
Viewing 1 - 20 of 181 results

2018 In the horizen! · 5:16am Dec 1st, 2017

Wow, it is already DECEMBER!? :pinkiegasp:

Damn, time flew by FAST this year, seems like time goes faster and faster every year, doesn't it? :twilightsmile:

Well, Ima be honest, I hated this year. I love all the stuff that happened to me on FiM, but in my personal life, let's just say MAJOR events.

Report Keel · 217 views · #December

IT'S DECEMBRRRR! · 3:13pm Dec 1st, 2018

(On a serious note, It was an amazingly "warm" 36 degrees outside. Still freskin cold! Buuut it could be worse!)
Yes it's December again people! Time to break out the hot cocoa and take care of last minute holiday shopping lists (or on time lists...)! More importantly, time to bust out the old Holiday CDs/Records/playlists on a phone and simply let it be!

(If you are triggered by this song, look away now!)

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IT'S DECEMBRRR!!! · 7:07pm Dec 1st, 2019

Okay so it was 41 degrees when I woke up, yet it's alright! In other news, we have exactly a month left of this decade! Yep after December 31st we are officially in a new decade! 2020 will be awesome I know it! Now to get the obligated item:

Phew! Now that that's over! Better music!:

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Quickfire Reviews: December Edition! · 2:09am Dec 8th, 2020

Okay, so I was asked why I stopped doing reviews earlier this week. ...well, largely because most stories I come across are massive and frankly I don't really have the time, I have writing of my own to do. That being said, I do have some time this month, largely because I'm not writing as much as I've had other things to worry about.


TNot On My Watch...
What if? What if Twilight had a plan for the day Celestia passed on Equestria to her? What if she put that plan in motion at The Beginning of the End?
Heavyhauler75622 · 5.2k words  ·  37  6 · 1.2k views

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Update, December 1st · 11:20pm Dec 1st, 2023

Winter is here, and so is another chapter of HiAW. Enjoy! :twilightsmile:


My Movie/TV Show Review List for December · 4:37pm Nov 25th, 2022

Special announcement: I am no longer accepting movie review requests. JimmyHook’s request is the last one I am fulfilling before the end of the year. With that said, here is the list for the upcoming month!

Osmosis Jones (December 1st)

Disenchanted (Dec 6th)

Happy Feet (Dec 8th)

LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special (Dec 13th)

Star Wars: Rebels (Dec 15th)

Batman Beyond (Dec 20th)

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Almost Christmas · 10:33am Dec 1st, 2023

Hey guys it’s nearly that time of year again! Hope you all have a wonderful last month of 2023 and look forward to 2024, in other news whilst I have the chance the second Chapter of T:HL is still in production and whilst I’m hoping to get it released before the end of the year this chapter is likely to be the largest one I’ve made yet so no promises that it’ll be out soon.

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December AMA · 5:55pm Dec 5th, 2015

Hello friends, it's that time again! Time for you to ask me those questions that eat you up inside and that can only be answered by a teenager with minimal world knowledge!

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Report Regidar · 489 views · #december AMA #patreon

Here's an Update on my acitivty · 2:20am Dec 21st, 2016

Good evening guys, I haven't been on here in a while so let me update you on what's happening to me.

The Events that Happened to me This Fall

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It's Decembrrrr!! · 2:23am Dec 2nd, 2022

I say that because it's currently freezing temperature (32*F) outside and the wind chill makes it even colder. And yes. Yes I am outside waiting for a friend to pick me up to go to the store at almost 9:30 at night. All the same, it's now time to defrost the ancient call to arms for the holidays!:

......Surely you all knew this was coming?!?


Star Wars Episode VII · 2:17am Apr 20th, 2017

Who are hyped for this movie?


Review List for December · 6:15pm Nov 27th, 2023

Alright, guys! We’re heading towards the end of the year already! Here is my list of upcoming reviews of the best films of 2023! Time to end the year on a high note!

December 3rd—Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3

Dec. 10th—Spider-Man: Across the Spider-verse

Dec. 17th—The Super Mario Bros Movie

Dec. 24—Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Dec. 31st—Elemental (2023)

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December Update · 12:35pm Dec 2nd, 2015

With December now in place I would want to give you guys a little update. Now that I have a job and with school finals just around the corner, writing stories is going to be a little slow.

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Pakistan's Hero · 7:39am Apr 17th, 2017

Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a lawyer, politician, and the founder of Pakistan.Born at Karachi on 25th December 1876, Jinnah served as leader of the All-India Muslim League from 1913 until Pakistan's creation on 14 August 1947, and then as Pakistan's first Governor-General until his death on September 11, 1948.


It's DECEM-BRRRR!!! · 11:52pm Dec 1st, 2023

I say this rather ironically due to it legit being in the 40s and RAINING all day today! Man Midwest weather (Michigan specifically) be a whole other situation than anywhere else! All the same, brace yourselves:

(I mean it's not cold cold, but it's also almost 7pm and currently 41 degrees.)

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Update, December 12th 2023 · 8:17pm Dec 12th, 2023

It has been a little while, and will still be a little while longer before the next part of HiAW is finished. :twilightsheepish: In the meanwhile, I have published another chapter of Cosmology, and am approaching the completion of some other things as well.

I should be able to finish the next chapter of HiAW pretty soon, though.

Cheers! :twilightsmile:


December Depression · 1:03am Dec 3rd, 2021

I really hope you guys have been doing okay. Life has been... extremely hectic for nearly everyone recently, and for me personally, it's all been piling up on top of itself. Since my last post in 2017, I've been dealing with my depression in... unhealthy ways, and it was just until recently I realized that what I thought was me coasting, and just laying around, was me becoming uncomfortably comfortable with the idea of no longer being around. Part of my problem is that I put a lot... an

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The rest of December · 12:56am Dec 11th, 2021

2 more Reviews will be coming out this month probably before Christmas and a chapter of It’s not easy. Promise it will come out eventually and I mean that!

I can’t promise how much else I’m going to accomplish especially because of my Jinglemas assignment being edited and the fact I am very busy this December.

And last but certainly not least I also have a special surprise in store for you later this month that will be a new thing I’ll be doing for fun as blog posts occasionally

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December Commission! · 7:29pm Dec 6th, 2022

As I promised: I am opening the doors to select one - just one! - commission for this December. The lucky individual will be my only commission for this month, as with the holidays on the horizon, I could not guarantee completing more than one before the month let's out. So with that said:

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December, Daily, and More · 8:29am Dec 8th, 2017

Heya, all!

As you’ve noticed I’ve been less active lately. I rarely comment anymore and mostly focus on my daily. :( Hopefully, that will change after the 21st when I’ll be on holiday (and for sure from next year, when Equestrian Fanfiction will have been complete.)

You’ve been so incredibly patient with me and I can’t thank you enough. :)

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 181 results