//------------------------------// // Episode 1 - Greetings! // Story: Fairy Tail - Equestrian Crisis! // by ChromeRegios //------------------------------// The team arrives at their destination, Natsu who was the last one out nearly flies out of the mirror and crashed to Lucy putting them in an awkward position. “Natsu G-Get off!!” Lucy punched him off her making him fly off and making the guy like a total fool of himself. “He just wants some, Lucy...” Happy Smiles and he lets out a quiet laugh. “I HEARD THAT!!” Lucy Shouts at Happy as he flies up to avoid being strangled. Erza notices something was wrong with the mirror and goes to check it out, As she touches the base of the mirror it crumbled thus giving them all a shocked expression on their face.. Erza was giving the most ridiculous face as she watched the mirror falls and shatters “ERZA! What did you do?!” Natsu said as he stood up in the small crater he made “I-I didn’t do it! I swear it just crumbled down! Erza feeling a bit guilty about what she did while it was clearly Natsu’s fault. Grey who was in a daze of what happened to the mirror got a message from Warren Rocko “SAY WHAT?!” Grey shouts in disbelief as he learns that Natsu destroyed the mirror while entering... Grey went to Erza who were already filled with guilt said that it was Natsu’s fault that the mirror came down... Erza a bit inflamed with anger walks to the boasting Natsu. Lucy who can’t take anymore of Natsu’s boasting just ignores all of what Natsu is saying. “And then she said “Be more responsible on yourself” THAT’S so pathetic!! HA HA HA!!” Erza gave a heavy hit on the head knocking him unconscious. Lucy who was standing in front of him screams and widened her eyes. Watching as Natsu was bleeding in the head in a fountain like style.. “Let’s just get this job over with... Before I forget were on a mission” Erza walks towards a meadow and stops in the middle... “Where should we go anyway?” She asked to them “your leaving without actually know where you’re going?!” Lucy shouts in Erza’s idiocy. Lucy then looks at the poster and reads it again. “It says here we should meet us with the princess in Canterlot” Lucy Instructs “Canterlot? Where is it?” Grey says as he carries the unconscious Natsu. “I don’t know... Let’s ask the Locals here, Happy go and see if there is a town nearby. “Aye!!” Happy Shouts below as he looks around the place. “There a town there in the north!” Happy yells, at the same time Natsu quickly regained consciousness. “Let’s go then!!” Natsu was about to run when Erza grabs his shirt stopping him before he could sprint away. “Listen here Natsu! We don't know what beings are here. So don’t go rushing out and burning stuff while you’re at it!” Erza sends a distinctive look on her face to show her she means business” “Y-yes ma’am” Natsu squeaks “Good..” Erza satisfied asked Lucy to lead the way... Eventually they reached a small town... just a mile away from they could see that the inhabitants are not “Human” As they thought... “Are those what I Think they are?” Gray asked the group confused.. “No way... Are those...” Lucy can’t believe it “I think they’re...” Erza stops in suspense “HORSES!!!” Natsu shouts... All of them gave him a bad look “No, idiot!” Lucy angrily said to Natsu.. “Those are unicorns! And pegasuses” “And just plain horses!” Happy adds “Pega-suses? Seriously?” Grey sarcastically implying that Lucy made a wrong grammar as well. “It’s much well said as Pegasi rather than your pegasue’s” Erza gave a real description of the race. Lucy felt a bit inferior to Erza now... “Let’s go and ask them where princess Celestia is… maybe they might know” Grey tells the group as they went into town... The Locals seem to stare at the creatures in the distance as they moved closely to their town All of the citizens hid into their houses fearing they might be hostile “Nice... Even horses can build houses here!” Natsu a bit impressed of the handy work of the beings living in that place... “I wonder why they are hiding from us.” Lucy asked out of curiosity “Maybe they got scared at happy over here” Natsu jokingly said as he points to Happy “Hey! That’s not a very nice thing to say Natsu” Happy said drooping his ears Just then Natsu stopped near a house... as he kept hearing a conversation on the other side of the wall “What is it Natsu?” Erza asked as she went to Natsu “Shh... Listen...” Natsu puts his ears at the wall listening to the conversation “Why are you hiding from them?” A soft voice said “Those Things who came up the