Twilight wanted to teach Ember pony customs. Instead, she learned about unicorns, dragon eggs... and Ember’s mother.
Special thanks to ChappedPenguinLips for editing.
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*laughs and slowclaps* Bravo.
While this sort of story always strikes me as a bad idea Watsonianly—do not taunt Happy Fun Demigoddess—the audacity of this one still made for a hilarious read. Thank you for it.
cool onegreat
............................Okay, THAT is a rather funny prank to pull on Twilight. Bravo. I can EASILY see her in the "Clock Is Ticking!" phase from this.
This is absolutely evil...
I love it!
Oh, that was fucking evil! You have no idea how much I loved seeing Twilight being had like that.
Gas lighting is illegal... but funny as hell. Thumbs up.
You sir, are a genius at pranking Twilight.
That sounded like the start of an excellent story (made-up or not)!
The awesome thing about the whole deal though was that, it was just plausible enough to seem actually real.
Next thing you know Spike would be dating a griffin.
Well that was friggin' hilarious. Pranked Twilight is funniest Twilight.
Oh, I thought you were serious at first.
Good job, this was fun.
I caught the one hint near the beginning that something was going on, but it didn't ruin the surprise at all. Bravo. Bravo indeed.
With friends like these, Twilight...
At least they didn't trick her into thinking she'd laid an egg...
This was kinda funny. Nice job dude.
Yay :)))
O:) Just needed to write something silly O:)
Oh, Hillbe. :P
I blame Pinkie! O:)
...I also blame Trixie!
Well, I considered if it coukd be real... or maybe it is? Where DO the hatched dragons from the magic test go? O.o
Funny you should mention that...
Thankee :))) Also, fixed ;)
Well, they did it to RD :P
That's a whole lot of trouble for a prank, though considering what the entire town pulled to get back at Rainbow Dash...
Oh boy, I haven't seen one of these in a while.
There's a whole bunch of stories involving Twilight having her perception of reality shattered, like in My Brother, The Tooth and Twilight Sparkle Lays an Egg.
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more, but I can't recall right now.
Must admit I'd personally found this story funnier if it been played completely straight, and dragons and unicorns really did have this odd but rather sweet symbiotic relationship nopony thought to tell Twilight abouth...
But all in all, a good story. Ending felt a bit too mean-spirited, but not bad enough to ruin the rest, and I got a couple of chuckles from it.
Well that was a rather unnecessarily hateful prank to play on Twilight by her 'friends'. Obviously they are making it up or ponies would know far more about dragons and have been able to help with Spike back during the whole dragon greed incident. That alone makes it rather obvious only Twilight has ever hatched a dragon egg in recent memory after all. Even if it was only the students at Celestia's school there would be far more dragons living in pony lands and they would know more about them.
But if it were true, at least in general, it would explain why he's such an utterly nasty bully.
Having your hatching mother leave you behind because she wants more power the easy way could mess anyone up.
Ooh, that was a good one.
Yeah, pony pranks, at least the best ones, are like children. It takes a village...
About that...
Good story, Lise Eclaire!
(Is the short version of your name rather Lise or Eclaire or do you don't have one?)
I Loved that story. Now I get to read it again.
No! I want a sequel!!!!!!!
Despite the joke, i do like the theory.

You have done well, Madam, you have done well!
Do tell!
This was a funny story you just earn a place in the Library.
Pure Comedy Gold
I think Rarity's expression in the cover art sums it up best.
Wasn't worth a downvote, nor an upvote. It's a thing that exists. It isn't really funny, but it is at least a distant cousin to funny.
It's a "story" that is really just one joke. It tries to do that one joke pretty well, and the overal setup is fine. I just don't really buy into Twilight Sparkle reacting that way. I feel like she would wind up more curious than... whatever it was you were going for in this. Something between "appalled" and "extremely disconcerted." I feel when Twilight is presented with "Thing I don't know" her reaction is "I want to learn about this!" Rather than... this whatever. I guess this is kind of sort of "Twilight in Feeling Pinkie Keen" sort of characterization, which was out of character for her then, and a terrible episode for it.
But, hey. It was just trying to be silly and absurd. That's plenty for most folks, right?
After reading this, I can only imagine Trollestia's face when she hears about it.
I mean it. That's the only image I can hold in my head right now.
Worked for me!
This was...not what I was expecting. Bravo on a well played prank girls
So, Spike considers Twilight his mom, then. That's gonna make some waves
Oh come on
I did not go into this thinking it'd be a crackfic
Well played, author. Well played indeed.
Any ADULT unicorn can hatch a dragon egg but Celestia only take those who can do it as a child. Seems legit.
Amazing. XD
Nice...Very pleasing!
Is it real and Spike will just lie to her. I kind of hope so.
Now that was a mindfuck and a half
Wow, impressive. Poor Twi though, and I want to know what Spike was gonna say about Luna hatching Lord Torch lol.