• Member Since 24th Jul, 2019
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This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: Scooby Doo Wrestlemania Mystery

Alllllrighty then!

The Mane Six and Spike are off on another adventure as they travel through the Multiverse to Miami, Florida. It is here where they meet Ace Ventura, a wacky and hilarious animal detective who is on the case to recover a missing dolphin that just happens to the be the mascot for the Miami Dolphins football team. Follow them as they encounter many bizarre clues all while staying ahead of Lieutenant Lois Einhorn, who has quite the grudge against Ace. Will they be able to prevail or will this mystery prove to be too much for our Equestrian heroes?

Warning: This story contains foul language, violence, and a little bit of sexual themes. If any of that bothers you...go f*** yourself. But if not, please like and comment on this story and enjoy the ride

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 860 )

what crossover is this suppose to be?

Ah. It's a movie crossover with Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. I'm not sure how you missed that.

Are you serious? This is for the movie Ace Venutra Pet Detective.

GOOD MORNING, CINEMATIC ADVENTURES FANATICS! This is the Dramamaster829 and we are back with another crossover event. Some pretty interesting development taking place after teaming with the Scooby Gang during the WWE incident. We find Carrie's power significantly improving since she started training with Twilight Sparkle and it seems Spike has been undergoing some headaches ever since getting sprayed in the face by Malakai Black. But what's this? Phantom-Dragon was sent to an alternate dimension and it's 'so' not Discord's fault? (Note my sarcasm)

Looks like we got ourselves another adventure as our girls prepare to embark into a world based on one of the most comedic features of the 1990s (And taking place in my homestate too). Granted, it has been a long time since I've seen this movie and I remember actually watching this in its entirety only once. But if it's anything like any Jim Carrey movie, it's either you love this movie... or you scratch your head trying to ponder how people thought any of this is funny. Either way, I can assure the C.A. faithful that our heroes are in for an adventure of hysteric proportions.


never heard of it thank you very much...

You should go online and try to watch its hillarious.

When are you going to make an anime movie? After all, I am sure that the Mane Six will be left open-mouthed when they see the intensity of the battles and the pasts of the protagonists.

Oh no, Phantom is missing?! I hope the girls find him. I've been so looking forward to this story!

just wanna Say that’s some amazing art!

And now onto the chapter. Man discord really messed up this time, hopefully they will be able to find Phantom

Looking forward to seeing see heroes go on there next adventure

Please bear in mind that 'any' movies we aim to cover in future endeavors must be determined by Mr. Enigma himself. He's the guy who calls all the shots, I'm just the editor-in-chief. Whatever he wants for this season and the next moving forward, I'm not at liberty to say what movies we 'can' or 'won't' do.

As if Phantom-Dragon hasn't been in enough trouble already. One can only imagine what sort of trouble he's gotten into this time. I know for a fact a certain Kirin is 'definitely' going to be pissed when she finds out what happened.

Oh? Well... thank you. It's really just some copy-and-paste work, computer stuff really. But yeah, when I was shown this poster for the new project... I'm impressed myself.

Anyways... it's true Discord 'really' screwed up big time. And all because he wanted to be part of an adventure so badly. He'll be lucky if his only punishment is receiving a time out... or a deduction from his pay.

Discord snapped his talon again, producing a pair of pictures in his claw and talon. One was of a unicorn stallion with a dark coat, dark mane, glasses, and a cobweb cutie mark standing beside Rain Shine. The other was of a man wearing a dark gray hoodie with a dragon on it, with matching jeans and tennis shoes.


Wow, Phantom looks good as a pony and EG character. Major Kudos to the one who drew that. I'm impressed. Makes me wonder what I can look like as a pony/EG character.

It's all righty then, Mr. Ribbert... eh, but why split hairs? You get the idea.

“Worked for Sunset Shimmer…” Rainbow replied.

Really Rainbow?!! You had to go there?!!!
A ton of us were upset that she stayed behind!!

You'd have to arrange an appointment with the boss if you hope for some sketch-work based on whatever details you want to include. Might cost a 'wee' percentage, but anything to look 'awesome'.

The key word being might.

“Yeah…” He assured her. “Just a headache.”

Why do I get the feeling it's gonna be a Gears 5 thing?

Yeah... this is definitely one of those 'too soon' moments. But much like bringing up Sunset's demon form from 'EG', seems no one's going to let the fact that Sunset chose to stay in an alternate dimension go.

I haven't played that game in a while, but I can imagine just what you are talking about. Whatever Spike's going through right now, let's just hope it doesn't cause him too much trouble.

Understandable. And no argument here.
*Thought in wonder*, come to think of it, I wonder what you and Mr. E would look like as a Pony/EG character.

Yep... our heroes are in quite a treat before they hit the streets of Miami. And if my brief visits within that area has taught me anything (Given it takes me a few minutes to drive in that area... if not a few hours) Miami can be pretty... insane (For lack of a nicer word).

Our identities as 'The Narrators' have remained a heavily guarded secret even to our readers. For the most part, we're meant to be 'heard'... and not 'seen'. We barely give away any hints.

