
Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results

Dusk Shine's Saga Character Profile: Zecora [version 1] · 7:49pm Jun 21st, 2015

Dear Princess Luna, forgive me for this inadequate list, but with so little experience with zebras, and with Zecora in particular, I have had to fall back on secondary sources whose accuracy I can not confirm. Thus, I present to you, this work in progress attempting to detail what I can about Zecora. Be assured the moment I am able to send a more detailed profile of the mare, I will pass them along with great haste. Until then, know that I am returning to work on the other ponies around

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Report Psi-nova · 1,159 views · #Zecora

The problem of dealing with rhyming characters · 3:20am May 30th, 2020

I didn’t really want to post this blog but I couldn’t leave it alone and I want to get out of my chest.

If you expect Zecora or any rhyming characters in any of my future MLP fanfic, I probably wouldn’t use her or them because I’m not very good with rhyming since the big part of her character is she’s rhyme a lot.

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Report Ragnarok17 · 185 views · #Zecora

About Sunset Helpers · 11:30pm Dec 29th, 2015

So... the outlining for the next arc of the story is almost done so I'm gonna start putting chapters out again.

However... Zecora appears a few times and I'm not confident in my ability to rhyme and still have believable dialogue. So I have two questions.

Is anyone willing to help me write Zecora's dialogue accurately.


Are you all alright if I scrap Zecora's rhyming quirk as long as I can explain it believably?

Report Spirit Shift · 438 views · #Zecora

Update tomorrow · 7:21pm Oct 21st, 2023

Hello, dear readers.
You've noticed lately that story progression has greatly slowed down.
Most of that can be attributed to me having a regular job and coming back home, and having no motivation to do anything, not even going for a walk to clear my head to write, so the process has been rather sluggish.
But the new chapter should come out tomorrow, with extra length for all your trouble.

Thank you for your patience.

Report JFT · 118 views · #Zecora

New Info on Zecora's past · 5:04pm Sep 25th, 2020

With the brief preview's revealed, it turns out Zecora has another thing in common with such ponies as Twilight, Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Starlight Glimmer, and Moondancer. And she herself dreamed of achieving the impossible while all others thought it was a hopeless dream.

Report Wildcard25 · 363 views · #Zecora

Needing Help · 1:59am Jan 25th, 2021

This should be simple to explain: I. Am. Writing. Zecora. :twilightangry2:


This is the single most infuriating character to write - EVER! Look, Zecora, I love you and all, but damn your stupid rhyming speech thingy and that calm-little-smile-which-always-looks-smug-whenever-I-see-it-now!

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Zecora · 8:09pm Sep 1st, 2021

I really like this zebra character. But I can't write her. I can't write rhythm speak. What's more, she is quite likely the first person you will encounter in Equestria if you spawned in the Everfree Forest. She may be your lifeline.

Can you write Zecora? And do you like her in general?

Report Bendy · 214 views · #zecora #zebra

There is a word that rhymes with Orange · 4:21am Dec 3rd, 2020

The Mountain that lies within Southeast Wales, t'is named Blorenge.


Zecora? Is that you? · 7:25pm Mar 15th, 2016

So, err, somepony make a fanfic out of this?

Not sure if it's worth doing a follow-up post to this. I don't think I have many Hearthstone players following me here.


Halloween Special · 6:06am Nov 1st, 2015

I had a great idea a few hours ago, so I decided to write and see where it would go.

..... I suck at rhyming, so I'll say it in haiku.

Changelings and Queen learn
Of Nightmare Moon and Luna's
Holiday of fright.

DJ and I have
worked to bring you this story.
.... Haiku doesn't work.


I can see Zecora attending this · 8:41pm Jul 8th, 2021

Imagine that Zecora sneaks out of Equestria through a magic portal all dressed in makeup like a super fan to attend one of the biggest arena events in Azeroth and the main seven follow her.


Two Background Ponies Quickie: "A Health of Information" Aftermath · 7:00pm Sep 24th, 2017

As the Ponyville Hoofball team scored again and the crowd erupted in cheers, a certain blue stallion gave a hesitant clap as he looked around in the bleacher area for somepony. Not seeing him, he sighed and looked back to the time. It was nearly the end of the first and still no sign of him. He eased back into his seat momentarily and watched the game again.

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Does anyone speak Zecora? · 3:46am Mar 24th, 2016

I'm looking for someone who can translate normal speech into Zecora's style of rhyme. I could probably do it myself, but I'm a lazy guy. :trollestia: But in all seriousness, I plan on featuring Zecora in the future, and I want to do her speech pattern right.

So, does anyone where I can find someone, or perhaps a group, that has a good grasp on our favorite zebra?

Report DullDragon2070 · 507 views · #Zecora #rhyme #speech

Something big will be posted this Thursday... · 10:25pm May 12th, 2020

... and it's a collaborative fic written by Kodiologist and myself! Clocking in at four chapters and over 10,000 words, Zecoroota is the most ambitious fic I've ever a hand in. In an effort to whet your collective appetites, Here's the cover art for the story:

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Yay, life is returning to our version of normal. · 11:38pm Aug 31st, 2015

Yes, the windows are all in and life begins to even out. Got to love that! It's amazing how much furniture and other things being out of place can mess with the flow of life.
On another note... Chapter 5 of The Hungry Eyes is out and ready to read. More magic, and mystery unfolds.


Help! My Heart is Full of Pony! - Zebra Joy · 10:15am Nov 23rd, 2016

The theme of season six was "Explore Equestria," and the show made good on its promise. It expanded on season five's goal of developing, and expanding exotic locations within the MLP universe. We got to see the Dragonlands, and Pony Vegas. We also got to see...wherever the heck the changelings live.

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Trixe: When you hear hoofsteps, think of zebras · 1:45pm Sep 3rd, 2021

Trixie decides she has stayed in bed long enough. She’s not meant to lay about “recovering” from her “injuries”. She’s meant to be out there, doing things! Taking in the sights! Watching a show! Running headlong into enemies she thought she’d defeated back in Hyneighria…

Oh. Crumbs. Those three are back.

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3 years · 8:43pm March 5th


I wasn't paying attention and only today realized that yesterday was the anniversary of Turmoil Rising's debut. Man... it's been a long time. And it will probably be some time longer now that I can only post a new chapter 1x or 2x a month, so it's expected, yet a bit disappointing that the discussions aren't as active as it was in the past. Even so, I'm happy that the dedicated few have stayed and kept tabs on my work. =)


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Wrote Another Commission Because Money is Food · 1:22am Aug 27th, 2018

If you're on the lookout for everyone's favourite zebra getting off, I've got you covered!

[Adult story embed hidden]

And, of course, friendly reminder that I am currently taking commissions. I'll make a proper blog/page on that soon, but in the meantime, feel free to get in touch if you'd like me to write you some slutty, smutty horse words!


Missing Ponies Bulletin · 12:33am May 10th, 2016

Last seen February 15, 2014
(And rumored sightings on November 7th 2015 and November 28th 2015)
Zebra Mare, resident of Everfree Forest, Potion Maker

Last seen March 31, 2012
(And rumored sighting October 10, 2015)
Earth Pony Mare, resident of Ponyville, Schoolhouse Teacher

Viewing 1 - 20 of 98 results