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Chapter 5

Later that night, Sunset was sleeping when she heard her alarm go off. She was half asleep as she looked to see it was 1:00 AM.

“why did I set my alarm for one?” she muttered as she went back to sleep. Then she heard the echo of the Green Ranger’s voice echoing in her room.


Sunset stood in her bed half-awake when she fell off due to the sound of a whistle.


“Rise and Shine, Sunset Shimmer!” cried a grouchy loud voice.

Sunset climbed up to find a muscled guy wearing army boots, camouflage pants, a black tanktop, a white support belt, sunglasses, and a ranger hat.

“Did I miss the part inviting you in?” she groaned.

“I just appear when needed!” the guy declared. “My name is Sargent Slaughter! And I’m your visitor for Christmas Past.”

“Long past?” Sunset asked.

“No. Your past.” Sargent Slaughter then revealed he held Sunset’s phone. “I just saw you have a message.”

Sunset looked at her phone and saw it was the message from Applejack earlier. “I thought I deleted that.”

“Without even checking it?”

“It’s probably more Anon-a-miss garbage.”

“Did you hear it?”

“Why bother? They made it obvious they hate me.” Sunset sighed.

“So, when someone does you wrong, they’re automatically denied another chance.”

“Like they gave me?”

Sargent Slaughter walked over to the closet. “Seems to be a habit of yours. Don’t remember?” he opened the door revealing a glowing light that got Sunset’s attention.

“W-What is that?” she asked.

“The Doorway to your past.” The sarge said. “C’mon. Let’s get going.”

Frightened at first, Sunset got up and followed Slaughter into the light.


When the light died, Sunset opened her eyes to find herself in a familiar town.

"Canterlot," Sunset Shimmer gasped. "You brought me to Canterlot?"

"More or less," Slaughter replied.

Sunset looked down and saw she wasn’t a pony before looking around.

"Hey, I know that pony," Sunset Shimmer said pointing at an Earth pony with a green mane. "That's Silver Lining. I haven't seen that optimist in forever."

"And you're still not," Sargent Slaughter said. "This is the past. Everything you see is just a flashback. You can't touch them nor can you alter anything. No pony can see or hear you."

"Why would you..." Sunset Shimmer asked.


Sargent Slaughter led Sunset Shimmer to the Canterlot Castle windows. They went through room to room until they found a bedroom.

"I know this place," Sunset Shimmer said. "This is where I slept back when I was taught by Princess Celestia."

"and does that pony look familiar?" Slaughter pointed at a unicorn popping her head from under the covers. Her red mane was all messed up and she rubbed her eyes.

"That's..." Sunset Shimmer gasped. "That's me. That's actually me!"

Sunset watched her pony self get herself around and went to the balcony to see her mentor, Princess Celestia lift the sun to start the day.

“Can I lift the sun, huh? Can I? Can I?” the pony asked gleefully.

Her horn glowed as she tried but could not do it. Celestia took over and patted the down pony on the mane.

“You’re not quite there, Sunset.” She smiled.

Sunset smiled remembering that day.

Sgt. Slaughter took notice. “You really admired her, didn’t you?”

“Princess Celestia was like the mother I never had. I was her student.”

The scene fast forwarded to the two ponies in a room where Celestia talked to Sunset.
“You must learn to make friends.”

“But. Why?” Sunset raised her brow.

“Because friends bring happiness.”

“But….I’m happy when I do magic.” Sunset pointed out.

“Idiot! Listen to Celestia!” Sunset stated to her past self.

“But why do you do magic?” Celestia asked her pupil.

“to Do good things?”

“But for who? You need to make friends, Sunset.” Sighed Celestia.


Sunset and Slaughter watched as they fast forward to when Sunset’s past self was talking to Celestia after her failed attempt to be a friend.

“I know friendship is not easy, Sunset.” The princess said.

“But why?” asked Sunset annoyed. “Do you want me to fail again?”

“I don’t think any pony would be incapable of making friends.”

Sunset whined. “But What am I doing wrong? I tried to act nice. I tried to be friendly, but nothing works!”

Celestia slightly chuckled. “you saying you can study the fundamentals of magic but friendship is too hard for you?” she then rubbed Sunset’s mane again. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Sunset.”

Sunset sniffled. “Is that an order?”

“Yes. And until you do, you are forbidden in the library.”

Sgt Slaughter turned to the human Sunset. “That must’ve hurt you bad.”

Sunset sighed. “she just wanted what was good for me. But back then, magic was the only thing important to me.”

The two watched as the scene shifted again. This time, Sunset saw her pony self wearing a cloak reading a scroll about the magic mirror she later escaped to.

“Typical. You disobeyed.” The sarge crossed his arms.

Sunset looked ashamed. “Celestia wasn’t thrilled either.”

She was right.

“What? Are you doing here?”

The pony Sunset looked up from her cloak in shock. “P-Princess Celestia?”

“I have made it clear that you were not allowed here and you have disobeyed me!”

“I told you! I couldn’t even make friends!”

“You didn’t even TRY!”

“I did! I tried everything you told me!”

“Did you?”


Celestia was taken shock from her student’s words. But before she could answer, Sunset teleported away.

Seeing herself say that, Sunset fell to her knees and tried to hide her tears. “What have I done?”

