• Member Since 19th Jan, 2014

Lumina Faith

What is being creative? I have no idea!

Reviewed 18 stories
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Estimated Reading: 2 days



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A standalone prequel to Splintershard. You don't need to read Splintershard to understand this story, nor do you need to read this to understand Splintershard.

Day by day, the rift in Equestria grows. The factions align, but nobody knows--

Will the nation still stand?

Or will it fade away, leaving only dust and sand?

This story starts off pretty lighthearted, but will grow progressively darker as time passes. Additional tags will be added as the story progresses.

Reviewed by Lumina Faith in My Little Reviews & Feedback!

Chapters (88)

The bounty hunter Jean De Basse has joined forces with the runaway Paddy "Rose" Rockfeller, breaking his contract with General Petroleum. Their new mission? The assassination of Paddy's father, the wealthy oil magnate Rockfeller with the promise that Paddy would use her connections to wipe away Jean's debt.

Join Jean and Paddy once more as they embark on their second journey, a dangerous adventure from Haukland to Equestria by any means necessary. With General Petroleum's thugs and other bounty hunters on hot their heels, the pair has found themselves to be unlikely allies in an impossible mission.

But all they have to do now is just make it back to Equestria in one piece...

Set in the Equestria at War universe.

Sequel to The Bounty Hunter's Journey: The Escape from Stalliongrad

Amazing Art done by: Vistamage

Chapters (1)

Getting into Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns is no easy task. And Sunset Shimmer's chances have just become that much slimmer.

Cover Art by Phyllismi

Chapters (1)

Many moons ago, two souls connected on Hearth’s Warming. Since then, one became a princess, while the other became a recluse, who has only just started to come out of her turtleneck shell again. Now, Moondancer has the chance to rekindle what she thought might be gone forever, but does Twilight still feel the same? And is Moondancer willing to put her heart out there again?

Set during “Hearthbreakers.”

A thank you to KorenCZ11 and Moonshot for proofreading.

To: FanOfMostEverything
From: TheLegendaryBillCipher
Merry Jinglemas! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

Wallflower just wanted to be forgotten. It was best for everyone if she was just left alone for good. That's why she hates Sunset, for never just giving her what she wanted.

That's why she loves her too.

Art by tzc.
Edited by Scampy.

Chapters (1)

It's been almost a decade since the Battle of the Bands and Sunset Shimmer has been trying to clean up the mess she made. After series of unrelated crimes, Sunset, now known as The Phoenix, may need to finally ask for help.

Chapters (24)

Thousands of years ago, Equestria was a dark place. Safety was a resource few could afford, and fewer still could provide. The creatures of the night were no exception, and when it came time for them to band together, a single pony rose to lead them.

This cruel, unforgiving man came to be known as Count Dracula.

Some years later, tensions had calmed. A leader was still needed, but many grew spiteful towards the Count's harsh, violent means. Amongst those unhappy was his daughter, and after much hardship, the reign of Count Dracula came to an end.

Thus was born Lady Dracula.

Now, Equestria has changed again. No longer is it fraught with danger and distrust, and Dracula has come to a decision. It's time for her to step down, and make room for a new Dracula.

A kinder one.

This is set in the same universe as many of my other stories, seen here. None are necessary to read before this story, but they are there if you want them.

Use your discretion with regards to the gore and violence tags. It's a vampire story and I am not a subtle person. The tags are there for good reason.

Chapters (32)

At the graduation ceremony of the School of Friendship, Applejack is suffering from a midlife crisis. It feels like everything is changing all around her, and the apple bucking farm pony can't keep up. However, with a little reminder from her friends, including the School of Friendship's first valedictorians, Applejack is reminded of the important lessons she has learned and the important contribution she and her friends have offered Equestria. Change is important, and it's easier to settle on that when she knows that the future of Equestria is in good hooves (or talons) with The Next Generation.

Chapters (2)

Check out the custom-made theme music created by The L-Train here!

Have you ever kept a secret from somepony?

How about an entirely different life?

Twilight Velvet has definitely been less than honest with her family and friends, but now, so many years later, somepony stumbles upon the truth. Adventures long done, friendships that have withered to the barest of sparks—what will resurface as Twilight's true life is uncovered?

Rated Teen for blood, profanity, suggestive themes, and violence.

Volume 1 of
Daring Did: Tales of an Adventurer's Companion

A subseries of the revised Modern Equestria Project.
By Seriff Pilcrow and AdmiralKew.

Daring Did: Tales of an Adventurer's Companion is a fanfiction series that aims to breathe new life into a once-popular headcanon: that Twilight Velvet—Twilight Sparkle's mother—was directly involved with Daring Do and her adventures. Travel with Daring Do and Twilight Velvet across Equestria and beyond as they discover treasures of old, battle dangerous foes, and unearth the knowledge the world’s past has to offer. Drawing inspiration from real-world archeology, locales, and cultures; auxiliary MLP material like the IDW comics and G.M. Berrow chapter books; and standard action-adventure fare like Uncharted and Indiana Jones, Daring Did combines all of these elements into a witty, yet deep narrative that captures a spirit of exploration and exhilaration.

Editing and long description by Dreams of Ponies.
Preread by Edukas, Hubris Von Ego, Magic Step, Nailah, pertinax, and Sparkle Cola.
With feedback from PonyJosiah13, I Thought I Was Toast, and Wing.
Cover art by VanillaGhosties.
Chapter art by Tillie-TMB, Celestial-Rainstorm, Redahfuhrerking, and Little Tigress.
Logo and reference sheets by L1nkoln.

Featured on March 19, 2018; April 23, 2018; June 25, 2018; August 27, 2018; October 8, 2018; November 19, 2018; January 28, 2019; May 20, 2019; September 2, 2019; February 24, 2020; May 4, 2020; January 18, 2021; May 9, 2021; January 24, 2022; October 4, 2022; and May 15, 2023.

Featured on Equestria Daily on February 10, 2021.

Chapters (21)

After the Canterlot Wedding disaster, the rebellious Thorax defected from the changeling kingdom to come to the land of Equestria, and with him came many changelings who agreed with his message of peace. However, Queen Chrysalis, angry at his insubordination, launched an invasion against Equestria.

With their forces spread thin across the land, Equestria has no choice but to rely on one thousand reformed changeling volunteers as an assault against Chrysalis's main army. But will the plan to end the invasion force succeed? Or is hope doomed for all?

Chapters (5)