Heard and not seen?
I like that motto.
Kind of like Ninjas combined with Chroniclers.

Ah I see. Though regardless I still love it :heart: ESPECIALLY the shipping for phantom in this series with the Kirin queen Rain Shine. very cute and adorable

And yeah. He’ll definitely be lucky if he doesn’t receive a worst punishment after this

Oh dear. So Doc's missing, eh? Hopefully he's somewhere in Miami for this.

Warner Bros. Pictures
A Time Warner Entertainment Company

Morgan Creek

Allspark Pictures
A Hasbro Company

James G. Robinson

Morgan Creek/Allspark Pictures

Jim Carrey

Tara Strong

Cinematic Adventures: Ace Ventura: Pet

Sean Young

Ashleigh Ball

Andrea Libman

Courtney Cox

Tone Loc

Dan Marino

Tabitha St. Germain

Noble Willingham

Raynor Scheine

Frank Adonis
Tiny Ron

Troy Evans
Udo Kier
David Margulies

Cathy Weseluck

Casting By
Mary Jo Slater

Music By
Ira Newborn

Peter Bogart
Bob Israel

Film Editor
Don Zimmerman

Production Designer
William Elliott

Director Of Photography
Julio Macat

Executive Producer
Gary Barber

Screenplay By
Jack Bernstein
Tom Shadyac & Jim Carrey

Based On My Little Pony
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
Bonnie Zacherle
Lauren Faust
Jayson Thiessen

Produced By
James G. Robinson

Directed By
Tom Shadyac


Created By

This Should Be A Funny Funny Movie & A Fun Adventure and It Was Worth The Wait.

Thank you very much. Glad for the support.

That's what we aim to do with this project. Those who grew up with this movie definitely know what to expect.

As long as he's not in the 'bad' part of Miami, which is debatable depending on one's definition... hopefully Doc can fend for himself. Miami may be known for the white sandy beaches, the insane night life, and the occasional parties... but there are definitely some regions of the city you definitely want to be careful in.

Not sure if the credits were necessary, but... all righty then.

Thanks For The Compliment I Am Huge Fan Of Ace Ventura’s Movies.

Question am I likely to be super lost if I've never read any of the other cinematic adventures that take place before this? Conceptually the idea interest me but their seems to be a fair bit of reading to do in going back to the start So i'm curious to how much continuity matters going from move to movie.

Hmm... let me think...

Yeah... you'd probably be WAAAAAAAY past lost if you haven't read 'any' of the Cinematic Adventures at all. We don't just pit the ponies in random worlds like a standard slice-of-life series. We have an 'arc' that follows in the series, some of which carries over from one project into another (Some won't even be referenced till much later). It's going to be like starting to binge a series at Season 2, BEFORE starting with Season 1... which is precisely the position you are now.

You've definitely got A LOT of catching up to do, I'm not going to lie. So... good luck with that.

Here we start another new adventure. It's nice to see that Carrie controls her powers better and is starting to get over the "Black Prom"; and from what I see, the last adventure has had a strong impact on a couple in the group (yes, I mean our wonderbolt and our favorite farmer). But it seems that Spike has gotten the worst of it... Or is what's happening to him related to the fact that he's a dragon? Something tells me we'll see him very soon. Just don't say, Spike, that you don't do much for the group. It is true that the last adventure did not go very well for you, but you are always an important support.

Now...PhD is missing?!!, I mean, we had been told by the group, but I didn't think it was official. Does that mean... there will be no comments on this adventure!?

Well, let's not lose hope. The Mane 6 and Spike go looking for him. It will be a good opportunity for them to get to know each other. This character has done a lot for this group and he deserves to meet the ponies. Of course, PhD is not going to be the only one they are going to meet. Laughter and chaos are guaranteed.

:pinkiehappy: Oh, this is gonna be awesome! I think this is going to be my favorite fimfiction story. This will have a lot of humor!

Oh, this gon' be good, especially for all those Carreymaniacs out there.

It's a breath of fresh air seeing Carrie having better control of her powers. Especially when her teachers are among her friends. As for Spike... yes, it seems he's been acting up since getting sprayed in the face. Maybe he feels really bad that all his friends managed to win their fights, and he got screwed out of his moment. True, he lost the 24/7 title prior to the events of this story but hey... at least he got to be a champion. Most superstars have been with a company for years and they 'never' get to be champions... not even once.

Doc's disappearance is definitely a major surprise and we expected this reaction from our fans. And don't think we won't have a 'commentary'. We'd just have to work something out. It'll be quite a meeting when the Mane Six and friends actually meet the man behind the snarky, yet likeable comments.

And we haven't even started the story yet. But to leave that type of impression in just one sitting... we definitely have much to offer in the next few chapters.

Jim Carrey fans will definitely get a kick out of this project. One of those movies that definitely made Jim Carrey a household name in the film industry.

Alright Lucas, I'm ready. Let'er rip!

(I activate the Dimensionator and we jump through the created portal)

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