//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Meeting The Crownless Queen // Story: Their Names Across The Multiverse // by DATONETWIxDASHFAN //------------------------------// "WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN YOU ARE DUMPING ME!?" shouted Dawn, flabbergasted and shocked at what Spark said. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, WHAT YOU DONE!? JUST WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE!?" she pointed to the group but also noticed the ponies mixed in. She blinked and looked back to Spark. "Wait, is this your universe? I thought you told me you destroyed it and-" Dawn stopped talking, seeing the hurt expression on Spark's face as she had her face in her hands. Dawn was still upset about what Spark had said, but she felt her heart breaking as her girlfriend was hurting so much. She walked over to her, hugged her, rubbed her back, and said in a soft, kind voice. "Hey now, I don't know what's happening here, but you promised to tell me everything when you felt like it. And I promised to be there for you, no matter what. So, whatever is happening, let me help you. Tell me, what happened?" "Dawn." Spark sobbed, hugging her tight, scared to let go. Dawn leaned back a bit, seeing her girlfriend's crying face. "What is it, my rainbow comet light?" Twilight and everyone froze when they heard her say that; it was, no doubt, Rainbow Sun Dawn, but another universe of her. Spark looked at her and slowly looked backed down. Without warning, her rainbow aura quickly covered her and blasted Dawn away from her, sending Dawn flying toward the trees inside the park and leaving behind a long trail of destruction. Everyone rushed to Spark, hoping to stop her, but Spark's aura had become more robust than ever, pushing everyone back and not letting anyone close to her. "I SAID I DUMP YOU! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE!" "IS THAT SO!?" Everyone turned back and could see the pile of trees being blasted off, seeing a pissed-off Dawn walking out of the pile of trees and cracking her neck. "If that's what you truly feel, then fucking fine! Whatever." she walks off, waving her hand in dismiss. "It was nice being your girlfriend, but we can't have all good things last forever. Hope you can find a better lover, as I'm out." Spark's aura started to shrink, and the light was dim and weak. Spark couldn't believe her girlfriend had given up and walked away like that. "That's...all? No fight? No begging me to take you back?" Dawn stopped and looked over her shoulder, seeing her girlfriend's sad, hurt expression. She looked away, walking off but talking to her. "Yeah, just like that. See you never." Lucy couldn't believe what was going on. She tried to rush over to Dawn, but she stopped in her tracks; she could see the sad expression on her face. Someone who was heartbroken and was acting tough to hide it. Lucy's eyes widened, realizing what was happening. Looking back at Spark, she saw how heartbroken she was to see Dawn leaving. She looked at Spark's magical aura and could see it weakening as if reacting to Spark's emotions. Spark slowly sat down, processing what had just happened. She thought Dawn would try to fight for her and beg her to take her back, but nothing happened. She was gone and out of life just like that. Her aura shrank and finally started to fade. She looked at Lucy and Luster, realizing the pain she was feeling was like their own now. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized how much pain they must have felt when she took her sisters away from them. "It's done. I know it could never make up for the pain I caused, but I hope it can give some peace." She could hear Lucy and Luster asking her what he meant by that. "Peace in mind by seeing me also suffering like you two. If I can't have what makes me so happy in this multiverse, just like you two, then it's only fair that I suffer the same pain, right?" Everyone was silent. "This was the only way to make you feel better about yourself. I'm sorry, Lucy and Luster." she looked up into the blue sky, smiling as a tear fell. "I'm sorry for taking them away from you two. You shouldn't be hurting because of what I did." she looked down and turned to her sister's parents. "Same with you four. I'm not your daughter, just like Dash said." Everyone glared at Dash, who quickly covered her mouth, remembering what she said before. "Wait, hold on! I didn't mean it like that!" "You were right, Dash. I'm not Braver, nor will I ever be your daughter. Maybe if I make myself suffer, it is enough to-" "STOP IT!" shouted Dash, not wanting her to continue that sentence. "Don't say it, just don't!" she cried, not wanting to hear it. "It's true. I'm not her, and I can't bring her back. No matter how much I wish it or want to." Dash had had enough of this and flew right up to her but saw Spark flinched like she thought she would be hit. Dash was so shocked and saddened to see Spark act this way. "I didn't mean what I said; you aren't our daughter, Braver." Dash sat down in front of her, holding her hands. "But you are our daughter. We want you in our life, Spark. We want to know you, who you are, and everything." "But." "No buts, just listen. You may not be our daughter, but you are ours, the daughter we want in our life, and you don't need to change anything about you. Braver and Blitz would want you to have a family that loves you, not what you can offer us. They wanted you to be happy and loved." Spark finally looks her in the eyes. "Really?" "Yes. They would want you to be happy." Spark sniffed and cried. Hugging Dash tight, almost crushing her. Lucy walks away, making Luster turn to her. