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When Ichigo was summoned to the Soul Society by the council, Rukia gave him a pill to bring him there, but when it got mixed up with Kons Defective Dimension pills, Ichigo finds himself in an another world, filled with colorful horses! Will he be able to cope with them, or gets annoyed by them...

Try seeing the opening song here :D


Chapters (35)

The Kingdom of Fiore. A neutral Country of 17 million people, It is a World of Magic!
Magic is Bought and Sold There every day.
It is an integral part of peoples lives. And there are those who uses magic as their occupation... Those people are referred to as Wizards!
The Wizards belong to various guilds, and perform jobs on commission.
There are a large number of guilds within the country.
And in a certain city there lies a certain guild
A guild from which various legends were born... Or rather, will continue to be born along the future... And its name is: FAIRY TAIL!

Chapters (9)

This story will be a reboot of my original story with an entirely new direction and story. We delve into the life of a peculiar farmer woman, thrust into a foreign world through some cosmic mishap. Clearly out of place, she finds herself devoid of the ability to sense the presence of anyone familiar. Instead, she keenly perceives the gazes and whispers of the forest enveloping her. Lost and directionless, she struggles to find her bearings amidst this unfamiliar terrain.

Chapters (6)

When Sunset got accused of going back to her old ways, she was naturally confused and upset as anyone would be. Everyone thinks she's guilty until her framers accidentally post the wrong image and Sunset sees a groupchat her friends have insulting her and she is pissed.

Inspired by Cojo5536s post.

Featured 1/20/24

Chapters (71)

This story is a sequel to Our Name Across The Multiverse: 10 years later

Moving forward isn't easy sometimes; Sometimes, you just need a little help from others. Others who will help you find your spark. The spark to start over, the spark to live, the spark to keep going...a spark that will never burn out within the darkness...
And that's why Rainbow Spark will help four poor souls who are suffering by the hands of a evil being, who goes by many names. Names like Reader, Destiny, Watcher, Writer, and now as Fayth.
Spark, along with different versions of the mane six, Starlight and Sunset, will show Fayth that even if she can rewrite someone's story to become a sad and awful bad ending, it can still be rewritten into something happier—a happier ending—something that will make the poor souls she has tormented happy again.
...all it takes is just a spark. A different kind of spark. The spark that resides in the hearts of all.

Cover Art by @P_Peregrine on Twitter
Edit: featured on 5/13/2024! My second story making it to the front page! THANK YOU!

Chapters (16)

A groundbreaking discovery shook things up: a portal to another world was found. The beings there were a lot like humans, yet incredibly different. Still, both worlds chose to coexist, and the fragile seeds of peace and friendship began to sprout.

Two years have flown by since the passageways between Earth and Equestria were discovered. The two realms now exist in a delicate balance. However, this equilibrium is on the verge of disruption with the sudden appearance of a mysterious girl.

Her arrival will unveil the hidden facets of both worlds. Allies and adversaries will emerge, testing the foundations of peace and camaraderie. In the midst of this upheaval, the strange girl must navigate and adapt to a world completely unfamiliar to her.

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle finds herself waking up in a small space pod with a new body. There is only 4 years old. With no memories other than her name and the knowledge of science she has gained over the years, She is alone and confused as her pod crashes down to the nearest planet, where she meets a kind woman whose name is Vomi, who takes Twilight in as her own. But is Twilight truly alone in this new universe? Or is there an old friend here who can try and help her recall her old life?

A small warning: this story is written by a guy who has never learned to write by school, for they believe I was never going to use it, and English is my second language. So I might be a bit bad.

Else a big thank you to Blackdrag-rose, for talking me into trying to write a story.

Chapters (27)

If called upon by a ritual -
most demonic beings follow the call.
And on the other side of the magic stands -
a human being, in a trance.
Their wish will be heard and fulfilled for a price -
in exchange for a soul, demons play nice.

When a desperate person calls out into the void - what happens when the void stares back?
Lily Potter is a strong woman, but in the face of almost certain death, even someone like her can come to the conclusion to fight fire with fire, and call upon a demon to fight the inhuman Dark Lord tearing down her home.

Once called, Nightmare takes on Harry as her child... this doesn't bode well for the sanity of everyone else involved, especially once she finds a very special letter addressed at herself years later.

The Nightmare in this story is a (far) future version of the Nightmare found in my other story.
The 'Sex' tag is for roughly two sentences implying it in a chapter near the middle (hence this story's rating).
The 'Death' tag is for, well, the death of Harry's parents.

Image by Feynna

Chapters (10)

After being vanquished by Celestia a thousand years ago, Nightmare Moon has returned to exact her revenge on the Goddess of Light and the ponies she protects. Celestia has tasked Fluttershy, her strongest and most reluctant soldier, with stopping the Queen of the Underworld. But the situation is not as simple as it looks, for Nightmare Moon's mysterious resurrection and rampage are just the beginning of a conflict between several unlikely forces, and Fluttershy is about to get caught in the middle.

A pony adaptation of Kid Icarus: Uprising, starring Fluttershy as Pit. Links to the game's music are embedded in the text of the chapters, for those who like to listen as they read. Special thanks to Twifight Sparkill for the cover art.

*Some of the early chapters are subject to future revision.

Chapters 1-3: Opening Shots (Complete)
Chapters 4-6: Fractured Mirror (Complete)
Chapters 7-9: Taking the Fight to Her (Complete)
Chapters 10-14: Tripartite War (Complete)
Chapters 15-17: Space Invaders... I Wish I Was Joking (Complete)
Chapters 18-22: The World Plunged in Chaos (Complete)
Chapters 23-25: The True Villain of the Story (In Progress)

Chapters (24)

Similar to Icarus, Sunset tried to reach the skies only for the sun itself to bring her back down with force. Now she waits in a dark cell for the day of her execution.
But in what would be her last day outside of Tartarus, an intervention from a mysterious individual grants her a chance at redemption.

However, this redemption won’t be earned without labors, and they’ll only increase in difficulty as she completes them.

Inspired by No Time For a Sunset written by Thought Prism which you should go read if you haven't.

If you have, and you're wondering how did I go from Lancer to greek mythology... I've no idea.

Pre-read by the wonderful Dewdrops on the Grass and daOtterGuy

Chapters are being edited by the ever helpful EileenSaysHi! All chapters have been updated! I'm forever thankful for all their help.

Cover Art done by me.

Chapters (10)