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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: The Greatest Showman

The Mane Six and Spike have thrown down with some of the meanest and most nasty villains of all time in Equestria. They have toppled Chrysalis, laid the smackdown and Cozy Glow, trampled Lord Tirek, and many other a foe. This time, however, the ones they will be throwing down with are professionally trained fighters from the worlds most popular professional wrestling company in the world: World Wrestling Entertainment.

Follow them as they reconnect with the Mystery Inc group in this animated smackdown extravaganza. When Shaggy and Scooby Doo win tickets to Wrestlemania after defeating the highest level on a video game, the group make their way to WWE City. While here, they meet some of the biggest superstars in wrestling history such as John Cena, Triple H, The Miz, and so many more. However, they also have a big problem to deal with as a massive ghost bear threatens the main event as well as the very future of WWE City.

How will our heroes possibly deal with this new found threat?

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 1058 )

*Just got back from lunch*


While very few of us have probably seen this 'Scooby Doo' movie when it came out, we of the C.A. community definitely aim to to deliver on the potential action as far as where this project is going. And if this brief scuffle within the movie theater is of any indication, there's only more of this still to come as we get to set for what is certain to be a fun-filled venture for the fans to enjoy from start to finish.

And because we decided not to wait any longer, here we have a glimpse of Erik and Rarity's child Gemstone (Even though we did not have an infant picture of the child at the time). Still, it is a beautiful moment to have on display, not to mention some subtle hints of Spike and Gabby's growing relationship for all the 'Spabby' shippers out there amongst our fans.

Stay tuned faithful readers, this is only the beginning of what's still in store for this portion of the series.

“Shut up you walking blueberry!” Cozy Glow mocked. “You sound more and more like a pony by the day. You really are just a stupid Siren!”

Hey! Don’t go calling sonata stupid 😡

Don't worry Doc, you won't need to set the commentary 'until' we actually get into the movie. Though suffice to say, Discord's time in a C.A. adventure will have to wait a slight longer. But we do have some 'Spabby' included in this project.

So far it is. We can only hope the project gets better moving forward.

Yeah, especially since that's usually Aria's job to tell it to Sonata's face. But yeah, this just goes to show that Sonata may be slightly aware of what folks think of her but that doesn't mean she likes it.

Sonata tackled Cozy gown and soon before the eyes of their leaders every member of the Legion of Doom and the Dazzlings fought like animals. Darth Andromedis and Demettira merely stood off to the side watching all the chaos, waiting to see who breaks first.

Yeah cozy pretty much deserved that.

Discord is so hilarious! I was on the floor laughing myself to death! :rainbowlaugh:

Gabby blushed over his kind words and they both leaned for a kiss. The moment, however, was ruined when a certain little colt popped out between them, and they both ended up kissing his cheeks.

“Thank you!” Lil’ Cheese squeaked cutely.

Both Gabby and Spike reeled back in shock as Lil’ Cheese bounced off the table just as Pinkie Pie walked up with a smile on her face and her son ran up to nuzzle her.

“God job my little cheesy-wheezy!” Pinkie said, nuzzling back. “You’re getting better at popping up by the day. Soon enough you’ll be sticking your head out of golf holes and saying, ‘Hole in on!’.”


“I believe you all need to channel your aggress with a little brute force,” The Dark One observed. “Fortunately, there is ‘another’ artifact we require in another world which will allow you the perfect opportunity to do so. Surely the Elements of Harmony will follow you and when that happens you will get your chance to brutalize them .”

Interesting. So they all are gonna be involved in this one

Spike and Gabby both got up from their seats and approached Rarity and Erik’s side for a quick peek in the carrier. Inside, all bundled up in a pink blanket, was a tiny little unicorn foal blissfully snoozing away. She was the spitting image of Rarity, even with the same marshmallow coat. However, her mane was a more light violet color with a grey blue streak which matched her eyes she got from her father.

I wish I could bookmark art

But this looks really amazing. And the design looks beautiful


Okay, jotting down my list.

  1. Lil' Cheese – Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich

    And now...

  2. Gemstone – Rarity x Erik

That leaves...

  1. ???? – Twilight x Storm Shield
  2. ???? – Rainbow Dash x Applejack
  3. Screwball – Fluttershy x Discord

“We managed to traverse through alternate universes and discovered the power of the dark side to get stronger!” Adagio shot back.

