• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen July 14th



Back to TEAM BASS · 5:11am Feb 5th, 2015

Urgh. What a year already, eh?

I hate to be the bearer of sad and late news, but I must(and not choke while doing so) let you know that Monty Oum has passed on. He was in coma from an allergic reaction around a week ago.

Granted, to non-RT, RWBY, or RvB people, it doesn't sound like much.

Monty was only 33, married, and made his own show. No. He made his own universe.

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Report Blader-San · 375 views ·

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Comments ( 39 )
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And, thanks for the watch, too! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you for favoriting Sunset Shimmer: Element Bearer!

Thank you for the watch! May I ask why?

1441665 My pleasure! We need more happy Sonata stories!

Thanks for the fave on Taco Quest! :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 35 - 39 of 39
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Back to TEAM BASS · 5:11am Feb 5th, 2015

Urgh. What a year already, eh?

I hate to be the bearer of sad and late news, but I must(and not choke while doing so) let you know that Monty Oum has passed on. He was in coma from an allergic reaction around a week ago.

Granted, to non-RT, RWBY, or RvB people, it doesn't sound like much.

Monty was only 33, married, and made his own show. No. He made his own universe.

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Report Blader-San · 375 views ·

Back to TEAM BASS · 5:11am Feb 5th, 2015

Urgh. What a year already, eh?

I hate to be the bearer of sad and late news, but I must(and not choke while doing so) let you know that Monty Oum has passed on. He was in coma from an allergic reaction around a week ago.

Granted, to non-RT, RWBY, or RvB people, it doesn't sound like much.

Monty was only 33, married, and made his own show. No. He made his own universe.

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Report Blader-San · 375 views ·