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to find her, Dawn. Spark didn't need to do such a stupid thing. It was so selfish of her." "Lucy." Luster joined her side. "I'm coming too. This is my fault, and I just wanted Braver back." she eyed Spark, who finally let Dash go after Twilight and Twilah warned Spark that she was crushing her. "I need to make things right, or Braver will never forgive me." The two rush off, heading where Dawn walked off, too. Behind them is Dashie, who got between the girls. "I'm in! Having an extra pair of eyes can't hurt." Lucy smiled. "Thank you, Ms. Reinbold!" The three went off in different directions, searching for Dawn, while the others tried to calm and cheer Spark up. Twilah had many plans to make Spark happy again, but she and the others could hear Spark's stomach growling and remembered she had not eaten anything. "Spark, do you want anything to eat? I can make you something?" Spark nodded. "Yeah, sure, Twilah." "Great! What do you want?" Spark thought for a bit and answered. "Hayburgers will be nice! Oh! Also, pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough!" She started to get excited about the food, which made Twilight and Twilah smile, seeing her happy, even if it was about food. "Sure thing, sweetheart." Twilah closed her eyes, using her magic to summon a grill, a campfire to cook the pasta and the rest of the ingredients, and a large box with dishes. "Alright, I'll start making them immediately while you continue the story. What happened after Snake and two others reached the next floor?" Twilah started to make Spark her food while Twilight and Dash sat near Spark, listening to her as she continued her story. Spark was also eyeing the food being made, forgetting all about the previous problems. "Alright, so let's see, where was I?" Snake and the others finally reached the third floor, and just like the second floor, there was a tunnel. They enter it, not noticing the glowing pink pony carvings on the tunnel walls. They kept walking until they finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. "Finally!" commented Haze, hurrying to the exit while Snake and AJ kept their guards up. When they walked out, they saw they were inside a sizeable party-like room. There were wooden balloons, a huge table full of wooden food, streamers hanging down, and a massive banner with 'Congratulations!' on it. AJ walked up to the table, feeling it and poking the wooden cake. "I take it this is a welcoming party?" she could see the others checking things out. She could see another tunnel with rave lights coming off the walls. Snake and Haze walk back to her. Snake was the first to talk. "It seems like it, but for us or someone else?" Haze turned to the rave tunnel. "Someone else, no doubt. Let's keep moving; we need to find whoever is here, IF they are in here, and find the spiral stairway to the next floor." she looked up at the room's ceiling. "This time, we have no idea where the exit is now." "Right, let's hurry then. Something tells me that the more we are here, the more the dark creatures will find us. We need to find the person or pony quickly." "Agreed," said AJ, heading to the rave tunnel with the two following her. "From my battles with Changers, monsters aren't easy to kill off like that." They entered the rave tunnel, seeing the flashing lights and weird music playing as they went deeper. As they travel down the tunnel, AJ can see Haze eyeing her before looking away. "What's up with her?" Snake smirked and looked at her. "I think I know what's bothering her. If you want to know, that is." AJ nods. "Yeah, I want to know. It seems like she wants to say something while acting weird." Snake bit down on her sugar stick and answered her. "She showed me a photo of someone who was a friend of hers. In that photo, there was a young woman who looked like you. Just going by reaction, it's someone she loves. A lot." AJ's eyes widened, but she quickly calmed down, processing the information. "I see. That would explain why she has been looking at me a lot. I thought it was something else." They finally exited the tunnel and found themselves in another party room, which looked the same as the room they had just left. "Did we just loop around?" Haze asked, turning to Snake and AJ. The two walk up to the table, seeing the same wooden food and everything. Snake