hill just now!” A calm voice said “Didn't you notice how they walk? They look weird!” Said the voice with an accent “Who are they calling weird?!” Said Lucy “Shh!!” Natsu intently listens. “And did y’all see that flyin’ critter?” said the voice in a country accent. “Flying critter? Who is she referring to?” Natsu said... Clearly, Happy got the idea. “I’m a critter?” Happy said dropping some tears in a size of pearls “Oh, Happy they didn't mean that” Lucy said trying to comfort happy.. “Shh... How many times do I have to ask for you to be quiet?” Natsu irritated went back to listen. “Oh, like what you ALL think of Zecora, who you ALL said was an Evil Sorceress, which turned out to be a friendly zebra?” The other voice said “You tell them!” Natsu said with a bit of pride. “You know what I’ll go out there and ask if they need help... maybe they’re just lost” Said the voice as Natsu heard it going out the front door... “Twilight, wait!” The other voice shouts from the inside as the young mare pokes out its head and went outside... “It’s a unicorn!” Lucy said in surprise “Well we all could see that logic Lucy...” Erza said while examining the creature in front of them. “Hi there!” The purple Unicorn said, giving her best smile as she tries not to run. Despite seeing them as “Different” as the other ponies inside the house... “It can talk!” Gray said “Well duh! it can talk what else am I listening to for the past TEN MINUTES!!” Natsu said almost picking a fight at Gray “What did you say fire breath?!” Gray head butt’s Natsu which Natsu takes it ‘Head’ On “I say you’re not a good listener Ice Block!” Natsu Snaps back at him “Oh yeah want to go?!” Gray challenges Natsu “Bring it on!!” Natsu already in battle mode.. Before they could even have a chance to fight, Erza Steps in Knocking them both down! “I'm sorry for their behavior.. They’re quite idiots” As soon as Erza said that Natsu pops out with a large bump on his head. “HEY! Who’re you calling an idiot Er~” Before he could even finish Erza knocked him completely out cold.. “Excuse me but... What are you talking about?” The Purple unicorn asked. “Excuse me... Can we tell you inside? Because I’m afraid it’s going to~” Erza was cut off with a loud lightning crack followed by thunder... “Rain...” “Oh S-sure... Please come in” The purple pony invites them in, with Erza dragging the two silly knocked out guys... After a while they all got settled in. Erza woke the two guys and sits in the living room of the house. While the purple unicorn sits in the middle of the visitors “Before I ask Questions... Let us introduce our selves my name is Erza Scarlet” “And my name is Lucy Heartfillia” “Gray Fullbuster” “And I’m Natsu Dragneel!” “My name’s Happy!” The purple unicorn is a bit intrigued by the blue cat who can speak as well... “We are the members of The Fairy Tail Guild and Come to help in the name of Princess Celestia” Erza announced. As soon as the Purple unicorn heard the name “Princess Celestia” She called in the rest of her friends to the living room, One by one each of her friends came out “So you meant to say... Princess Celestia sent you here?” The Purple unicorn asked making sure of their claims “Indeed we are.. May we know what race you are?” Erza asked “I told you they’re a bunch of horses!” Natsu Claims as Erza lifts her fist up high preparing to hit Natsu again... he shuts up and sits quietly.. “Actually... were ponies” she said to Erza looking back at her friends asking them go come closer.. “Now let us introduce our selves to you, My name is Twilight Sparkle” The purple unicorn said “And I’m Rainbow Dash” The rainbow and Cyan colored Pegasus said “I’m Apple Jack Pleasure to meet Y’all” The Orange Pony said “I’m Pinkie Pie Nice too meet you” A pink pony said while jumping up and down.. “I am Rarity. A pleasure to meet you” Said the White unicorn “I-I’m F-Fluttershy” Said the Canary Yellow Pegasus| “Welcome to Pony Ville” Said Twilight “Were at Pony Ville?” Lucy said thinking that this is not clearly Canterlot “Pardon me Twilight... But Isn't this Canterlot?” Lucy asked Twilight, who was completely lost now “N-no.. Canterlot is over in that direction.” Twilight points out the window towards the castle like structure up in the mountains “Oh... so that’s Canterlot” Lucy thought as she looks down the poster they brought “I’m Hungry...” Happy glumly said “Me too...” Natsu said, His stomach Growling.. “Oh.. Not a problem there, Ah be glad to make you some Fiddle’s” Apple Jack said and preparing her hoofs for some cooking “I