When Sunset got accused of going back to her old ways, she was naturally confused and upset as anyone would be. Everyone thinks she's guilty until her framers accidentally post the wrong image and Sunset sees a groupchat her friends have insulting her and she is pissed.
Inspired by Cojo5536s post.
Featured 1/20/24
Interesting...so instead of Sunset accused, (even tho it was a brief moment) it's the Rainbooms who take the fall. XD
Love this karmic scenario.
Very interesting twist of fate but saying you reap what you sow definitely falls under this jurisdiction
I am really not sure what to say here.
As usual, your writing is amazing, and this story has an interesting premise, I am just not sure I can get behind it, if that makes sense?
Oh look, another Anon-A-Miss story.
It's funny that people will try to tongue-in-cheek acknowledge the premise has run its course while still posting new ones.
Not too sure what to say about this. Whilst well written, hasn't this genre kinda died a death already?
Ooooh don't you start.
You have to say that about every other fic theme there is on this site.
Anyways nice fic, do love it.
Though the angry mob bit... if any of the teachers try anything.
She can throw it back in their faces, stating they did nothing about the ones that targeted her.
But now they doing something about it..... She could mention send this to the local news paper on how the teachers acted.
Sure they be sweating a river if she mentiosn that.
Great story, I hope to see a next chapter in which the crusaders tries to see if their plan is working only to find out is their sisters (or sister figure in Scootaloo's case) that are now the outcast instead of Sunset because of the plan, and pretty much are ruinning their lives.
Also, there's Cloudkicker. Something is going to get banged, probably some heads, XD!
This was as much a Christmas special as it was an ciber-bullying awereness special issue comic, is pretty much par for the course in this month in particular.
Sunset has certainly maneuvred Celestia into an impossible position-do nothing, and face legal action from the Rainbooms' parents? Or intervene and be called a hypocrite? Either way her reputation is shot.
That is true, speaking as a writer with several AAM stories under his belt.
It bothers me in these anon fics Susnet always beaten up or targeted and nothing is done.
Mostly due to the teachers holding grudges or the author doesn't address it.
One fic was Celestia had hope and faith in the students, and after Sunset blew up on her, did she realized she screwed up.
Happen again in the aftermath when the CMC were exposed.
But mostly nobody reported it, due to feeling they desrved it, when she learned of it finally.
she got MAD!
She address the entire school and stated she had hope the students would of been better but no she was wrong.
Slight you all suck speech/lecture small one but got tot he point.
so she made a statement everyone who sent in secrets to the blog would report themselves in by the end of the day or be expelled.
She states. "Think I'm bluffing...JUST TRY ME!"
She already had the means to get the names but held back till then.
She also knew the ones assulting the CMC and Sunset would be the ones who sent in secrets.
Last it be a example of what will happen.
Incase your wondering one student tried to call her bluff, learned it was not a bluff was gone.
I don't know why, but I'm always intrigued by Anon-A-Miss stories. Please, continue.
This is an interesting take on Anon-A-Miss.
One thing's for sure, the Rainbooms are gonna have an extremely hard time getting Sunset to forgive them.
This is an interesting spin on Anon-A-Miss, hope to see how this plays out.
It is pretty funny that the Anon-A-Miss was successful in splitting up Sunset from her friends but screwed up and made her out to be the victim.
It would be a nice change of pace for Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie to have to prove their innocence, if the CMC (if this isn't changed as an AU) don't fess up that is.
Hell, it'll be great to see Sunset branching out and make friends with other Canterlot High students instead of being ostracized.
Yeah, I agree. Trust is a two-way street
Haven't read it yet but does it get leaked
Interesting so far, going to put in read later to let it cook for now.
I think you might’ve swapped those two words on accident.
And then they fucked each other silly
Well, now Sunset will have less trust on the rest of the Rainbooms thanks to Pinkie Pie telling practically everyone her true background story.
Great job on the chapter, hope to see how this trainwreck will go for the girls and the Canterlot Movie Club.
Pretty good story and liking Cloudkicker so far. Hope the rest of the Rainbooms and the CMC can make it up to Sunset.