believes so, so she takes out her knife and stabs the table, leaving a mark. After waiting a bit, the table doesn't heal, so Snake turns to them. "Let's keep going. There's only a tunnel; if we are looping, we will know by that marking on that table." The group nodded, and they kept going. AJ took the lead this time, walking down the tunnel and hearing the same music. She could feel someone eyeing her, making her look back slightly. She saw Haze looking away, making AJ smirk. She slowed her walk, making Haze catch up and be beside her. "Okay, pecan pie. Let me see that photo you shared with Snake!" she teased as she put her arm around Haze's neck and pulled her close. "If you show it to me, I might let you kiss me!" she teased. Haze's cheeks started to heat up. "W-what are you talking about!?" AJ leaned closer. "Come on, someone from your universe looks like me, and you love them. So, come on! Let me see the photo!" she drugged through Haze's pockets, making the young Soldier try and push her back, telling her no and no. "Come on, let me see it!" "N-no, it's not the same person! S-stop touching me!" "Not until you show me the photo!" The two kept at it until they exited the tunnel and returned to the same room. Snake walks over to the table and searches for the marking she made. She turned to the others. "Good news, we're not lopping like we thought." she took out a sugar stick and pointed it to something in the corner that caught her eye. "But we need to find a way out soon, or those wooden mannequins might attack us." The two turn to the corner, seeing a few creepy-looking mannequins with painted smiles on their faces just standing there. "You think they're like the apple monsters?" questioned AJ, pumping her shotgun. "I don't know, but I'm not waiting to find out," answered Snake, taking the lead this time while the other two just followed her through the tunnel. AJ returned to teasing Haze as they continued, still wanting to see the photo. "Come on, Pecan pie! Just a quick peek, that's all I want!" "No, just no." "Please!" "I said no!" "Please!" "Stop it." "Pretty please!" "I'm not showing you the photo!" shouted Haze, walking faster, but AJ gave her a pissed-off look. Snake couldn't stop grinning when she heard them bickering with each other. "They are already acting like a married couple. This is too funny." The group exited the tunnel and found themselves in the same room, but something new was added. Snake looks over her shoulder and sees AJ and Haze arguing. "Hey, you two!" They turned to Snake and saw what she was seeing. "Eeyup, just like the apples!" said AJ, aiming her weapon. Haze grabbed the handle of her sword at the ready. "Just great!" The mannequins were at the table, sitting and frozen as they ate the wooden cake in the middle. Snake slowly got closer and bopped one of them, thinking it might get up and attack, but nothing happened. She eyed something in front of the cake. It was a piece of paper that had an 8 on it. AJ and Haze walk up to Snake, asking what the number means. "My best guess is it's a countdown." she headed to the tunnel with the two behind her. "We better find that exit, or something tells me we're in danger. We aren't going to be safe for long." The two nod and follow Snake through the tunnel, not realizing the mannequins were getting up and staring at them as they left. They entered the next room, and just like before, the same wooden food, party streamers, and everything was there, but now the mannequins were drinking, some eyeing the group. There was a 7 in front of the cake. The group rushed through the only tunnel, and with each room they entered, the mannequins increased in numbers; more started to eye them, and their mouths slowly opened with each room, revealing their sharp, non-wooden teeth. AJ blasted one from her shotgun, destroying it. "Let's kill them right now! They're attacking, it seems!" Haze drew her sword, struck down a few mannequins, and faced Snake. "She's right; the next room will be zero. Let's destroy them all and head to the next room!" Snake pulled out a few grenades. "I was waiting for the perfect time to use these. Time to blow up those mannequins!" They kept going, killing all the mannequins in their way. Finally, they reached the tunnel and ran through it, only to stop as they arrived in the next room. Only this time, there was birthday music playing, and in front of them, in the largest room, they came across hundreds of mannequins with mouths all open, looking at them and, for the first time, showing signs of movement. All three drew their weapons as the mannequins got closer. Snake could see the next tunnel ahead, but a wooden door with chains locked it. "We need to fight our way through!" shouted Snake, throwing the pin away, letting her grenades explode as it landed between a few mannequins, killing a few, while AJ and Haze did their fighting. AJ and Haze did their own thing, destroying the mannequins that attacked them while Snake tried to keep them away from herself, doing CQC