• Member Since 19th Jan, 2014

Lumina Faith

What is being creative? I have no idea!

Favourites 21 stories
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  • Reviewed 221 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Community service isn't exactly fun. Sunset Shimmer is learning that the hard way—especially when Saffron Masala keeps cooking extra meals that their soup kitchen couldn't pay people to eat. It's not fun, it's not worth it, and it's never ever ever going to change. And... for some reason, it seems Saffron's okay with that.

Now, six Wednesday nights out from the disastrous Fall Formal, Sunset decides that she might as well ask Saffron why.

Tied for second in the May Pairings 2024 contest. Special thanks to my editors Octavia Harmony and Monochromatic, and to all of my wonderful prereaders. Reviewed by PaulAsaran. Art by me!

Chapters (1)

“Please look after my children.”

Pear Butter’s last words were spoken to the stranger who found their crash: the cruel, otherworldly siren named Adagio Dazzle, who sees in her death a golden opportunity.

What starts as a plan to raise willing minions for sustenance and protection goes… a little differently than Adagio had in mind.

Cover art by Uz Naimat!

Chapters (3)

Timberwolves: Guardians of the Everfree
By Blackthorn of Thicket, Princess Luna of Canterlot, and Apex of Everfree.

This volume explores the colorful, mythical tale of the Everfree timberwolves. Part history and part study, the authors provide their experiences, discoveries, and stories. From creation, design, and communication, to the ecological impact of these golems, a full breadth of topics are explored. Each author has hoof-crafted and raised at least one timberwolf, and today the legend of the Vorku species is finally shared with the world.

Edited by Blue Sky of Colt Creek, author of The World At Large: An Explorer's Guide.
©11 AR, Canterlot Royal Press. Originally published in 11 AR, all rights reserved.

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Substitute

A great evil is destroyed and its wards are so too. But now a fragment of that evil is on the loose and is unchecked.

Between an awakened seal threatening to soak up Equestria's magic, a long-dormant thorn now budding, and changes to once well-understood rules, the final pieces of a partially solved puzzle are in place and are ready to be filled in.

The greatest trials may produce the biggest revelations, transform the tightest bonds, and perhaps even lead to salvation. The cost, however, is first the breaking of everything.

Feedback - Substitute - Divergence

The Crystal Ball Trilogy is a series of stories which deal with time travel, parallel universes, and other manipulations of time and space. Divergence is the last story; it is preceded by Feedback and Substitute.

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Featured on 2/6/19!

Edited by James Fire

Chapters (18)

Twilight has been writing a book for a few weeks, about her friends and all of their adventures. The only problem is she can't seem to end it.

Expanded from my entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting group's prompt "A Worthy End".

Special thanks to Moonshot, Syke Jr and Zontan for some proofreading and comments during the contest.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has given you a new book to read. Well, she didn't exactly give it to you, you actually just found it in the back of the library. Behind a shelf. On the ground. It looks very old, downright ancient, and it smells like moss and rot. The binding is a little cracked, and there's no title on it. You can't help but wonder what might be inside, and the only way to find out is to keep reading.

Just turn the page.

You can do that much, can't you?


WARNING: This story contains brief depictions of blood, mild violence, and death, and has ARG aspects to it. It plays with formatting, and includes images. Some "pages" are long, some are only a few words. It is written in first person, to you, the reader, and is a slow mellow horror. You've been warned.

This story relies on unusual formatting for some parts, and thus may not be as enjoyable on a tablet or phone, or if you have specialized custom Fimfic settings.

If you post spoilers, hints, or answers in the comments, please be sure to spoiler them out or warn others. You don't want to ruin the fun, right?

Audio reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28TqbHFchLg

Chapters (59)

A month after her return to Equestria, Princess Luna flies forth to fight a sea monster.

Cover art from the gallery of Cannibalus.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI.

Chapters (1)

Takes place during the Season 5 Finale. (And hints of EqG: Friendship Games)

Sunset Shimmer is out of space in her journal for communicating with Princess Twilight. On a whim, she decides to return to her homeland for a replacement. Unfortunately for Sunset, a pony named Starlight Glimmer was busy enacting revenge, catching Sunset in the crossfire and placing her in a different timeline than she expected. With no Elements of Harmony, no Princess Twilight, and no clue, Sunset must reunite the main six, save the timeline, and find a way home... eventually.

Check out the trailer!~

Chapters (70)

The whole school saw Sunset Shimmer's demonic form get hit by the Elements of Harmony, and half a second later she was in a smoking crater in the ground, sobbing and repentant. From Sunset's perspective, her change of heart took a bit more time.

Genre is... not well-suited but to be perfectly honest that's the closest it's gonna get. Think of it as a missing scene.

Art is by Rennygade, though for some reason I can't find this specific piece on their page. Please contact me if you object to my using it here; it's a beautiful piece.

Many thanks to the folks on the Fimfiction and Clocktower Discord servers for their editing help; any remaining errors are my own.

Cross-posted to AO3 finally here.
Featured at the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (1)

Broken magic. A broken home. Three once-Dazzlings still live under the same roof, but drift apart as the weeks following their defeat pass on.

One spirals downward. Another moves forward. And Aria collapses inward—to her head full of dreams, held down by a shattered song and doubts of her own self-worth.

One night, an unwelcome voice finds her and leaves her with a choice to be made.

Thanks to Bookish Delight and Jondor for pre-reading plus feedback.
Big thanks to Holy for editing and critique.
(And uh... thanks to Csquared08 for comma police. Don't laugh. It's more of a thing than you might think.)

Cover art is my own.

As a note: This story's timeline is not in continuity with my others. Think of it as an AU to Open Door.

Chapters (4)