Yeah and you still managed to get your ass kicked, twice.

“If I wanted to see a bunch of lovey-dovey, mushy kissing stuff, I’d have stayed back at the farm with Big Mac and Sugar Belle,” Rainbow remarked.

Oh yeah! I forgot! They also have a son. A kid about Lil' Cheese's age. Uh, what's his name again?

“Ah hush up now sugar cube,” Applejack scolded. “Ya know they ain’t had much time tah spend together since Big Sugar was born.”

That's right.

Comment posted by Moonlight Tome deleted Feb 28th, 2022

“Nobody… calls me… A FISH!” Aria screamed.

Then you're a glorified seahorse, who gets angry to compensate for the fact that deep down, you'll never be enough to please mommy dearest.

*pondering in though* hmm, I wonder if the sirens still look human or are back to their siren selves. Meh, who knows.

“I… AM… NOT… STUPID!!!” She screeched.

Then why do you always keep mucking things up and say the dumbfounded things before thinking.

“Don’t worry Discord!” Pinkie assured. “The writers have something big planned for you in the future. You just have to be patient a little while longer.”

Ah classic 4th wall breaks. You gotta love it

Yep... we definitely wanted to include some funny bits with Discord during this chapter. And not to worry, later in the series we do have something planned that involves Discord's presence. This just wasn't the movie to do so.

Yeah. I would imagine she wouldn’t like it

Especially when she tries to be the voice of reason at certain points or even saying how she really feels

Spike and Gabby both got up from their seats and approached Rarity and Erik’s side for a quick peek in the carrier. Inside, all bundled up in a pink blanket, was a tiny little unicorn foal blissfully snoozing away. She was the spitting image of Rarity, even with the same marshmallow coat. However, her mane was a more light violet color with a grey blue streak which matched her eyes she got from her father.

Nice artwork.

Comment posted by Cobrawolf_Meiji2012 deleted Feb 28th, 2022

At Discord’s theatre, chaos ran amuck. Somehow, someway, the Dazzlings and the three core members of the Legion of Doom had entered the theatre spreading havoc within their wake. Only two individuals stood in their way at this time: Storm Shield and the owner of the theatre himself, Discord. A fierce battle took place as Storm faced the Dazzlings head on, while Discord took on two of the trio, Lord Tirek, and Queen Chrysalis.

And I was hiding behind a desk, holding a swordfish, and an army helmet, looking towards Silver Shill and Mina.

Me: "Silve Shill! Status!"

Silver Shill: "The Dazzlings are attacking Storm Shield! The Legions of Dooms are sparring with Discord. And Crazy Steve's here!"

Me: "Oh. That's no–CRAZY STEVE?!!! Today's Monday! Who–WHO LET HIM WORK–"

Mina: "Uh oh. Here he comes!"


Me, Silver Shill, and Mina: (Running after Crazy Steve) "CRAZY STEVE! CRAZY STEVE NO! She'll be coming around the mountain when she comes! SHE'LL BE COMING AROUND THE MOUNTAIN WHEN SHE COMES!!! COME BACK!!!!"

The Sirens themselves were mostly on the offense while Storm, being the gentle colt, preferred the more ‘defensive’ approach. For every fist they throw, mostly Adagio and/or Aria (Both even), Storm merely swipes them away with a brush of his hoof. Adagio goes for a front kick, but Stom takes that momentum to push Adagio into the air knocking her flat on her back. Aria tries to swing a fist toward Storm from behind, only for Storm to catch and hurl the siren over her shoulder and on top of Adagio. He turns just as Sonata tries to tackle the prince only for him to twirl her around and toss her into one of the chairs, the young siren landing softly against the cushions.

Just then, me, Silver Shill, and Mina came running, with Crazy Steve chasing us, when we saw Sonata in the cushion.

Me: (Pointing at Sonata) "HEY! STEVE! Sonata, Sonata! SHE ATE YOUR ENCHILADA!!!"

Crazy Steve: (Stares angrily at Sonata) "YOU ATE MY ENCHILADA?!!" (Proceeds to trounce her like a ragdoll)

Wow, off to a great start. I'm already excited to see what happens next.

