• Member Since 16th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 15th, 2020


If you happen to cry, I will be there. If you happen to smile, will you do the same for me?


EqF Contest Results · 6:32am Jan 30th, 2018

Hello, all!

After a month of sporadic activity time to get back to things! Namely, time to announce the winner of my very first contest! :)

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Barcast Shout-out · 10:56pm Jan 19th, 2018

Hello, all!

It’s been a crazy January so far (and looks like it will continue to be for a while), but I’d like to echo a request made by the Barcast.
In brief, the goal is to keep their official YouTube channel in the partners program and help (real) horses get taken care of thanks to a horse charity. :)

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Report Lise · 534 views · #Barcast #help #YouTube #horses #charity

Equestrian Fanfiction & Contest · 5:59pm Jan 8th, 2018

Hi, all!

A much delayed happy 2018 and thank you for always bringing a smile to my face :)

A week ago Equestrian Fanfiction ended (after 370 days :)). It was a tremendous ride, and a great experience thanks to your constant support and comments :)

What this also means is that the next few weeks I’ll be going through all submitted stories and come select the finning fic :) and (the big news) I’ve made arrangements for the prize to be delivered next month. ;D

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Report Lise · 583 views · #Thanks #contest #2018 #EqF #question

Pinkie Collaboration Fic · 9:50pm Dec 12th, 2017

Hello, all!

The unmistakable Ceffyl has announced that he’ll be doing a massive collaboration fic next year. :D Participation is open to all (which is why I volunteered to try and take part :))!

Here’s a LINK to all corresponding info :)

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December, Daily, and More · 8:29am Dec 8th, 2017

Heya, all!

As you’ve noticed I’ve been less active lately. I rarely comment anymore and mostly focus on my daily. :( Hopefully, that will change after the 21st when I’ll be on holiday (and for sure from next year, when Equestrian Fanfiction will have been complete.)

You’ve been so incredibly patient with me and I can’t thank you enough. :)

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1 000 000 Words! · 6:32pm Oct 28th, 2017

Hello, all!

Moments ago, I managed to pass the million worthy barrier on fimfic. :)
As someof you might know, this is something extremely important to me and one of the main reasons I started writing on fimfic.

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Equestrian Fanfiction Contest! · 6:12pm Oct 22nd, 2017

Hello, all!

Yes, it’s happening! Marking the 300 chapter of EqF... I’ve been convinced to hold a contest :D
Before I go on to give the details I’d like to thank you for your constant support which helped me keep going up till now :D I never expected to manage a month let alone 10! :D

Thank you, you are all incredible! (Contest details beneath the picture.)

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Report Lise · 1,579 views · #EqF #contest #thanks #30p

Meet-up finally complete! · 5:34pm Oct 13th, 2017

Hello, all!

More than half an year later, and ten times longer than initially planned, EqF Meet-up is finally complete! (And thanks to RK, it’s proofed as well! :D)

Thank you all for your incredible patience and support! I hope you enjoy it (and the new info it brings to Equestrian Fanfiction). :)

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Minor Disruption & Trip · 8:16am Aug 24th, 2017

Hello, all!

There might be a minor disruption with stories for the next few days. The reason: I'll be goingto Canada and the flight (waiting included) spans over 24 hours.

The EqF chapters are written for the next 2 days, but I'm not sure I'll havenet to post. :( in the case I don't expect a dump once I have some net again :)

Also, expect 3 new things to appear in the next two weeks (unless things go wrong :P).

In any event, thank you for your patience :D

Be well and creative!

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Report Lise · 454 views · #Trip #Canada #disruption #thanks #stories

For no particular reason · 8:49am Aug 13th, 2017

Or maybe there is?

Report Lise · 210 views · #Blog #video #thanks