One thing I'm confused on. Sunset says here that she is in the baking club, so how do you explain why she isn't in the baking club photo in Queen of Clubs?
Here’s my number. Call me sometime, alright? Shoots with the finger gun and a grin
"We'll Bang."
Merry Christmas! Hope you all reading have a great Holiday season and a Happy New Year.
Hope to see Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle reaction when they see that their plan succeeded in the worst way possible. I like it when the villain/antagonist of a story screw up in a significant way and have to scramble to salvage their plans.
Oh geez, those three are the last people you should be asking to be your eyes and ears in this matter
If, IF you apologize?! Good lowdy Dash do you seriously not get how wrong and messed up talking about Sunset behind her back in that little group chat was. Not to mention y'all threw her to the wolves by accusing her in the hallway for everyone to see. Once the dust settles from this chaos everyone is gonna have to have a very long talk about being open and honest with each other.
Hope you had a good Christmas yourself
What post was that?
And so we begin this chapter with Rainbow's point of view duringthe mob escape!
The girls are pretty much realizing how much they have screwed up and now they can't show up back to school.
...Also, RariJack! A glorous accidental Rarijack moment! That scene of Rarity asking Applejack how does she know how to hotwire a car and her asking back how does Rarity knows how to pick locks was priceless, made me think of them playing an in-universe version of GTA/Online, where Rarity focus her business in Los Santos, Applejack focus hers in Blaine Country, XD!
And so, it begins. As soon as Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow messages the CMC, they will be aware that the plan has gone horribly wrong.
Now my question is, will they stop it? Or will double their efforts to make everyone thin it's Sunset behind the account?
Who am I kidding, they probably throw more fuel to the fire and then admit things were pretty much a bad idea from the start when everything has gone far beyond control.
So, now I want to see how Anon-A-Miss will repercute the girls life inside and outside of school: from kicking them out of all the clubs they are members, request/protest for kick them from sports teams (this one is particular to Rainbow), request/demand/protest for them to be fired and/or banned from business that they may work part-time, etc.
Grear job, hope to see the girls other points of view as the story progress!
I wish you a Merry Christmas/Happy Heart's Warming Eve and a happy new year!
Thank you for the words. Merry Christmas yourself 🙂
This one.
What an interesting friend Cloudkicker turned out to be.
I think I might be readinging a little too far into this. Either that or I'm getting ahead of myself and seeing signs that aren't there I spy love interest
If is Cloudkicker, there's always banging at one point or another.
So, the crusaders are pretty much throwing acusstions at random pretending to investigate who Anon-A-Miss and the school is separated into three factions now, I honestly didn't see that coming. Great job on this plot twist!
Now All we need now is a fourth faction beliving that maybe none of them being Anon-A-Miss and this may be a revenge plan of The Dazzlings to sow chaos and hostility on the school... And is working perfectly! With that additional faction we can be sure the mayhem will ensue.
Great job! I hope to see more of this story soon!
And finally some holes show in the facade that is anon- a -miss
And so, Cloudkicker confirms that Sunset is not Anon-A-Miss, however she's being warned that she may no longer have credibility or even being targeted as she was seen getting into Sunset's car and asume they must be dating.
Nice job, keep it up!
By virtue of coming up with the idea, I was invited to do some consultation work for this chapter, and I'll admit, I'm unreasonably pleased with this bit I suggested.
It's a really good bit lol.
Not sure how this will end.
I mean the CMC still doing this, even after their blunder?
When exposed in the end what will happen.
The families are going to be beyond outraged, and I would not be suprised if they are expeled and sent to different schools away from each other.
But what in name of Celestia are the Celestia and Luna doing about all this crap.
I know they are limited in what they can do, bu they should get a small handle on the attacking mob, and the aftermath.
............LOL had a thought.
After everything is exposed, Celestia knowing another mob about to form afterwards.
she says she decided to do the same.
Since they want a angry form a angry mob even if she says not to, she formed her own.
Cue curtain parting and all the students freaking out.
It's a angry mob of PARENTS!!
Cue scrams and then a long long of students being dragged by said parents by the ear or the collar being torn verbally for acting like animals and breaking several laws.