on those that got near. But no matter how many they wiped out, there was more to replace it. All three backed up to each other with their backs to backs, breathing heavily and trying to come up with a plan. "What the hell are these things!? Where are they coming from?" yelled AJ, blasting one of them in the face, making it fall back. "It doesn't matter! Just keep killing them!" answered Haze, slashing one in half, only to get tackled by another. AJ kicked the one that tackled Haze and blasted it away from her. She reached out but saw Haze blushing and ignoring her hand. "Really Pecan pie? You better let me see that damn photo after this! You owe me!" "Shut up! I don't owe you anything; I could deal with that monster alone!" "Enough! You two are acting like children! Stop messing around!" shouted Snake, killing the one before her and taking out more grenades. "There won't be an after this if this keeps up!" "We're trying, but there are so many of them!" said Haze, blocking a mannequin's strike, sending it flying back, and slicing its head. Snake grabbed a mannequin's hand, twisting it and then kicking it in the chest, making it drop to its knees, then following it up with a bullet to its head with her pistol. "There's no way we can kill them all; we need to get that door open!" AJ shot another in the face. "How!? I don't see a lock or a keyhole." Before Snake or Haze could say anything, they heard something even the mannequins noticed. "...that sounds like a motorcycle engine, no?" questioned Haze. Everyone could hear it coming from a nearby wall. They all eyed it until something blasted through it. The motorbike was in the air, and someone jumped off and landed behind a group of mannequins. Without even attacking them, all their heads were sliced off. Standing there, with a beam-looking sword, kneeled a young woman with pink hair and pink shades. "FUCK HEADS!" she laughed as all the mannequins she beheaded somehow shot out blood from their necks, covering the area in the red liquid. The young woman stood up and turned to her side. The camera zoomed toward her face. "It's game time!" She looked back at the mannequins, pointing at them all. "Okay, you walking piece of shit! Let's go, or are you afraid of getting beat up by a girl?!" she laughed and charged, slicing a mannequin in half and then kicking it away. "W-who the fuck is she?" asked AJ as she and the others watched this new stranger attack the mannequins. Snake smirked and aimed her weapon. "I don't know, but she is killing these monsters, and we need to help her. Let's kill them all." AJ and Haze agreed, and the three of them joined the fight. They were surprised by how this new stranger sliced and cut up the mannequins without much effort. The four of them were fighting for a while, and after a bit, Haze landed near the new stranger and asked her something. "Hey, who are you, and by any chance, do you have memory problems?" The stranger looked at her but quickly went back to fighting. Haze tsk, but she and everyone could hear the stranger talk, but the thing is, her mouth wasn't moving. It was like she was speaking as a voice-over. "I know many readers out there don't have much patience. At least that's what Maude, the chick at the video store, said to me before she murdered in cold blood. She was like a sister to me; we were friends for years, but now she's dead and gone, and the only thing I wanted was the head of the shithead that killed her! That fat head-bat pizza boy got what was coming to him, but I felt empty after getting my sweet revenge. So I walked away from the assassin's life and became known as the crownless Queen, but my real name is Tanya Partydown. After that, I don't remember much, but one thing that will always be clear is Gotta find the exit. Gotta find that exit to Paradise. How's that? Short and straightforward enough for you? It's gonna be a long, hard road. But who knows? Could kick ass... It could be dangerous. It could totally suck. Whaddaya say, sis? Join me. Let's see how far we can take this. And for you, you who's reading this fanfic right now. Just keep reading. Let the bloodshed begin! Tanya sliced and diced a ton more mannequins, and soon enough, none were left standing, and the area was covered in wood and red liquid. AJ and Haze panted as the mannequins didn't respawn. Snake reloaded her gun and turned to Tanya, whose beam-like sword went out, causing her to sigh in sadness. "Well, I'm out of juice, and the bike is destroyed, so that's a no-go." "Thanks for the help, Tanya, right?" said Snake, holstering her gun. Tanya didn't look at her; she started to pump the handle of her weapon like she was jerking off. "Hey, no problem. You girls looked like you needed help. Besides, the party wasn't all that good, anyway. I mean, they didn't even have alcohol." AJ and Haze eyed Tanya as she kept shaking the handle of her weapon. AJ whispered to Haze. "What the hell is she doing?". Haze shrugged, but Snake guessed as she walked around Tanya. "Let me guess, that laser sword