Spike and Gabby both got up from their seats and approached Rarity and Erik’s side for a quick peek in the carrier. Inside, all bundled up in a pink blanket, was a tiny little unicorn foal blissfully snoozing away. She was the spitting image of Rarity, even with the same marshmallow coat. However, her mane was a more light violet color with a grey blue streak which matched her eyes she got from her father.

Rarity is a mother now!! :D

Congratulations to her and Erik!! :D :D

“At least let me come along with you,” Storm offered.

“Oh come on!” Discord yelled. “You’ve already been in three movies straight and now you get another one?! Its favoritism with these stories, I’m telling you!”

“Don’t worry Discord!” Pinkie assured. “The writers have something big planned for you in the future. You just have to be patient a little while longer.”

Discord grumbled to himself, before leaving the theatre to contact everyone. Everyone just faced the two with confusion before getting back on track.

“Storm, you’ve barely recovered from that fight,” Twilight pointed out worriedly. “Maybe you should…”

“With all due respect Twilight, I’ve traversed more of these worlds before any pony else,” Storm replied. “I’ve personally seen ‘everything’ the Multiverse has to offer and you’ll need all the help you can get.”

“Ya know he does have a point Twi,” Applejack agreed.

Twilight scrunched her face a moment, pondering over it until she finally nodded with a smile.

“Alright Storm, you’re in!” She said.

Storm Shield is back on another adventure since the Star Wars trilogy adventures!! :D :D :D

Depending on the time provided, we should have this story done before 'Wrestlemania'.

I think it would be best if everyone just stopped eating enchiladas with Crazy Steve around

Seeing the MLP villains fighting each other... it was so beautiful that it could bring world peace.

By the way...

A like in my comment if the artifact that the Dark Order is looking for is... the championship belt.

Storm, sensing the incoming attack, flaps high in the air and the chair struck Aria square in the face knocking her unconscious. Sonata gasps as she stares at the unconscious Aria as Storm lands nimbly beside her.

Me: "OOH! Right in the schnoz!" (To Mina) "Did we get that for posterity?"

Mina: (Looks through the camera recording) "Sure did! Ta-da!" (Shows Sonata hitting Aria in the face, in slow-motion)

Me, Mina, and Silver Shill: "OH! Ho-ho-ho-ho!"

Me: "We're so gonna put that on YouTube. Think of the likes we're gonna get and the money we'll get! We'll clean up!"

The time frame for that is 33 days. Wow, didn't realize it was that soon already.

And the moment Adagio fully recovered, she sees her unconscious cohorts then toward Storm who had the chair in his clutches.

“Oh, she is just not going to understand this…” Storm told himself.

“Why you bully!!!” Adagio growled.

Me: "Says the goldfish who kidnapped Sunset Shimmer, held her prisoner, and tortured her into becoming a Sith."

Mina: "Yeah, so...you shouldn't be that upset."


Me, Mina, and Silver Shill: (To Crazy Steve) "WE KNOW WHAT THE COW SAYS!!!"

The Sirens quickly turned back as Lord Tirek suddenly slid towards the trio, all four of his legs turned to soap. Before the girls could move, they were struck by the rear side of the tall centaur as he slipped straight toward the nearby wall.


The force of the crash reeled Tirek forward, as a Discord clone stood over the centaur while chewing some popcorn.

“Yeah… I’m going to have to give you a five for the landing,” Discord replied, holding up a sign.

As for the Sirens, the three girls groaned as they stuck against the damaged wall for a few seconds… slowly peeling off and falling face first onto the floor.

“I… am never… going to unsee that…” Adagio shivered.

Me: "Wow...from the Empire's inquisitors to Three Stooges, how the mighty have fallen." (Laughing at my own joke)

Mina: "Three's a crowd." (Laughs along)

Silver Shill: "Three real, butt-monkeys they are." (Laughs out loud)

Me: "Hmmmm." (Picturing three monkeys with the Dazzlings faces in place) "That's not a bad idea."


No, but seriously. Can someone please animate this? I'll pay you $20 if you do. Maybe not, because I'm so darn cheap on the internet. And I don't trust the internet...

It's out already! I'm so ready for this! Can't wait for your other commentaries Phantom Dragon.

