• Member Since 29th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 48 minutes ago


I serve the Empress with my life, I am her blade and her vengence. Equestria will pay for it's crimes against her and me.

The Emperium

I can't figure out how to work the photo album

The Bale Fire Rained

Comments ( 162 )
  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162

Thank you for adding The Equestrian Vagrant to your favorites folder, and I hope that future chapters are to your liking!:twilightsmile:

Thank ya kindly for adding my story to your favorite's list, much appreciated.

Thanks for adding Equestria Eggcellent Science Girl to your favorite right now I'm working on chapter 3

Thank you for adding my story to your favorites!

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162
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