ran out of battery, and the only way to charge it is by wagging it like that, right?" Tanya finally notices Snake as she walks into her view. Tanya stopped wagging her weapon, opened her mouth wide open, and pointed at Snake. "Holy shit balls! A talking pony!" she got closer to Snake, amazed by her looks, and turned around, looking at the readers. "Moe~" Snake cringed when she saw how Tanya had just acted. She felt like she had seen this before, but with Otacon and her whole "it's like one of the Japanese animes" act. "By any chance, are you an otaku?" Snake asked, hoping she was wrong. Tanya stopped, then turned back to her, smiling. "Oh, sorry. I was just a bit surprised. Yeah, I'm an otaku!" she got closer to Snake, wanting to feel her up. "One of my favorite animes is one with talking ponies that use friendship to fight evil, and oh boy, the main characters are just too hot. Like, damn!" Snake could see her drooling and eyeing her flank. Snake took a step back. "Yeah, just like Otacon. Even being weird with anime and all." she looked back at AJ and Haze, who were freaked out that Tanya was into talking ponies. "Anyway, I guess you are one of the people sent here like us." Tanya's hands wriggled as she almost touched Snake's rear, but she heard what she said and stood up. "Sent here?" she said, then noticed AJ and Haze waving their hands and smiling. Snake quickly explained everything, making Tanya nod and walk to the locked door with them. "I see; we're all here to save some kids, huh? But we don't remember anything after agreeing to help or what we all have in common, huh? That's just the best kind of plot! We're all different, and we are going to meet up and have to work together. We are all going to have different powers and shit, and, oh boy, I can't wait to see what's going to happen!" happily said Tanya, getting all excited as they arrived at the locked door. Snake and Tanya looked over the door, trying to see if they could remove the chains, not noticing AJ went back to teasing Haze like before. "Come on, just show me the photo already! Why are you being such a tease?" "Shut up! I won't show you a damn thing!" replied Haze, crossing her arms and looking away, but this just caused AJ even more to tease her. The two went back and forth, not helping the other two open the door. "So, what's with those two, anyway?" asked Tanya, leaning against the wall and looking at the scene before her. Snake smirked and answered her, making Tanya smile. "Hell yeah, a plotline where one of the main characters finds another universe version of their girlfriend and doesn't get along with the new version but will slowly open up to her and fall in love with that version! That's fucking classic! This is like a real-life fanfic, and it's gonna be a great ride!" Snake laughed and turned to her. "So, that voice-over monologue you somehow did, you talked about losing someone like your sister and being an assassin. Did a job, and they somehow tracked you down?" Tanya's face became grave, and she was still looking at Haze, who stopped AJ from searching her pockets. "You can say that. I wanted to be number one! It was a long road, and I finally got there, but after learning the truth about my family, why they were killed, and fighting my real sister to the death, I just walked away as I said." Snake could see Tanya's shades hid her eyes, but Snake could tell there was sadness in them. "As I was getting cash to enter the ranking, I killed these loser brothers who wanted to open a bat pizza place. Their youngest little brother wanted revenge and placed a hit on my friend, Maude." She squeezed her beam sword handle, remembering how her friend died and wanting to kill the bastard again. "That little shit was a tough cookie, and he was the real deal. But in the end, I killed him too and just wanted to disappear after that. I was going to leave the city when..." she touched her head. "Yeah, tits all fuzzy, but I think I remember talking to a pony-looking, human woman." Snake leaned against the door, taking a sugar stick but looking at it. "You remind me of a few people, you know?" Tanya smiled a little and turned to Snake. "Who, and what do they look like? Were they badass like me?" Snake put the stick in her mouth and looked up at nothing. "Nami wasn't a badass, but she was a tough woman. She wanted revenge against me and others who wronged her brother and herself. She even secretly altered MAGICDIE to kill them and me when the time came, but she changed as she saw I wasn't a cold killer. Still, in blindness for revenge, she helped create a world-ending virus within me, and she ended her life as a form of forgiveness, the pain she created on me. She wanted to suffer for it. Her death was long and painful." she tapped her sugar stick box, taking out a few sticks and giving some to Tanya, who happily took a few. "Then there was my mother, who wanted revenge against an old friend of her, the one who created the events of my birth. In the end, she got her decades-long revenge but