Chrysalis’ head crashed through a wall, as swarms of tiny Discords flew around her face laughing mockingly toward the frustrated Changeling. Suddenly, what appeared to be bits of snow started dropping on her face. But when she looked it she realized it wasn’t snow… instead it was a Discord, dressed like an Italian chef, shredding a block of parmesan cheese over her.

Mama mia… cheesy orzo… monte bella… and it’s-a yours… so!!!” Discord sang.

It was then that Chrysalis only just realized something was off. As if getting a shower of cheese all over her face wasn’t enough, she noticed that her mane had been transformed into… spaghetti noodles. To say Chrysalis was horrified was an understatement.

“DISCHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORD!!!!” Chrysalis screamed.

Me: (Singing, while Mina plays a ukulele, and Silver Shill plays an accordion) "This is the night~"
"Such a beautiful night~"

Lord Tirek had just recovered behind Discord’s back and without a moment’s hesitation whammed him to the ground and knocked Discord unconscious. With the ‘real’ Discord taken out, all the clones immediately vanished.

Me: "Well, it was fun while it lasted..." (Snickering to myself, as I held up some recordings) "But as a consolation prize, we've saved some fun videos!"

  1. Sonata hitting Aria on the face, with a chair.
  2. The Dazzlings get a face full of Tirek's butt.
  3. Discord cooking Queen Chrysalis for spaghetti.

“Fine… but they’re still going to get it somehow,” He grumbled. “No one breaks into my theater and wrecks it… again . I mean yeah, there was that one time, but I still don’t know who burned it down! Seriously, we need better security!”

Me: (To pizza11q) "Yeah... we're gonna need more of you guys on the force."

Upcoming VIPs.

  • Mercy the Buzzard
  • Abby the Witch
  • Ramblin Rabbit
  • Hoskis the pig
  • Mr Bossman

Ah yeah, Bray Wyatt's old little posse of creepy dolls. Nice to have them joining the reaction.

Discord grumbled to himself, before leaving the theatre to contact everyone.

Present G4/Equestria Girls/In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away/Future G5

Everyone all received their messages from Discord, and knew the drill, making a beeline towards the nearest Discord Theater.

Crazy Steve: "QUIET!!!" (Everyone silenced) "Thank you."


Then you're a glorified seahorse, who gets angry to compensate for the fact that deep down, you'll never be enough to please mommy dearest.

Speaking of which.

"Did you know that seahorses, that they mate for life? Could you imagine? A seahorse seeing another seahorse– and then making it work?" – Peter B. Parker

me: yeah i could use a few extra hands or hoofs that would be nice since this is starting to be a frequent occurrence

:rainbowlaugh:, Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse reference.

After everyone all arrived at their theater(s), the movie begins, with a special message from a certain rabbit.

Then, we are featuring some advertisements!

Equestria Girls: It's Showtime!

Now available, on Fimfiction.net!

While the Mane Six deal with their adventures in movies back in Equestria, their human counterparts in Canterlot High find themselves on their own little adventures.

Shake Your Tail – Rainbow Rocks

Experience fairy-tales, with unsuspecting twists, like never before, in Once Upon Time.

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Journey to Westeros, and cross blades, tame dragons, while competing in the Game of Thrones.

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Then after that, it's a wacky, daffiest, looniest, non-stop high-falutin sensation of fun, with Bugs Bunny and friends, in the Looney Tunes.

EEquestria Girls: It's Showtime – Looney Tunes
The Equestria Girls have a Looney Tune time with Bugs Bunny and friends.
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Equestria Girls: It's Showtime!

Coming soon to Fimfiction.net

A fantasy-drama of enlightenment and slice-of-life is what our heroines will experience in Touched by an Angel.upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/13/Touched_by_an_Angel_%28logo%29.jpg

A non-stop game of cat and mouse, has come to Canterlot City, with the Equestria Girls caught in between the legendary battle of Tom and Jerry!pngitem.com/pimgs/m/242-2423093_tom-and-jerry-tom-chasing-jerry-hd-png.png

And finally, it's an epic battle between good and evil, as the Equestria Girls and friends meet The Masters of the Universe with He-Man and She-Ra!


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Equestria Girls: It's Showtime

Will you have cameos from the girls of Young Justice?

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