Sgt. Slaughter put his hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Come on. There something you should see.”

Sunset whimpered. “I know what happens next.”

“There’s something you missed.”

The scene fast forwarded to Princess Celestia looking guilty as she set the sun and raised the moon. As she looked at the image of Nightmare Moon on it, she sobbed to herself, “What have I done?”

Sunset and Slaughter watched as Celestia flew to her old room. As she knocked, she saw the door was slightly ajar. Then the alicorn tried to talk to her student.

“I-I’m sorry! I don’t know what got over me. I should have gotten to understand you! I thought I was helping, but I was not. I-I don’t know anything about friendship.” She sniffled.
“maybe….maybe we could get a second-” the door then gave way as Celestia gasped to find the room empty.

Sunset, seeing that her mentor tried to apologize her, began to cry. Slaughter held the girl and, after a pause, spoke. “There was someone else you did this to.”


The scenery changed. Instead of a castle, Canterlot High appeared. The two of them were inside Ms. Cheerilee's class room.

"November," Sunset Shimmer gasped. "This is the end of November!” She pointed at the past Sunset Shimmer sitting in her desk.

"Students," Cheerilee announced. Everyone turned their attention to her. "I'd like to introduce a new student that'll be joining the class. Come on in."

The classroom door opened and a teenage boy with a black jacket and blue hair entered the class. When past Sunset saw him, she widened her eyes with a smile and rubbed her chin.

"This is Flash Sentry," Ms. Cheerilee said. "He's from out of town and he's in a band. So everyone, try to make him feel welcome."

"I get it, now," Slaughter said. "After class, you put the moves on him, didn't you?"

"I wouldn't say that," Sunset Shimmer said. "Okay. Yes, I invited him to dinner so I could show him around the town. We've been in a relationship since, but after a month, Flash Sentry broke it off for no reason."

"I wonder why?"

Suddenly, the scenery changed. A party was held in the Canterlot High gym. Christmas music was played and everyone was celebrating.

“Oh no!” Sunset gasped.


Everyone looked at where the scream was heard. Past Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry were standing by the punch bowl. Flash Sentry had a nervous face while past Sunset was very angry.


"Look, Sunset, I'm sorry," Flash Sentry said. "If you would just let me explain."

"Explain what," past Sunset Shimmer shouted, "That you're heartless!"

"It's not that at all," Flash Sentry said.

"I have given you the best month of my life," past Sunset Shimmer shouted. "I have been a wonderful girlfriend to you. I just cannot believe you're going to leave me... DURING THE HOLIDAYS!"

"I didn't say I was going to leave you," Flash said. "I just don't think we should go out anymore. We can still hang out. This break-up doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"YES, IT DOES," past Sunset Shimmer shouted angrily. She grabbed a punch-bowl and slammed it on top of Flash's head. She then ran off while Flash's friends were drying Flash Sentry off.

"I didn't need to see that." Sunset Shimmer said.

"No, the old you didn't need to," Sgt Slaughter corrected. "If you really have changed, then maybe you can hear him out now. Look for yourself."

Sunset Shimmer saw Flash Sentry talking to his friends.

"Well, good riddance," one friend said. "I told you that you should've left her a few weeks ago."

"Flash, why did you end things with her?" another friend asked.

"She wanted me to forget about you guys," Flash Sentry said. "She said that I should be paying more attention to her."

Sunset Shimmer widened her eyes and felt a heavy feeling in her chest.

"Really?" the first friend asked.

"Yes," Flash Sentry said. "And that's when I realized that it may not matter what my friends think of my girlfriend, it does matter what my girlfriend thinks of my friends."

"Well, don't worry, buddy," the second friend said. "I'm sure you'll find another girl someday."

"Yeah," Flash Sentry said. "Maybe someday."

The scenery changed. The Christmas party began to fade away. In a few seconds, everything in sight was pitch black, except for Sunset Shimmer and Sgt. Slaughter. Sunset began to cry. Remembering her making Flash choose between her or his friends really ached.

Slaughter then offered Sunset her phone. “Do you wanna check your voicemail?”

Sunset took her phone and pushed a couple buttons and held her phone to her ear as Applejack’s message started.

“Sunset, it’s Applejack. Listen…. I’m sorry. For everything. I feel bad for not knowing you were telling the truth. We all want to make it up to you. If you don’t wanna call me back, please come to the Sweet Apple Acres Christmas party. Please. I’m so sorry.”

Sunset wanted to believe that, but she was too filled with sorrow.

“I don’t wanna see anymore! Please! Take me home!” she begged the Sarge.

Sgt. Slaughter looked down. “Just remember, Shimmer, you made these memories yourself.”

To be continued

Author's Note:

- That part about the bell tolls one part was inspired by the scene where Gonzo shouted that line in 'The Muppets Christmas Carol'

- Sgt. Slaughter is based on his look from the old G.I. Joe cartoon

- The Canterlot past is inspired by the fan video of 'The Fall of Sunset Shimmer' by Minty Root

- probably the closest thing to Flashshimmer we'll get in this fiction. I used dialogue from another Christmas Carol fiction. Wanted to reedit it, but I think it works well like this.

Next Time: Still doubt in the heart.