This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed
Hearths Warming Eve has come once again in Equestria and all around, every pony is in a most merry of moods. Well...maybe not every pony. Sickened by the sickly sweet feelings of the holiday, Cozy Glow attempts to ruin the occasion by stealing the magical television from Twilight Sparkle to cause mass chaos. However, a magical surge sends herself through the portal and it is up to the Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer to go after her and stop her from causing more destruction. This lands them in the small town of Whoville, where the citizens are readying themselves for Christmas time. But all is not as joyous and merry as is to be believed when the Christmas hating Grinch seeks to steal the very holiday itself.
Will our heroes be able to stop Cozy Glow and help the Grinch learn to love Christmas? Or are some hearts just two sizes too small to learn to love?
and the adventure begins ^^
A new story's here,
Just in time for the snow.
Hope everyone's ready,
'Cause here we go!
I see Cozy with The Grinch and the Mane 7 & Spike with Cindy Lou Who
Why not indicate that it is the sequel to "Scooby Doo 2"?
Ah yes... the first of December faithful readers. This could only mean 'one' thing. 24 more days before the holiday event of the year, Christmas time. And what more appropriate way to continue the new season than by decking the halls with a yuletide holiday story. But rather than the usual expected choices when it comes to the Christmas season (From the stop motion animated flicks and even those other holiday films that play on loop nearly every December) we instead decide to take a look at the live action adaptation of one Seuss's most popular stories of all time. A story which in fact has been adapted many times and was one of the few that put his name on the map. And that story involving a certain... 'Grinch'.
And as it so happens with these holiday stories, all starts cheerfully at first with every pony gathered together to celebrate a glorious Hearths Warming together. So excited every pony is that even Starlight Glimmer aims to start an upcoming party to commemorate the season. But the holiday spirit is at great risk when it turns out a certain sociopathic filly has chosen this time of the year to attempt to spread chaos as a way of channeling her own frustrations. We never know much about Cozy Glow as far as 'why' she is evil, nor 'why' she would hate a holiday like Hearths Warming. All we know is that in all the chaos she's trying to help steal the magic from the T.V. and Discord's theater. And it's once again up to our favorite group of friends to set things right.
Of course I just know that the Doc is going to be PISSED when he finds out about this.
Yes indeed. The season continues and this is only the beginning for what we have in mind.
And with any luck, this project will be done just in time for Christmas.
We shall see, we shall see... we've got it all figured out. Just got to tweak in a few scenes and everything will go as such.
Number One: Shut up.
Number Two: It's no big deal. We'll get it on there.
I see you have already started The Grinch. Sweet. I still need to read some of the other stories, but trying to finish the next chapter quickly.
Since we're talking about Christmas and Jim Carrey, it's safe to announce that A Christmas Carol (2009) is gonna be part of The Disney Chronicles. I thought about it well and think it would make a great addition. There's gonna be extra elements in it from the novel and possibly from some other movie versions of the story. I think adding Starlight would be nice along with a very special guest that fits nicely in the tale.
yes indeed. and by the way, happy holidays
So begins the next sequel, of our little ponies
They go on many adventures, not a lot of phonies
Now they must chase after an evil filly who is beginning to be an itch
And their next adventure is going to be about a Grinch.
Awesome opening, and Cozy Glow become a pyro maniac. I loved the scene with the Cake Twins building a snowman, and Cheese building snow clowns. That reminds me of one of my Favorite McDonalds commercials during Christmas time.
Yeah, but I think things will be a little different this time.
I think that would make for a wonderful addition to the Disney Chronicles. And most appropriate to cast Starlight Glimmer as a guest star. Given the fact in that one episode she was used to portray the 'Scrooge' of that one story who was required to receive visits from three spirits to warn her should she make an attempt to cast a spell to 'end' the holiday for good. I think she might be able to help Mr. Scrooge see the error of his ways and perhaps they may have a few things in common about their own misfortunes in life. Plus, Starlight's been in need of a stronger role since she was mostly a prisoner in that very first project.