And being told what punishments they be suffering except for the very few who didn't join in but praised or hugged by their own parents relived they didn't join in or attacked for not joining in.
Yeah, take that Rainbooms! It serves you right for accusing Sunset Shimmer for being behind Anon-a-miss, even though she isn’t behind this! I really love this story! Notify me whenever there is a new chapter for this!
Honesty, I never understood why no one thought that the other Rainbooms could've been AaM. Like, even if we ignored who AaM was, they're the only real other candidates to be AaM. They were right there when it happened, they knew about 'piggy-wiggy' on the same date it was posted, they also know about the picture posted following day, heck even their accusation against Sunset could've been easily used against them when they never saw her do the deed in the first place nor even mention it.
They're the school heroine and they said Sunset did it. Add that Sunset has a checkered past and it becomes the obvious solution.
Not saying it's right...
And, as I mentioned in previous comments, the mess does spill beyond just the school.
Rainbow got informed by Spitfire that almost all the team made a petition to kick her out of it, even when Spitifre doesn't want it, she have no choice on the matter at the momment.
And is great to see that Spitfire is among the very few of the fourth faction who belive The Dazzlings may be behind Anon-A-Miss all this time, the school is going to become an even worse battlefield than The Battle Of The Bands, and the CMC are throwing now random names into the fire, escalsting the situation.
As Rainbow isn't the only one who should be suffering because of this, similar situations would be happening to the others's part-time jobs/voluntariates/after-class activities, unfortunately.
Great job, keep it going!
Its more of a snowball effect. When you roll this situation to the point it gets big and you can't handle it anymore, what the CMC and the Mane 5 are doing is making an already worst situation escalate to a full-blown catastrophe, and to add to that, if this goes further, there could be literal Wendigos coming to the school with no magic defense to help them.
This story needs a chapter from the CMC's point of view. At this point they must already be aware that their little trick backfired and is now severely affecting their respective families and friends. Also explain how that small mistake of publishing the wrong photo happened and why they still continue doing it, they already got what they wanted and, sadly, more than they could bite off.
Sweetie Belle, due to the actions of you and your friends, your sister is about to lose her business. Rainbow Dash has already been kicked off all the sports teams. And the Apples are losing customers too. They're just lucky that not everyone in the city has a kid that attends CHS.
Now, I figure that you have only days before Cheerilee or Celestia think to check the library computer history and the library security cameras in their hunt to find who is actually behind this mess. Trust me, coming clean BEFORE that happens will be easier on you, as you'll only get Suspension instead of Expulsion.
Things are getting worst and more so when the CMC are exposed, the families will be utterly humilitied, and still lose business.
But what this about Octi casting two friend out of the group?
The cmc are idiots, they see what this has done to their sisters(sister figure in Scootaloo's case) and yet they just want to keep trying to shift the blame to random students and thus dig themselves deeper and deeper into the pit of chaos. Speaking of which...
I have a feeling those two overheard everything that was said, or heard just enough to put together who the real culprits behind Anon-A-Miss are. Either way the cmc are about to get the rug yanked from under them in the worst way possible.
I am a fan of people digging their own grave, making the situation worse because they stubbornly refuse admit fault and would rather double down.
Like I said before, I like that Sweetie Belle, Apple Blood, and Scootaloo screwed up and have to salvage their plans while keeping suspicion off them.
Oh, this could be worst case scenario for the CMC.
The girls were in no way justified for what they did in the IDW comic but I do have to give them credit for confessing and owning up to their actions. Being caught and being completely unrepentant for their actions is an entirely different matter.
I REALLY hope they did something like record the conversation as proof.
Three chapters in one day? I honestly didn'expected it, but is such a welcome surprise, non the less!
Is great to see Sunset's neighbour dynamic with Redheart, and Redheart informi g her that Celestia, Luna, Cherilee and Time Turner does not belive she's Anon-A-Miss, and great to hear that Redheart served in the Army (probably studied in the military school of medicine assuming she became a field medic when she was in the service)
Great job with all chapters!, hope to see more of this, keep it up!