Looking for Collaborators! · 4:33am Dec 18th, 2017
Hi there! Hope you are having a great day!
Hi there! Hope you are having a great day!
Hey, everypony! Does anyone want to collaborate with me on my latest story?
Your fellow storywriter,
Since there has been some interest in me organising a collab to write a sequel to this story, I am going to go ahead and announce that I am now officially accepting contributions for it.
Like the last one, though, there are rules:
1) You have until May 31st to write and submit your story.
2) Stories must be written in first person from the OC's point of view.
So I've gotten involved in a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure style collab called Monster's Curse (M-rated). My part still isn't ready, but I'm planning on contributing a Fluttershy bit. In the mean time, have a read/play — it's fun.
Hey everyone it's Appledank, just wanted to let you know that I am open to any collaborations you want me to be included you can hook me up on my instagram: @official_appledank or right here on Fimfiction. I am open to any projects and I'm willing to contribute to any collaborations in mind, see you all on the flip side.
So, as everybody knows, I'm starting a sequel to all three stories, A Sweetie Dreamland, the saga Apple Bloom's Mansion, and The Phantom Filly.
Good news: The first chapter should come out tomorrow, during Christmas, not sure when exactly.
Bad news: I have no idea how long the story will be, but I'm almost certain that it will be longer than A Sweetie Dreamland, maybe it will even be longer than all the stories put together. So, be ready for a very long ride!
There's just eight days left to join The Two Hundred Words Collab. So far, eleven people - including me - are on board, matching the number who joined the last collab.
I can't believe I forgot to do this, but I have an awesome announcement.
I put together an anthology!
Six stories of Pony Horror featuring me, Meta Four, Wave Blaster, KuroiTsubasaTenshi, and zalla661.
Check it out if you haven't already, it's called Six Shadows to Warn You
Side note, this is actually one of the reasons The Changed One was so delayed.
Hey, remember that collab I said I was going to do?
Would anyone be interested in doing a collaboration for a story based on this song?:
If so let me know via comment and PM.
Just wanted to direct a few heads towards this little comic bit the good Mimic Kairatta and I whipped up on the fly. Quite a pleasant surprise what a few spare hours and two able bodied minds can conjure with just some random discussion!
Go give him your love everyone!
He everyone I have made my very first collab! Come and check it out! A Rainbow-Filled Night Tell me what yall think it! This was a complete 50/50 project between myself and Mr Reader. Hope you all enjoy some SoarinDash!
NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: 11 (including me)
I've decided that I want to write something again, and what better way to do that than to arrange a collab?
It'll be a sort-of sequel to The One Hundred Words Collab, and will be called - wait for it - The Two Hundred Words Collab. Surprising, I know.
I helped to write a story with FamousLastWords! It does contain spoilers for Season 8 Episode 23, though, so be careful if you haven't seen that yet.
As most of you probably already know, I published a fairly unconventional fic yesterday that was a commission by BSting. The guy specializes in art and fanfiction that revolve around melissophilia, which is basically a kink for insect stings. Now personally, any insect with stingers scare the living bejeezus out of me in real life. But when I stumbled across his stories a while back, I was curious enough to check them out and see what it
... and it's a collaborative fic written by Kodiologist and myself! Clocking in at four chapters and over 10,000 words, Zecoroota is the most ambitious fic I've ever a hand in. In an effort to whet your collective appetites, Here's the cover art for the story:
So I was recently told this (anonymously over my fanfics cuz people are still being immature)
You should collaborate with another writer so they can make your writing better.
The answer is "No!"
Even tried it once, it failed miserably...
1: I let someone review one of my Starfleet fics. The guy didn't understand what he was reading, so he couldn't help me. I can't just ask for help from a bunch of people who don't know left from right.
Does anyone remember a TV series back in 06 called Jericho? About a small Kansas town trying to survive after 23 American cities are nuked by an unknown power. It only lasted a season and a half, before being cancelled for reasons unknown. I'm wondering if anyone might be interested in a fic similar to that. I also just learned that Jericho's cliffhanger ending from the tv series was continued in comic/graphic novel format. Published by IDW no less.