated abusive behavior from his aunt who treated him harshly. An aunt who blamed him for the loss of her dear sister. Can Sunset and her friends give the boy the love, care, respect, and kindness he truly deserves and heal his broken heart?

This story also stars Principal Celestia, Vice-Principal Luna, Dean Cadance, the Shadowbolts, Fleur De Lis, The CMCs, The Dazzlings, and Chrysalis.

Chapters (31)