think I got something to whip in my house... why don't we go there?” Twilight said as they all agreed... They went out and ran towards her house which looks like a tree.. As they entered the house they were greeted by a little dragon... “A REAL LIVE DRAGON!!” Natsu Shouted at the top of his lungs “Is he always like that?” Twilight asked “Implying to say always? yeah pretty much” Lucy said as they sit down in the living room... Natsu Fired up the Fire place by spitting fire into it... After a long introduction of what they are and what they do in the Human world the other ponies got adapted to them and beginning to become curious rather than scared to them... “So you mean to say... You’re a dragon Slayer?!” Spike said a bit of scared of Natsu “No not really... That’s what they call us wizards who has gifted by our dragon masters dragon abilities!” Natsu Explains to the Terrified Spike “Oh... So you didn't Slain any dragons at all?” Spike asked “Nope... absolutely!” Natsu Approves to spike “How do you Breathe fire? Because I know I can and it’s not that big..” Spike talks to Natsu “I just used magic... Which also makes me to eat fire that can restore my strength and~” Natsu continues to talk with spike about dragons, both of them got absorbed to their stories to one another “That should keep them occupied” Lucy said while looking at the kitchen...| “So... You’re a human?” Rainbow Dash Moves Closer to Lucy. “Huh? Y-yes I am” Lucy Stares at Dash While she is getting closer and examining her “What are these water melons?” Dash Pokes Lucy’s Chest which makes Lucy tingle.. She forced herself not to hit the Multi colored Pony who repeatedly Pokes her chest Rarity sees Lucy was a bit uncomfortable and stops Rainbow Dash “Alright dash that's enough out of you!” Rarity pulls her out of Lucy “But... watermelons Rarity!!” She shouts at her making Lucy a bit more uncomfortable Rarity returns to Lucy Apologizing to her of what her friend is doing to her.. “I’m so, so, so sorry about Dashie… She gets carried away sometimes” Rarity said then she looks at Lucy’s Clothes “My darling, those clothes look Divine! Are those the latest fashion in your world?” Rarity asked now a bit more curious about earthly clothes, They talked about fashion the entire time Lucy got interested at this pony.. Grey, standing outside looking at the rain when rainbow grumpily walks beside him. “Oh, Hello... Your Rainbow Dash right?” He asked, Dash Looked up to him. “Yeah...” She said still a bit offended of what Rarity did back there “Why so down rainbow? Did something happen in there?” Grey asked the Cyan pony “Rarity sent me out because of watermelons...” Dash said to him while pointing to Lucy “Uhmm... Those aren't Watermelons Rainbow” Grey looks away preventing his eyes looking at Lucy’s Chest. “Then what are they?” Rainbow asked completely curious. Grey whispers something in her ear.. “They give milk?!” Rainbow Shouted “Shhhhh not so loud!!” Grey puts his hand in the mouth of dash, preventing her to shout out something she should now say... “It’s a woman’s.... You know…” He said while taking off his hand at Dashes face “So is she a cow?” She asked him again... They both discussed it outside without the knowledge of Lucy that she is being harassed vocally outside... “Is Apple Jack and Twilight still in the kitchen?” Erza looking through the books asked the yellow pony beside her... “Y-yes...” Fluttershy Said timidly “Are you getting used to us now?” Erza asked her “A-a little… yes” She said returning a book she just took out... Erza looking up to the other group notices something or someone was missing “Where is that pink one?” She asked Fluttershy “She’s in the kitchen as well...” Fluttershy said, taking out another book. “I see, there are a lot of books here. Most of it are about magic” Erza a bit curious now.. Looks through the book she took... “These are all Twilight’s, She does magic Spells as well...” Fluttershy said beginning to get interested on Erza “Really? Can you tell me some of those things?” She asked to Fluttershy striking a conversation with the timid young pony... Meanwhile in the kitchen Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Applejack Prepare dinner for them and their guest, When all of a sudden a loud roar echoes to the rainy night sky! All of them stopped what they doing as Grey spots something walking towards the tree house from the north, and the thing came closer and closer towards Natsu and the others… They prepared themselves to fight of what’s coming towards them....