at the cost of losing her life." Snake looked at Tanya, giving her a serious look. "Both Nami and my mother lost something vital to them, all in the name of revenge, and that was living life." Snake bit her sugar stick and chewed it. "You can get revenge, Tanya, but is it worth losing who you are, and would your family and friends want you to go down that path?" she swallowed the sugar stick. "Even though you got your revenge, you won't find peace. I can tell you still haven't forgiven yourself for your friend's death, and I know that feeling." Tanya looked at her feet and played with the sugar sticks. "So, I'm fucked then, Ms. talking pony? I killed so many people to get that number one ranking, that I'll always have a wanted sign on my back for rest of my life?" Snake shook her head and put her hoof on Tanya's leg, making her look at her. "No, you're not. You're a good person deep inside, just trying to hide it. I was a lot like you. I used to believe the only way to live was with pain and death. I killed for my country, and I did a lot of terrible things, but I met many people who helped me see that there is more to life." Snake removed her hoof from Tanya's leg and looked up at her. "You can remove that sign, and live in peace." Tanya put the stick in her mouth and smiled. "Gonna find that exit, that exit to paradise! That's the best ending to the story, huh, Snake?" Snake chuckled and nodded. "Yes, that's a great ending." Suddenly, everything went dark, making Snake and others get their weapons ready, but Tanya looked confused. "What's going on here?" AJ hurried over and aimed her shotgun at the gathering mist. "Short story, an evil dark creature that looks like Snake here is after us and trying to kill us. No doubt, not want us to reach the kids at the top of this tree." Tanya activated her beam sword and put it on her shoulder. She saw something walking out of the mist, and just like AJ said, she could see an evil-looking version of Snake as its mouth let out black mist. "She doesn't look so tough?" she quickly darted toward it, raising her weapon and preparing to slice it in half. "Take this, you bitch!" Tanya sliced down the dark monster, but everyone was not surprised; seeing her beam sword just went through it, it was unaffected. "What the hell!?" Tanya could see the dark creature smiling at her and blasting her with black mist, burning her slightly and making her stagger backward. After the mist attack, the creature unleashed a powerful beam at Tanya, which had blocked it in time, but the beam blew up. Snake and the others watched as Tanya went flying towards them. They quickly dodged out of the way in time as Tanya crashed into the door and destroyed it. Snake looked inside and saw the spiral stairway and Tanya covered in the door debris, but to her surprise, Tanya stood up and looked completely fine. "Oh, that freaking monster bitch gonna pay for that!" Tanya jumped out of the hole in the door and made a battle cry as she ran back toward the creature, only to be sent flying back to the others. Snake jumped inside and turned to the others. "It's getting more powerful! We can't hurt it anymore! We need to head to the fourth floor, fast!" Snake started running up the stairs as AJ and Haze followed her, but Tanya rose and growled as the dark creature walked toward her. She took a battle stance and smiled. "Ha! I took way worst, you fucker! Come on, let's go!" she charged at the creature again, but like before, she was blasted away and sent flying through the ceiling and crashing into the spiral stairway, meeting back up with the others. They looked through the hole and saw the creature looking at them, smiling evil-like. "Where are my friends!?" she asked, opening her wings and taking off. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" The creature felt its tail being pulled and forced to the ground. When it looked back, it saw Spark had stopped her. "Friends..." She unleashed a mighty beam at Spark, who blocked and deflected the attack. The beam hit the ceiling above, crashing it down. The group could see rubble filling the hole and felt the stairway shaking, so they had to hurry to the next floor before the spiral staircase collapsed. "Hurry, get to the fourth floor, fast!" shouted Haze, leading as she sliced any falling rubble. Spark quickly flew out of the destroyed room, floating in the darkness, while the dark creature followed. Both just floated there, eyeing each other down. The creature teleported in front of Spark, tackling her, but Spark saw a vision when it did. static Spark could see what looked like a church or something. She could see five colored stained windows and a cloaked figure stood in the middle. She could hear crying. "I miss you all so much..." static Spark snapped out of it and grabbed the creature while tears fell from her eyes. "I'm sorry for what happened, but I promise you!" she said, driving the creature back into the room and creating a large and powerful explosion. "I'll save you too!" End of Chapter 4