I loved this commercial. Such a heartwarming scenario involving one of the most iconic fast food mascots in history.
And thus another begins
And so it begins.
Put on your warm clothes, fellas. It's gonna be one cold adventure!
Everyone deep in Ponyville loved the holidays a lot,
But Cozy Glow... who lived with villains in out in the caves, did not.
She hated Hearth's Warming, every part of the season,
Now, please don't ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
It could be her head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be perhaps that her shoes were too tight...
(Cozy Glow looks confused. "First, I don't wear shoes. Second, why would shoes affect how I feel about something? I don't get that.")
But the most likely reason of all, I should think,
Is Cozy Glow thought that her brain was two sizes too big...
But whatever the reason you might want to pick,
Cozy Glow spent her time, hating the tricks...
In all seriousness, great start to the story, eagerly awaiting more... hee hee hee!
It is one of my favorite Christmas stories. Charles Dickens sure was quite the author.
Did you know that the voice actor of Percival C. McLeach from The Rescuers Down Under played Scrooge in the 1984 version? Another favorite version of mine. There are also many people who prefer Alastair Sim's portrayal of the famous character.
ahh the late george c scott, he was one of the best actors to do scrooge
I know.
but my first experience to a christmas carol would be mickey's christmas carol
I can’t wait. Who knows? I mean what will the story have? Cindy Lou Whoasked Twilight about Cozy’s past (Before she became the villain they hate)? I’m just imagining the possibilities
Great 'Nostalgia Critic' reference. Say what you will about Doug Walker nowadays, but that was funny!
Another great version. I think it was my first one too.
Ah yes I do recall that version involving Mr. Scott. I still have that VHS at home.
it certainly is a great version. especially with mickey as bob crachit and scrooge mcduck as ebenezer scrooge
So now that Pound and Pumpkin are fillies it's time to give them voice actors I was thinking Pound could sound like Young Simba from the Lion King and Pumpkin could sound like Young Nala also from Lion King and what a great way to start a holiday story I'm going to enjoy this
a classic Christmas story begins.....
foals. A filly is a young female, colt is a young male. Foal is the neutral term.
Sorry sometimes I get that confused but like I said what a way to start a great holiday story I'm going to enjoy this
Here we go!
......... I am both surprised, and not surprised that you're doing How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Surprised, since the end of the last story indicated Harry Potter. But I am also unsurprised since..... well..... it's December. We HAVE to have a Christmas movie.
Anyway! How The Grinch Stole Christmas, huh? Have to admit, not exactly a favorite of mine. Then again, I didn't really like Phantom of the Opera as a film and still loved the Cinematic Adventure. I'm hopeful! We'll see how this goes!
........ Cozy, would you think for ONE. SECOND!?!?!?
Best Birthday Gift Evah!
Wow. As usual, that was quick. Also, little thing I noticed bout Diamond Tiara as long as she's here. I noticed after her big redemption episode she kind of dissapeared. I don't know whether it was cause the fandom was "good riddance" with her or if the writers just didn't know what to with her. But on that last part, that's something that can work for her too. She's using the talent for a good cause, but hasn't quite figured out how to perfect it yet. Heck, have her grudgenly go to the CMC for help on this. Know its a character we kind of hated compared to Discord, Sunset, Starlight, or Trixie; but kind of feel she needed an extended redemption arc like other characters got.
I wish that Krampus would take her to the netherworld
oh happy birthday 🎉🎂
Thanks and Oh boy, what a way to start.
Welp, time to wait for Ph-D to start the first commentary so you can get a taste of the new holiday special Opening i whipped up!
I didn't get hassle for doing the "show open" in the last story. I thought i was in the clear line of authorization.
someone check the theater.
Discord is going to be very angry
A like in my comment if you think that Mr. E will finish this story on Christmas day.
Great Chapter Mr. E!
Question to Phantom-Dragon:
How is Equestria Folks going to Watch The Mane Six's Adventures now since Discord's Theater is in flames? (Sighs) Well At Least I hope the intermission room and the "Ponybook" are okay.
Don't worry, they will think of something.